Day 1 of HCG



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I agree with you on tone, and skin. You will definitely have to tone up by working out after you are don't with the diet, this diet is not for gaining muscle mass or toning. If that is what you want then you will have to do it either after the diet is over or do something else.

    take care :smile:

    +99 this is what I was getting at, it wasn't an attack. That is why earlier I posted there is 1000 roads to get where you are going, you have to find the one for you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    I would like to know where you are getting this information? Because low calorie diets (regardless of taking a pill or drops) will cause the body to catalyze muscle for energy. I would like to ask what was your starting weight and body fat? Telling me your current weight/body fat won't allow me to analyze the true impact. Additionally, how was your body fat measured? Scale... skin fold, etc...?

    This is my personal experience, my body fat percentage is being measured by my family practitioner with an electronic devise. He did not sell me the HCG and did not support the decision but followed my progress to see if I am putting myself at risk. Because every time I took my blood test my nutrition levels were normal he allowed me to stay on it while he continued to watch over my progress.

    Anyway, again please allow people to share their own weight loss experiences in a safe environment.

    Well unfortunately, bioimpedance machines can be very inaccurate. I would highly suggest getting a skin fold test. I have had my body fat read with an electronic tool and if it's not set up right (or even if it is) it can read vastly different. When it's set up for athletic, I read at 8% body fat, 18% for normal. I am actually 12% body fat which is vastly different.

    Do you know your before measurements? Also, do you know the affects on reproductive systems this could have (if you plan to have kids)? And don't you think there is a reason why your doctor doesn't support this? Very few actually do.
  • Deanna, there is an HCG group on here. Here is some information for you. Hope to see you on the group!

    Some of us that do HCG are also scientists, that study metabolic processes for a living and are professional researchers. Although, when researching this diet I was a little disappointed to find that there are lacking a good volume of reputable scientific studies out there that look into the effects a VLCD can have on a person long term, there are a few. Perhaps you should stop googling HCG, and start googling VLCD's since you are so convinced that HCG is a placebo and all we are really doing is a modified VLCD. Here, I'll get you started:

    If you really are concerned, and you really are a "doctor" or a scientist, then it would be in your best interest to examine both sides of the issue. Any diet can be dangerous for SOME people, but sometimes the benefits outweigh the very small chance of risk. So, whether or not HCG is actually doing anything other than helping those on it to continue to monitor their weight loss, eat healthier organic whole foods regularly, and change the way they look at food for the rest of their life, for MOST people, those are all things which will improve and prolong their quality of life, and as you can read about in the above links, may even reverse type 2 diabetes! That is a miracle! What you don't seem to understand is that in the HCG diet, the VLCD phase is the shortest phase, from 21 to 40 days depending on the starting weight of the patient. This is not starving us, it is similar to a leptin reset diet, which has also been studied thoroughly and you can spend some time googling since you seem to have a lot of time on your hands. Since you are not our physician, please realize by pushing your unfounded anecdotal "theories" on us to attempt to scare us, is just making you look like a crazy psycho troll. No one here believes you, so I challenge you today to spend some time with your little google app and look at the evidence. Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I agree with you on tone, and skin. You will definitely have to tone up by working out after you are don't with the diet, this diet is not for gaining muscle mass or toning. If that is what you want then you will have to do it either after the diet is over or do something else.

    take care :smile:

    +99 this is what I was getting at, it wasn't an attack. That is why earlier I posted there is 1000 roads to get where you are going, you have to find the one for you.

    Hello I just send you a message I thought would be nice to also post:

    please know that in such blogs it is difficult to tell a person's tone, how ever it is important to read their words properly. Not to be a stickler, I did say shouldn't and not wouldn't which there is a difference, and the reason for that is in all my measurements over the 1 year and 3 months we measured percentages of both lean body mass and fat. Obviously the fat% was going down and lean body mass was going up. I would not be able to say for sure it will not, but shouldn't is a safer word following my experience.

    take care
  • Forgot to say, that most of that reply was meant for those uninformed folks that love to attack the HCG diet because they fear that which they have not thoroughly researched and like to jump to conclusions, but I do emplore anyone considering this diet to look at the links I posted.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member

    I would like to know where you are getting this information? Because low calorie diets (regardless of taking a pill or drops) will cause the body to catalyze muscle for energy. I would like to ask what was your starting weight and body fat? Telling me your current weight/body fat won't allow me to analyze the true impact. Additionally, how was your body fat measured? Scale... skin fold, etc...?

    This is my personal experience, my body fat percentage is being measured by my family practitioner with an electronic devise. He did not sell me the HCG and did not support the decision but followed my progress to see if I am putting myself at risk. Because every time I took my blood test my nutrition levels were normal he allowed me to stay on it while he continued to watch over my progress.

    Anyway, again please allow people to share their own weight loss experiences in a safe environment.

    Well unfortunately, bioimpedance machines can be very inaccurate. I would highly suggest getting a skin fold test. I have had my body fat read with an electronic tool and if it's not set up right (or even if it is) it can read vastly different. When it's set up for athletic, I read at 8% body fat, 18% for normal. I am actually 12% body fat which is vastly different.

    Do you know your before measurements? Also, do you know the affects on reproductive systems this could have (if you plan to have kids)? And don't you think there is a reason why your doctor doesn't support this? Very few actually do.

    I would think my Doctor would know how to use his own devise.
  • coachLisaF
    coachLisaF Posts: 46 Member
    This is a relly bad idea! You MUST eat to lose weight! You are putting your body into starvation mode,which is NOT good! You WILL lose weight but any diet that is not a LIFESTYLE change will never sustain your goals..please reconsider your method..there are no quick fixes or instant remedies to healthy living.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I agree with you on tone, and skin. You will definitely have to tone up by working out after you are don't with the diet, this diet is not for gaining muscle mass or toning. If that is what you want then you will have to do it either after the diet is over or do something else.

    take care :smile:

    +99 this is what I was getting at, it wasn't an attack. That is why earlier I posted there is 1000 roads to get where you are going, you have to find the one for you.

    Hello I just send you a message I thought would be nice to also post:

    please know that in such blogs it is difficult to tell a person's tone, how ever it is important to read their words properly. Not to be a stickler, I did say shouldn't and not wouldn't which there is a difference, and the reason for that is in all my measurements over the 1 year and 3 months we measured percentages of both lean body mass and fat. Obviously the fat% was going down and lean body mass was going up. I would not be able to say for sure it will not, but shouldn't is a safer word following my experience.

    take care

    The problem with % is.. If you lose 75% body fat as your burning/dieting and you lose 25% muscle as you are burning/dieting then yes your body fat goes % and your body mass % goes up. That doesn't mean you didn't lose body mass as well though. You just lost it slower then you lost body fat.

    The thing is though just like gaining back fat, you can gain back muscle. You just got to work at it.
  • A. This IS a lifestyle change
    B. This is NOT a starvation diet
    C. Yes, we take vitamins
    D. Yes we are consuming enough fat for vitamin absorbtion
    E. Yes we are losing a lot of weight in a right quick fashion
    F. No we are not losing muscle tone
    G. The VLCD phase is 21-40 days - NOT FOREVER!
    H. The point of the diet is to learn about your own body and your specific food sensitivities
    I. After the conclusion of the three weeks of VLCD, you will resume exercise and begin to tone
    J. Don't do this diet unless you are committed to changing for the rest of your life. This diet is not a "fad" it is a lifestyle change. Do your research before you buy any product. The structure of this diet requires a commitment, it is NOT easy!! But it does work when done safely and properly and with the thumbs up from your doctor.
    K. Listen to your doctor. The people on MFP are NOT your doctor! Keep that in mind :)
    L. Best of luck to you all! I hope that everyone will find a healty lifestyle that works for them. We are all individuals, with different metabolisms, and needs. This diet works for some, not others.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    F. No we are not losing muscle tone
    I. After the conclusion of the three weeks of VLCD, you will resume exercise and begin to tone

    So HCG stops Muscle Cannibalism? You'd think body builders would load up on it while cutting. Then also if you don't lose muscle tone why do you need to tone in point I? You are making a claim that HCG can do what no other diet can then.
  • A lot of body builders have used HCG successfully to get more cut. I do not think that is the proper use of this particular diet, but people will do what they do. I am a former gymnast, so I used to be in much better shape prior to having my four kids. And having number 4 in my late 30's did not do me good for my metabolism. Committing myself to HCG for 21 days has eliminated my pot belly, but hey, I'm not gonna lie, my *kitten* and my legs still look fabulous! :) I lost 4 inches from my waistline, hit my goal of losing 15 pounds, and now I have resumed my yoga and dance routines from before. Prior to this I had done CrossFit for two months while on a 1600 calorie diet. I lost 5 pounds in that time and I was in so much pain because CrossFit is AWESOME! But it kicked my out of shape butt so bad I couldn't walk for three days after every work out. I would love to go back to it in the spring, but for now I am just psyched that I'm back in my size 8's again!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Teagin2002, it will be interesting to see what happens when you stop doing rounds of HCG and eat in a normal, healthy calorie range for at least several months.

    Of course, you will continue to lose when you are starving on 500 calories a day, and tightly controlling your food selections, HCG or not. But my question is, are you brave enough to stop doing HCG for several months to see how much of your weight comes back, even if you do eat healthy?

    Because that's what happens to most people. It is called the yo yo diet effect, because starving your body slows down your metabolism, and once you start eating normally again, even if you are eating healthy, most, if not all, of the fat usually comes back. Your body does that to protect you from the next famine when there is too little food.

    That is why nearly all health experts caution people not to drop their daily calories below 1,200, and more if they exercise, when they want to lose weight.
  • I don't post much on this site, but have to here.

    500 calories diet is hardly starvation.

    Breakfast- orange or apple, coffee with milk (or in my case a breve EVERY morning)
    Lunch- standard portion of meat and a WHOLE bag of spinach steamed
    Dinner- standard portion of meat and a HUGE salad seasoned with mustard and ACV
    Snack- fruit blended with ice and vanilla extract
    and a couple breadsticks to munch on when I want...

    Hardly starving. Hardly unhealthy. Fruit. Check. Veggies. Check. Grains. Check. Meat. Check. Dairy. Check. Did I mention it's only 21 days?? And the more I think about it, it reminds me some of Joel Furman's Eat for Health lifestyle...

    And that's only for 3 weeks...then onto the part of the diet where I eat practically anything I want as long as it has no sugar or starch--sometimes 2000cal. a day and don't gain a pound!!

    I learned if I eat Wonder Bread, I gain, but homemade, I can have a few pieces and not gain. I used to be addicted to sweets, now I hardly have them. People make this into such a big deal...But this has been a miracle for me. I've tried so many other lifestyle plans...

    I eat healthier now than I ever did! The protocol teaches you; it helps you to learn what is good for *you* and what is not so good for *you*.

    All the people who say they "know someone who gained it all back"---Did these people follow the plan? Obviously not, because if they had, they wouldn't have gained the weight back; they would've dealt with the gains right away per protocol and not had the OMG I gained it all back plus some. If you follow the protocol that just does NOT happen.

    I've lost 30lbs. Kept it off for 6 months so far. Half way to goal and back to being "healthy". I can go up a flight of stairs without losing my breath. I eat breakfast every day. My joint pains are improving. Hardly unhealthy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I don't post much on this site, but have to here.

    500 calories diet is hardly starvation.

    Breakfast- orange or apple, coffee with milk (or in my case a breve EVERY morning)
    Lunch- standard portion of meat and a WHOLE bag of spinach steamed
    Dinner- standard portion of meat and a HUGE salad seasoned with mustard and ACV
    Snack- fruit blended with ice and vanilla extract
    and a couple breadsticks to munch on when I want...

    Hardly starving. Hardly unhealthy. Fruit. Check. Veggies. Check. Grains. Check. Meat. Check. Dairy. Check. Did I mention it's only 21 days?? And the more I think about it, it reminds me some of Joel Furman's Eat for Health lifestyle...

    o rly? you are deficient in both proteins and fats in your above listed diet
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    A lot of body builders have used HCG successfully to get more cut. I do not think that is the proper use of this particular diet, but people will do what they do. , Anabolicminds and extreme fitness which are the big 3 body building sites are all against HCG because you do not get what is needed to stop muscle cannibalization.

    Now a lot of them are believers in HGH though. Which opens up all other kinds of problems.

  • o rly? you are deficient in both proteins and fats in your above listed diet

    Ummm, did you miss the 21 days part? Am I going to die because for 21 days I am light on protein and fat?
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    o rly? you are deficient in both proteins and fats in your above listed diet

    Ummm, did you miss the 21 days part? Am I going to die because for 21 days I am light on protein and fat?

    Nope but you aren't being healthy either, which you were claiming. So now it's okay not to be healthy because it's only 21 days?
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    If anyone did not gain all their weight back after being on a starvation diet like HCG , you can be sure that it had nothing to do with HCG.

    Either their body had a high tolerance for starvation eating, or they took a food out of their diet that was making them hold onto fat, and did not reintroduce it once they finished with the scam HCG plan. (If you want to find out if a particular food or food group is making you fat, there are much safer elimination diet plans than HCG to work on that issue.)

    But nearly everyone gains back after being on a starvation calorie diet like that. That's just the way most people's bodies work. You take they calories down too low, and they go into starvation mode, where your body holds onto every cell of fat it can to protect you from future famines.

    Dr. Simeons was a proven quack doctor. None of the reliable independent studies have been able to confirm his "findings"
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Teagin2002, it will be interesting to see what happens when you stop doing rounds of HCG and eat in a normal, healthy calorie range for at least several months.

    Of course, you will continue to lose when you are starving on 500 calories a day, and tightly controlling your food selections, HCG or not. But my question is, are you brave enough to stop doing HCG for several months to see how much of your weight comes back, even if you do eat healthy?

    Because that's what happens to most people. It is called the yo yo diet effect, because starving your body slows down your metabolism, and once you start eating normally again, even if you are eating healthy, most, if not all, of the fat usually comes back. Your body does that to protect you from the next famine when there is too little food.

    That is why nearly all health experts caution people not to drop their daily calories below 1,200, and more if they exercise, when they want to lose weight.

    I am done for ever, and I have maintained my weight without any problems at all.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I'm loving this! i'm going to grab a small mix of popcorn and healthy nuts and pulses and sit back and watch this one unfold. Oh and I cna do that because I'm allowed to eat on my 'diet'.
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