Day 1 of HCG



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Cliff Notes from several of the articles about weight lifters and those caring about the muscle mass. This doesn't effect those wanting to just drop weight as much.

    Protein Content

    The diet is extremely devoid in protein content. Although you are getting your 100 grams of protein in at lunch and dinner, which is more than some other fad diets have you consuming, altogether this is still only going to provide roughly 50-60 grams of protein per day, which isn't enough to support lean muscle mass maintenance even on a regular diet plan.


    The third problem with this diet plan is that with so few nutrients coming in, exercise will be virtually impossible. In fact, the creator of the diet actually recommends against any exercise more than a light walk because it will simply be too difficult on the body while using this diet.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    If you read my posts before, I addressed why if the body didn't maintain the weight loss it didn't.

    I don't understand are you jealous or something, wanting me to gain weight.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    o rly? you are deficient in both proteins and fats in your above listed diet

    Ummm, did you miss the 21 days part? Am I going to die because for 21 days I am light on protein and fat?

    Also it says for up for 40 days, so what if you go 40 days then? Is the diet okay for 21 but not 40? This is a true question. I've seen different numbers thrown around by people on days of a cycle.
  • silkaclark
    RachelSNO, if you really cared about people's health, why are you trying to make so many people feel bad? I posted those links about VLCD's for you my dear. Take a moment of your time to read please. You see, the VLCD phase can actually save people's life! People that are at risk or already have Type 2 diabetes from eating poorly their whole life. It resets their metabolism.

    I wanted to point out, that those of us doing HCG and eating low carb should be the grumpy ones, right? I mean, in the past when I hadn't had enough carbs I was super grumpy. But I feel fantastic! I have oodles of energy. I'm in a great mood! And I am not starving at all. Of course, I did my time on the 21 days, and now I am back to eating 1800 calories a day to maintain for the past three weeks - haven't gained back any of the weight I lost! I am eating "normal" - last night I ate four pieces of Papa Murphy's De Lite Spinach Artichoke and Chicken Pizza for dinner. It was DIVINE by the way - yum yum! Oh, I was down .2 today from my last VLCD weigh in. Yay me!

    What I have learned about MY body from doing this diet:
    A. I Like vegetables! Who wudda thought?
    B. Potatoes are not my friend - bye bye french fries :(
    C. I can eat a giagantic steak and LOSE weight - woot!
    D. I really need to feed my family better foods - no more hamburger helper around here, I will be feeding them healthy home cooked meals from now on
    E. I now take a daily vitamin and probiotic daily - and I think I'll keep that one forever now
    F. I now drink at least 64 ounces of water a day - no more letting myself get dehydrated - I like this new habit - my skin and hair look great!
    G. Losing 15 pounds of belly fat has really relieved my lower back pain! Thank You HCG diet!!

    So, my only advice to you Ms. SNO is perhaps you are feeling a little grumpy today? I would suggest eating some carbs, but I have learned that a nice dose of protein along with a big juicy honey crisp apple should do the trick!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    If you read my posts before, I addressed why if the body didn't maintain the weight loss it didn't.

    I don't understand are you jealous or something, wanting me to gain weight.

    Isn't there an after the diet like 3 week period where you start to introduce more food and cals. To get metabolism back in whack some?
  • try2basunbeam

    Nope but you aren't being healthy either, which you were claiming. So now it's okay not to be healthy because it's only 21 days?

    So, I should go back to my old ways because then I am getting enough fat to make you guys happy.

    My sister in law with terminal cancer has lived 20 years longer than the doctors said she would by eating only vegetables and raw foods. No fats other than coconut oil (which I forgot to mention I use to cook my meats in--so I guess I am getting fats). Either way, I do not want to live my life worrying about the numbers. That's another point of the hcg protocol. The only time I need to keep track of numbers is for that 21 days. After that, it's all about you eating normal and paying attention to what affects your weight personally. On Monday, I may have a nice ribeye and then on Tuesday have some fish or just a salad...

    It's so trivial for people to pick and poke at something a person does for a couple weeks. People juice fast, people, eat bacon, egg, and cheese all day every day--and I suppose that's healthy becasue they aren't deficient in fat and protien? I mean, I am BARELY deficient for those 21 days. A portion of meat is *supposed* to 3.5 ounces so really I am just practicing portion control and eating TONS of veggies.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Teagin2002, if that is true that you have gone several months without regaining, it certainly has nothing at all do do with HCG or that quack Dr. Simeons and his starvation protocol.

    You would be doing people in this group a great favor if you stopped trying to be a HCG poster child, because the people you "inspire" to try this extreme scam diet might be the very ones that become ill from it and mess up their metabolism or general health for life.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    Most of us have been there, but in the end all the people who are truly successful realise that this there is no quick fix, use the tools at your disposal with MFP and log your food and excercise in a healthy way.


    HA! Love the pic.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I really cannot believe how negative and attacking people can be here on a message board designed to offer SUPPORT. I have been attacked also for eating "too few calories" I simply choose to avoid people that cannot offer CONSTRUCTIVE advice with KIND words. People here are so quick to "judge" and that is just not acceptable. If what you have to say can't offer HELP then perhaps it should not be said.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    My friend has lost about 23 lbs. in a month on HCG. She can certainly do it and has gotten results. I wouldn't be able to do that though... 500 calories is too low.

    I can lose 30 lbs in a month WITHOUT doing the HCG diet.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    Nope but you aren't being healthy either, which you were claiming. So now it's okay not to be healthy because it's only 21 days?

    So, I should go back to my old ways because then I am getting enough fat to make you guys happy.

    My sister in law with terminal cancer has lived 20 years longer than the doctors said she would by eating only vegetables and raw foods. No fats other than coconut oil (which I forgot to mention I use to cook my meats in--so I guess I am getting fats). Either way, I do not want to live my life worrying about the numbers. That's another point of the hcg protocol. The only time I need to keep track of numbers is for that 21 days. After that, it's all about you eating normal and paying attention to what affects your weight personally. On Monday, I may have a nice ribeye and then on Tuesday have some fish or just a salad...

    It's so trivial for people to pick and poke at something a person does for a couple weeks. People juice fast, people, eat bacon, egg, and cheese all day every day--and I suppose that's healthy becasue they aren't deficient in fat and protien? I mean, I am BARELY deficient for those 21 days. A portion of meat is *supposed* to 3.5 ounces so really I am just practicing portion control and eating TONS of veggies.

    Umm never did we say that people who eat tons of fat is a good thing either, do you not know balance? I just called you out on your claim. If you make a claim don't contradict it.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Cliff Notes from several of the articles...

    Protein Content

    The diet is extremely devoid in protein content. Although you are getting your 100 grams of protein in at lunch and dinner, which is more than some other fad diets have you consuming, altogether this is still only going to provide roughly 50-60 grams of protein per day, which isn't enough to support lean muscle mass maintenance even on a regular diet plan.


    The third problem with this diet plan is that with so few nutrients coming in, exercise will be virtually impossible. In fact, the creator of the diet actually recommends against any exercise more than a light walk because it will simply be too difficult on the body while using this diet.

    I know you are trying to quote stuff from above, but the food that is eaten is just to help the body get the nutrition it is missing by utilizing the fat reserves, so it is not the main source of nutrition the body is getting. The fat reserves are, and that is why it is important that the person has enough abnormal fat in it's reserves to do the diet or that person will start and suffer.
    As for not maintaining the weight loss there are a few reason I can list from my experience. Had to do a lot of steak days to get back on track and correct them. Cheating while on the drops is one. Sometimes people don't know they are cheating, for me for instance one round I used the stevia in the raw brand (not pure stevia) it took me 6 weeks to stabilize my weight and be able to move on, when it should have taken only 1. If they are not taking the proper dosage, as drop do not enter n to to bloodstream directly you will have to take twice as much as you would in the injection so 3 ml/day.
    Another is the small cheats, they effect people differently like the egg day or the cheese day, there are not to be don't at all while on the VLCD.
    If the person doesn't have enough abnormal fat and starved them selves on the VLCD it is not going to work and if there s someone on HCG and if they are feeling like they are starving please let me know I have been there in my last round and I can help you get through it and be able to maintain the weight loss.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    d2footballJRC, making new friends I see...
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    My friend has lost about 23 lbs. in a month on HCG. She can certainly do it and has gotten results. I wouldn't be able to do that though... 500 calories is too low.

    I can lose 30 lbs in a month WITHOUT doing the HCG diet.

    +1111111 I've lost over 80 pounds in 80 days, and I eat well over 2K calories a day. Just have to find what works for you. If people want to do the HCG diet and it works for them though, who are we to stop them.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    d2footballJRC, making new friends I see...

    I reworded it, I meant it for the weight lifters. I learned from talking to you to watch how things are worded.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    If you read my posts before, I addressed why if the body didn't maintain the weight loss it didn't.

    I don't understand are you jealous or something, wanting me to gain weight.

    Isn't there an after the diet like 3 week period where you start to introduce more food and cals. To get metabolism back in whack some?

    You will have to eat according to your BMI and activity level, and introduce foods in. I am beyond that point in in life fase, I can eat anything I want but don't. Also note after the three days of weening the HCG out of the system the metabolism is back. You don't need to do anything to get that back
  • silkaclark
    I also find it funny that the biggest nay sayers on this forum, also ask some of the most basic questions revealing that they have not researched the diet at all, they are just jumping on a bandwagon out of boredom. Here is a "cliffnotes" version of the diet plan:
    A. If you want to lose 15 pounds or less - you do the 21 day plan
    B. If you have more to lose, the max length of a VLCD round is 40 days
    C. After the VLCD round is complete and you have lost the weight you are going to lose for that round you record that weight and for the next three weeks your mission is to maintain that weight +/- 2 pounds. You are allowed to consume your MFP maintenance calories during this time (I am 5'6" and 145 pounds, so MFP put me at around 1800 calories) with one stipulation, you can not eat refined sugar or starch - so you get your carbs from fruits and veggies only, but there is no limit on fat and protein. I regularly exceed my protein and fats for the day, but keep my carbs at about 50-75, and I have maintained beautifully.
    D. After the three weeks of maintenance, you get slowly reintroduce carbs and find out how certain ones will affect you. This is eating for life, so you learn about whether or not a potato causes you to gain, but a piece of whole wheat toast is fine, etc.

    Again, this is a diet that teaches you about your own body. It is not for everyone. If it's not for YOU, that is understandable. It's like quitting smoking, it's a habit change and a lifestyle change, and if you are not ready to make that commitment, and just want to keep going with your giant bowl of popcorn and expect to be healthy, then maybe someday it will finally click in your brain that "Hey! Popcorn has zero nutritional value, it is a starch, and when I pour copious amounts of butter on it then add a bunch of nuts I am going to have a fat *kitten*!" but if I just eat the nuts, I'm fine. Weird!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    If you read my posts before, I addressed why if the body didn't maintain the weight loss it didn't.

    I don't understand are you jealous or something, wanting me to gain weight.

    Isn't there an after the diet like 3 week period where you start to introduce more food and cals. To get metabolism back in whack some?

    You will have to eat according to your BMI and activity level, and introduce foods in. I am beyond that point in in life fase, I can eat anything I want but don't.

    See that makes sense to me, as any diet you should taper yourself back in I'd like to think. That is one of the reasons I went the spike route, when I'm done I don't have to relearn how to eat.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    The thing you need to pay attention in the maintenance faze is not scueing the hypothalamus that has been corrected. Which is what the HCG diet' main goal.
  • try2basunbeam

    Nope but you aren't being healthy either, which you were claiming. So now it's okay not to be healthy because it's only 21 days?

    So, I should go back to my old ways because then I am getting enough fat to make you guys happy.

    My sister in law with terminal cancer has lived 20 years longer than the doctors said she would by eating only vegetables and raw foods. No fats other than coconut oil (which I forgot to mention I use to cook my meats in--so I guess I am getting fats). Either way, I do not want to live my life worrying about the numbers. That's another point of the hcg protocol. The only time I need to keep track of numbers is for that 21 days. After that, it's all about you eating normal and paying attention to what affects your weight personally. On Monday, I may have a nice ribeye and then on Tuesday have some fish or just a salad...

    It's so trivial for people to pick and poke at something a person does for a couple weeks. People juice fast, people, eat bacon, egg, and cheese all day every day--and I suppose that's healthy becasue they aren't deficient in fat and protien? I mean, I am BARELY deficient for those 21 days. A portion of meat is *supposed* to 3.5 ounces so really I am just practicing portion control and eating TONS of veggies.

    Umm never did we say that people who eat tons of fat is a good thing either, do you not know balance? I just called you out on your claim. If you make a claim don't contradict it.

    My point is that just because you or someone somewhere say it is unhealthy, it doesn't make it unhealthy. If my sister in law can fight a crazy cancer by eating that way EVERY day, how is it unhealthy? You believe because someone somewhere says it is unhealthy. I see and feel the "health" restored for me and my SIL every day.
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