

  • First of all, congratulations on your current weight loss! I know exactly how you feel. My diet has been pretty strict for the past 11 months and I have dramatically changed the way I eat. With that said I too have some cheat days. We have had some special events of late and have eaten out some more too. I had a hamburger…
  • I was thinking about that as I weighed this morning. I graduated HS 24 years ago and weighed 220#. I got as high as 345# before I began to change that last summer. I was in the neighborhood of 185-190# I think starting my Freshman year of HS. I weighed in this morning at 199#. I was very pleased with that. I never thought…
  • You don't know if you don't ask. Just to fill you in on some other lingo you might not be familiar with. Bump is used as a bookmark of sorts to mark a thread to follow and is like saying you like it. NSV=non-scale victories. Have you been successful in getting healthier in ways other than it showing on the scale. Welcome…
  • Good job! I'm sure you are feeling better and are happy with your results so far. Keep it up!
  • Bump. This looks tasty. Will have to try soon. Thanks for sharing.
  • Crock Pot Sour Cream and Onion Chicken Nutrition Info Calories: 336.0 Fat: 7.1g Carbohydrates: 7.8g Protein: 56.0g Ingredients: 4 chicken breast halves 1 12 oz can of low fat cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup fat free sour cream 1 1/2 cups water1 packet of onion soup mix Directions Place thawed chicken into crock pot or slow…
  • Bump. Something to add to the recipe box. Will try PB2 to lower the calories some.
  • That's a great story. Congratulations on your success. Smaller feet, no small feat. Keep it up!
  • I know it is depressing when you feel like you are doing the right thing and not seeing the results you expect. As others have said it can take time to see those results on the scale. Since you are early in to your weightloss program take the chance now to get your measurements. Not only your inches but also your blood…
  • Keep it up, you're on your way to new pants and a new belt!
  • Congratulations! I have been mostly plateaued for a couple of months now. As I am within 9 pounds of my goal it seems a struggle to drop it off. I can't complain about my successes as I started off weighing 337# the end of June and am now at 213#. I was walking 6 miles every day until it got cold and I couldn't drag myself…
  • I've done both charities and consignment stores. It seems like the tax right off may actually be more beneficial than the amount I've made from consignment.
  • I've had to replace my wardrobe a couple of times over the last eight months. Thank goodness for consignment stores. I also had to buy a new wedding ring as I lost mine a week ago. FYI listen to your spouse when they tell you to stop wearing it until you get it sized because you are going to lose it otherwise. It is…
  • My daughters did it Monday night. They thought it was the coolest thing. They wanted to leave it in the middle of the living room to see how long it would stay. However three dogs are a greater force than the equinox apparently, as it didn't last. :-)
  • I eat Fiber Now from Aldi. It is 60 calories per 1/2 cup but it is 15 grams of fiber. That is the highest I've found. Being insoluable fiber it passes through without being able to absorb hardly any of the calories. It also provides bulk so it helps to fill you. They have a couple of flavors. I usually mix the one that is…
  • I found Fiber Now cereal at Aldi's. It is 15 grams of fiber per serving. To me it is a guilt free snack as it is so high in fiber I know it just passes through. I use it to make a trail mix with dried fruits, dry roasted peanuts and pretzels. The cereal is the primary ingredient though. I also use it to top my yogurt if I…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an amazing accomplishment and story you shared. You had such significant obstacles to overcome and you did it. You are a true inspiration. I sure it hasn't been easy, but it was certainly worth the efforts no doubt. I wish you the best in your continued success and know that you will certainly…