chichi74 Member


  • Totally addicted...I have been since April 2015. I love it! I bought an extra charger for my office to make sure that it would never be out of charge. :-) Heaven forbids, I take steps and my Blaze is dead! lol I've lost 49lbs thanks to it and eating healthy. I will keep this addiction!
  • Chesapeake, Virginia...trying to stay up to welcome the new year! Happy 2012!
  • Paragard is the way to go if you want safe, reliable and non-hormonal birth control. I stopped my bcp a few months ago because it made me hungry, moody and my periods were all over the place. Although I've never had kids, my obgyn told me that Paragard would work for me. The procedure was painful, but quick. The drive home…
  • Sashimi is definitely the best choice, with a small cup of miso soup, which is not too bad. Also, if you would like to indulge in a roll, I would stick to anything that doesn't contain tempura, cream cheese, mayo based sauces, etc. Simple tuna or salmon rolls are safe...some sushi places are starting to offer brown rice…
  • We can definitely relate, RobinLoren...we both lost a ton of weight after we divorced and gained it all back, plus some, after we met...I love to cook for him and he likes to eat...bad combination! Happiness sometimes shows on the scale, I guess... I just need to cook healthier things....This is also a great fitness…
  • Exercise, eat less junk food, log everything and appreciate yourself will be surprised what you can achieve, if you believe in yourself...As far as your husband is concerned, you don't have to necessarily eat different things, just less of them...If you do that, he won't complain and you will save on grocery…