bienlunee Member


  • I'm with you...especially during the winter.. I am 38 and I have 75 lbs to lose. I've lost 60 before on weight watchers, but I stopped paying attention to what I ate and managed to gain it all back. I really feel like the accountability is what kept me on track each week, as well as the support. Guilt makes me want to hide…
  • Hello! I have 95-100 lbs to lose. I am 237ish right now. :) Send me a friend request if you like. :) The more support the better! Christine
  • Good luck! You can totally do it! I love this site; all the people I've "met" today are super supportive and it really is inspirational to see those who have lost quite a bit already! Take care and keep it up!!
  • I totally know what you mean about the pictures...I threatened my friend on fb that I would sit on her if she posted another picture of my fat behind...then I e-mailed her later to ask her to send it to me....I'm going to post in on the fridge and in my car. Sigh.... :noway: ...the things I do to motivate myself!! ;)
  • Good job on the 35! (@nubreeze 33) ...I'm still learning how to use this site... :)
  • We're on the same road, my friend! I am really trying to step up my game and get myself back together. We can be good motivation for each other! :)
  • First of all, you have super cute kids! Second, I LOVE Jamaica! You will have so much fun, especially if you work hard until then. I went to Belize last Christmas and I know that I would have had a better time if I were more fit. I did all right, but the hiking was harder hauling my butt up and down what seemed like…
  • I know what you mean about falling off the wagon. The first time I went back to WW, I totally felt like I had gone back to "food rehab". I am the Lindsay Lohan of fast food.... ;) But we did it once, we can do it again!!!
  • Well done! Good job! Your baby is such a cutie! :)