Hello! Fat girl needs friends. ;)



  • laydeedancer
    Hi! New here too!
    Feel free to add me as a friend...the more motivators the better!
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Hi there and Happy New Year! All of us have come to this sight looking for support, motivation, inspiration, and accountability in helping us to achieve our goals so count me in as one who will be there too! I just started the week of Christmas (great timing, lol!) and have found that I think about what I'm putting in my mouth knowing I'll be logging it into my food diary. I am hoping to get into my "thinner" clothes that are out in the garage for this summer, and I think with everyone as positive as they are here, I stand a better chance than I would on my own - you will too! Feel free to friend me and good luck on your journey!
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Welcome, I have been here 5 days! I feel the same way never want to go out hate the way clothes look on me. Husband wanted to go to a Christmas party from someone at work I found every excuse for us not to go. I won't let anyone take pictures of me. We can do this together. I am going to friend you. Lets chat and make this work. Happy New Year
  • cantyd
    cantyd Posts: 2
    Hello, I just started also. Hope we can keep each other motivated. This really is a great site. I cannot believe how the calories add up when you track them. I have heard how important it is to write down everything you eat, but I was never disiplined enough to do it. It really makes me think if I really need to eat something that I really don't need. I hope everybody has a healthy, happy 2011!
  • dlangenfeld
    I'll be your friend...we all need some motivation and friends help!! Good luck!!

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  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member
    Hey there! I sent you a friend request. I read your profile. We're close to the same age & both looking to ward off future health issues. Best of luck! I'm getting the pom-poms ready to cheer for you!

  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    Well done! Good job! Your baby is such a cutie! :)
  • PrincessNazareth
    PrincessNazareth Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there, welcome! I joined the forum this morning at around 1am! I'm here for you!:heart:
  • Martattu
    Welcome!! I completely can relate!! One school teacher to another ..... You can do this!! I have confidence in you!!
  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    I know what you mean about falling off the wagon. The first time I went back to WW, I totally felt like I had gone back to "food rehab". I am the Lindsay Lohan of fast food.... ;) But we did it once, we can do it again!!!