Mom looking for friends!

Hey There,

I am in new to this site and looking for friends. I am the mother of two and I am renewing my vows this September in Jamaica. I started the Insanity program (again) this morning and have totally changed my outlook on food. I am also eating clean! I use to be really fit in high school and college since I was a cheerleader and a dancer and want to get back to being physically fit and healthy~


  • Great to meet you. I am also renewing my vows this May. Must be the year for it. This site is great. A perfect motivator!. Good luck. Friend me if you like
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Welcome! Add me! :)
  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    First of all, you have super cute kids! Second, I LOVE Jamaica! You will have so much fun, especially if you work hard until then. I went to Belize last Christmas and I know that I would have had a better time if I were more fit. I did all right, but the hiking was harder hauling my butt up and down what seemed like mountains, and I had a harder time holding my breath snorkeling than ever made me quit smoking though...anyway, I am so excited for you for having Jamaica as your motivation. I met some really awesome people there and the water was gorgeous. :happy:
  • PrincessNazareth
    PrincessNazareth Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Mom looking for friends!, I'm new to this web site too. I happy you joined and are in it to loose!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Hello and welcome!! New to this site as well!! Would love to be friends and help each other....feel free to add me:) Best wishes to you!