100 lbs. + - where are you?

Krkoch82 Posts: 13
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I am looking for friends who have 100 lbs or more to lose. I would accept all friend requests :wink: , but am also looking for some people to relate to a little more closely.
Would love to hear from you :happy:


  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Me!!! I've lost 80, but I still have about 100 to go. Send me a friend request if you'd like. Read my profile first though. :)
  • skitchlu
    skitchlu Posts: 56 Member
    I have about 100 to 110 to go. Add me as a friend if you like!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I have about 90 to lose, but I'll probably end up going to 100 if I can! (:
  • bienlunee
    bienlunee Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I have 95-100 lbs to lose. I am 237ish right now. :) Send me a friend request if you like. :) The more support the better!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi i have 92lbs to lose but will probably adjust it. It's gonna be a long hall. Feel free to add me.
  • rdvlvtcpk
    rdvlvtcpk Posts: 3 Member
    I have more than 100lbs to lose, it feels so overwhelming when you think of it as numbers but I'm sure we all can do it!
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I've lost 90 so far and have 100+ to lose (not planning on getting "skinny" at the moment...just want to be HEALTHY...and if my body is more fit and healthy in a size 14 and I'm happy, then so be it!!!)....I welcome any friends! :)
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I have about 95lbs left to lose and it seems like such a long journey but not with a good support group. Add me if you like.
  • I have 100 to go :D add me if you like!!
  • iowamomof3
    iowamomof3 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 160 or so to lose but just getting 100 off would be awesome! Tired of hurting...need motivation and support

  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    well i want to get to 180 so i have 33 lbs but my ultimate goal is 160 which gives me 53 more lbs to go but i do know how you feel
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I have lost 52 but I still have 100 to go .
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    This is a great thread to post. You find more motivation and support when you have people talking about the same goal. But dont discourage the fit people bc they look like that for a reason. For example If I see a picture of someone with a flat stomach or really toned legs I request them right away bc I want to see the food journal and workout routines. :drinker:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    This is a great thread to post. You find more motivation and support when you have people talking about the same goal. But dont discourage the fit people bc they look like that for a reason. For example If I see a picture of someone with a flat stomach or really toned legs I request them right away bc I want to see the food journal and workout routines. :drinker:
  • jpp533
    jpp533 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I have 139lbs to loose. I work out 6 days a week and have lost 11 lbs so far. I need as much encouragement as possible. I'm ready for a life change and because I have so much to loose some days it's hard to see progress.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I started with a goal of losing 122lbs... and only have 54 left to go!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Hi...my first goal was 112 down. I've lost 20.8 since starting Feb.28. so I still have 91 left to go. Feel free to add me....I love seeing people's progress...without judgments :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I weigh 294.4 right now. This is my 5th week using MFP and 4.5weeks ago I weighed 313.5. I have another 120ish to go..and depending on how I look once I get to 170ish, I may need to lose a few more. Im 5'10" with a large frame. Feel free to add me, I'm on a phone so its really hard to add people. From here
  • I have 150 lbs to lose and welcome any and all of you. We can do it!
  • I have 93 pounds to go. I started at 240, but now I'm down to 233. I'm going for 140, but we'll see what happens when I get there. Good luck to you and everyone else! I'm always looking for more friends so we can motivate one another!
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