bigmike1974 Member


  • Daily, after peeing in the morning. BUT I ignore the weight, log it with Libra and look at the trend, nice steady drop. The moving average gets rid of the +/-2kg daily variation and I can see the underlying trend (about 71g a day of weight loss)
  • Log your results daily with something that calculates a moving average, you will always be losing weight then :) Scale junkie here as well but until I knew the difference between the noise and the signal non losing days used to send me into a tailspin :( Good luck!
  • Bingo, precisely what derailed me over and over again. Each to there own, not sure whilst weighing yourself daily should be a big deal but if we were all the same then it would be boring wouldn't it :) Personally it is just part of my daily routine, roll out of bed, go toilet, hop on scale, record result on smartphone then…
  • Seriously, you want to weigh yourself daily and look at the trend in your weight. It is only since I have been tracking the trend and not worrying about the daily values I have found this time (diet / lifestyle change whatever you want to call it) to be a breeze (mentally). Over the last 20 years I have tried pretty much…
  • Weigh yourself daily and watch the trend. Libra is a good tool for this as is the withings app or even excel. My weight in the last 7 days has varied between 94kg and 91kg (so 92.5kg +/-1.5kg or +/-3lb in the US) in the same week my trend weight has moved from 93kg to 92.5kg so 0.5kg lost or about a pound (which it has…
  • Very simple. 2 days a week keep your food intake at 500 calories for a woman, 600 for a man. Most people split "fast" days into 2 meals. Personally I prefer a single bigger meal in the evening. Eat "normally" on non fast days. Initially if you are at a stable weight and don't change what you eat on the non fast days (i.e.…
  • 1) Track weight + measurements frequently but ignore the noise, focus on the trend. ( ) 2) If calories used is more than calories consumed you WILL lose weight, after that it is just details that help YOU to comply with your chosen means of reaching your goals. 3) Set achievable short…
  • This will explain why you shouldn't worry about apparent plateaus: Brief summary: Daily food + water intake + output dwarfs actual weight loss the real trend often gets lost in the "noise" of your weight readings. Unless you are looking at the trend you will almost certainly get hung up…
  • Thanks Dan, much appreciated. For those who find this thread using the search function I found this web based utility, "TrendWeight", just now that will pull data from both the Aria and the Withings. It offers the moving average function (as per the "Hackers diet", ) I was looking for on…
  • Thanks for the update. In terms of the display of results does the Aria offer a moving average on the chart? I know what you mean about mfp forums but it isn't confined to mfp, it seems to be happening across many different forums. I guess it is the Facebook effect, i.e. large numbers of less tech savvy folk who haven't…
  • Where to start? Okay, first off how tall are you? 1200-1500 calories really doesn't sound like much. Gives us some figures and can give you some figures for resting energy expenditure. What sort of timescale do you want to achieve it in? 20lb in 6-10 weeks is 100% achievable with little rebound at the end (the rebound is…
  • Did you settle on one of them?
  • Doing a modified 5:2. 4 feast & 3 fast days Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As the feast days are quite generous it works out at a steady weight loss of 0.5kg a week. Been doing it since begining of March. Based in Devon. Trying to up the amount of exercise I do slowly as currently feel like a train wreck!
  • Get a decent fibre supplement and drink PLENTY of water. The nice thing with bumping up your fibre intake as well is that you can really nail any hunger pangs (although make sure if you do choose a fibre supplement not to get one rammed full of sugars and maltodextrin). Good luck! Mike
  • Been there and done that. Basic program for GOMAD is one month IIRC? Did it with Ripetoes (sp?) starting strength and the gains where amazing BUT I had not done the big lifts for a long time (10 years+) before starting strength. Bloating one week in is perfectly normal but reduces as time goes on. Total gains were 20lbs in…