GOMAD(Gallon of Milk a Day)



  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    I'm 5'10 165 and eating 3500-4000 cals a day on lift days and maint (2200) on off days. You just need to eat more. Milk is good but i can't imagine that amount of fat pitting on lean muscle. Add some more brown rice oatmeal and chicken to make up for the cals. Gallon of milk might make you gain but not all lean.
  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    OK I am 7 days into the GOMAD. I gained 7 pounds over the 7 days. Went from 187 to 194. Gained in the neck, chest, thighs but the worst area was the waist. Gained almost an inch in the waist went from 33 to 34. Getting body fat checked today to see what it increased. The problem is the waist is where I gained the most so the trade off is not worth it so far. I spent most of the dayoutside saturday and sunday sweating like a stuck pig so it is definately not water weight. Will keep you posted on the body fat later today but it appears I am back to the srawing board and gomad is out.
  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    Not that you're old, but something like GOMAD will work much better on a hormone filled 18 year old than you. It's tough for guys in their 30's to add muscle and something like you tried surely added some muscle...along with a few pounds of fat. You can't just add muscle no matter how you do it. Fat always comes along for the ride. You need a caloric surplus to build body mass and GOMAD did that. But it was probably too much.

    Maybe start out at 500-750 cals over your maintenance with plenty of protein and go from there. If it's too slow add more calories. Milk is an inexpensive way to add calories as long as it fits in the rest of your goals. Lift big and get plenty of rest. Hopefully you're already squatting and dead lifting.
  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    I am sure age had a lot to do with it. I like to try different things but I am probably a normal guy that just jumps out and tries it and knew what the results would be if I would have dome a little research. I think the GOMAD would work if I did cardio every day and added a testosterone booster in with it but I dont have the time to put into it so i will need something a little slower. Probably about the same or more protein and less carbs and fat. We will see. Going to try to find something new to try this week and next. I have tons of cardio the next 3 days to drop that fat that was added. :) YEAH!!!!!!
  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds like a plan. You may consider skipping the cardio (after you drop the fat from last week) if you're really trying to add weight. Why eat the extra calories just to burn them off again? Some might say it's unhealthy, but I know my heart gets a heck of a workout when I'm lifting heavy. At most, I'd add some sort of interval training 1-2 times/week on non-lifting days.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    So I have started this gallon of milk a day. I am drinking 2% organic milk. I am stuck at 187 and am trying to put on muscle. IT is supposed to add 2.5 pounds of muscle a week.

    LOL, impossible.
  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    I put on 7 pounds in 7 days from it but I havent gotten my bodyfat checked yet so I dont know how much of that was muscle. Definately gained some muscle because neck, chest, calves and waste got bigger. I will know more later when I go to the doc and get the body fat percentage measured.
  • Majbdrake
    Majbdrake Posts: 69
    Take it from someone who passed a SMALL stone (According to the damn doctor) I considered it LARGE enough. that I'll never do that again if I don't have to.

    Smart aleck women will comment that passing a stone isn't anything like deliverying a child and I'll agree. Its worse. Women get Epidurals or go with Ceasarians to deal with the pain. Guys get told to "Gut it out." My best description about pushing that bit of calcium out is that it is like pushing a glass shard out due to the small spurs on the stone.

    So, ease up on the calcium. Increase your water intake in the summer and pray you never have to pass a stone.

  • peripah
    peripah Posts: 120
    My doctor told me at my last check-up that too much calcium (over the recommended 100%) over a long period of time is harmful to one's heart.
  • NorCalRey
    NorCalRey Posts: 9 Member
    A gallon of milk a day sounds like an extremely bad idea. Although you definitely need a good amount of protein to build muscle, even 2% milk has way too much sugar and fat if you are trying for a clean bulk. There are way (or Whey) better options out there. Otherwise your belly is going to out gain your muscle growth.
  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    Yeah looking back it does seem like a bad idea. It didnt kill me though. Now I have a bet in my office that I will lose that 7 plus another 7 in 7 days without starving myself. Going to do cardio like crazy! Starting tonight with 8 X 400 meter sprints. If I win the girls in my office have to bring my coffee to me in the morning and afternoon. If I lose I have to bring them their coffee in the morning and afternoon. Should be fun. Will keep ya posted.
  • tiaydew
    tiaydew Posts: 89 Member
    I like mine with cream & sugar! :)
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    Yeah looking back it does seem like a bad idea. It didnt kill me though. Now I have a bet in my office that I will lose that 7 plus another 7 in 7 days without starving myself. Going to do cardio like crazy! Starting tonight with 8 X 400 meter sprints. If I win the girls in my office have to bring my coffee to me in the morning and afternoon. If I lose I have to bring them their coffee in the morning and afternoon. Should be fun. Will keep ya posted.

    Ha! seriously, this guy is great. What you did is extreme, but hey, you gave it a shot, let people tell you it was wrong, reported back, and made your own decision. And please do keep us posted. I'm especially interested (since you're willing to be the guinea pig) on other things you're going to try because I'm also in the 'muscle building' scenario but scared to death of the scale going up even though I know it needs to happen.
  • bigmike1974
    bigmike1974 Posts: 51 Member
    Been there and done that. Basic program for GOMAD is one month IIRC? Did it with Ripetoes (sp?) starting strength and the gains where amazing BUT I had not done the big lifts for a long time (10 years+) before starting strength. Bloating one week in is perfectly normal but reduces as time goes on. Total gains were 20lbs in 5 weeks which about 40-50% where fat, still carrying the extra muscle now. The additional flab I am carrying is my own more recent fault (lack of discipline!), it wasn't too hard to strip off the fat gains.

    One mistake I did make was not realising that the US gallon is a fair bit smaller than the UK gallon (3.8 l vs 4.5 l)

    Seriously mate, don't think you tried it for long enough and if you were working hard enough you would have seen the gains (which seem harder and harder to get as you get older!) If you want to get bigger you need to pick a program for mass gaining and stick with it for a few months and then deal with the fat "issues" when you have finished gaining.

    Good luck with the cardio :)

  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    You could be right mike that I didnt try it long enough. Since I gain 7 pounds in 7 days and added muscle and fat I am seeing how long it takes to take off the fat and keep the lean muscle or if I lose it too. I had my body fat checked and I gain a half of percent of body fat. So if I can get that off in 7 days but keep the added measurements to my neck, chest, arms and thighs then I will try the milk again for a month this time. Will keep you posted. I like being a lab rat!
  • reavesln
    reavesln Posts: 9
    Final post. Finally dropped the 7 pounds I put on with the GOMAD. The bad part is I dropped all the gains I had made too. Lost size in the neck, chest, arms, and thighs. It was very easy to put the 7 pounds on in 7 days but i had to work my tale off for 5 days to get the 7 pounds off. I wasnt doing any cardio before and did it everyday for the 5 days doing tons of sprints 4X400 plus eliptical and treadmill. I have decided it is definately not worth it. I gain alomst 1.4 percent body fat too. Wont know til monday if I got all that off. I would not recommend it. On to the next experiments. :)