

  • This boosted my self esteem today :happy: In order for me to be at 18% body fat I need to lose 13 pounds, which is what I have mine set at. Also, I can't lose 2 pounds a week without starving myself :laugh: Anyway, cool site, thanks.
  • I have a huge issue with this, maybe a bog coming soon :laugh: Yeah, new clothes help alot. I also still saw myself as fat when I was 120 pounds!!!! I'm not too crazy, I don't have enough self control to have an eatting disorder or anything :laugh: Some things I've tried are: 1. Looking in the mirror each day and find…
  • Preach it sista' :laugh: I'm the same. I caught a glace at myself changing at the gym... :sad: My sports bra was "pushing" a roll down my back and I feel like I look prego :grumble: :laugh: :wink:
  • I think so. When my husband was deployed I used to walk to the store and spend about the same. It was just me though, (we don't have kids) Yey for staying away from most processed foods:happy: When he came back we more than doubled that amount and I wasn't exercising as much... thus the weight gain :laugh: Sounds like you…
  • I took a peek at your food. 260 sodium for cottage cheese is pretty good. Looks like the lunch meat and soups may be getting you. On day's I have lunch meat I almost always go over! I also cut out caned soups, stuff like lean cuisines... etc. I love lunch wraps, and when I eat them they are LOADED with sodium! If you have…
  • Cayenne pepper and ginger are very good for your body. Used to make this "detox" drink after a night of drinking too much alcohol (cayenne pepper, ginger root, olive oil, and lemon, mixed with water) Sounds very nasty, but it really did make me feel better :laugh: Ok so let us in on this PB ball recipe :love: I'd really…
  • This was soooo me at the gym 2 months ago!!! My face gets really really red when I workout doing anything! I don't even run! I found the main reason I thought I was being judged or watched at the gym was because I do this to others :laugh: I think wow, that person is really really in shape, I wish I could look like her,…
  • I use Toufayan wraps, 15 carbs, 11 protien, 8 fiber :-) Kinda high in sodium though.
  • I'm 5'4" and started out at 147, my goal is 120. I just upped my calories from 1200 to 1400 yesterday. I can check back with you in a few weeks and let you know if its working out :wink: I really think the 1200 was too low for me. Today is my first day eatting 1400 you are welcome to look at my food diary if you want. OOO…
  • I'm a fellow flat footer... :laugh: :tongue: I bought some Asics last year that I loved :love: I'm running a little low on cash right now and those shoes are shot! So I put Dr Sholes inserts in my less supportive shoes. They are the ones with arch support. It's working so far for me. I also find doing calve raises helps…
  • Second the salt... it's awful!!! And you do retain water during weight training. I'm always struggling with water weight!
  • Trying to lose 20 lbs is hard, it can come off slow for some people! I'm one of those people!!!!! I've been at it for 2 months and lost about 5 pounds. I am much heathier though, I feel good (most days) I'm stronger :happy: Stay with it. Research this web site. Make sure you are eatting enough (you will see that over and…
  • We have VOD with Comcast. My fav when I first started out was Meaghan Townsend. I have Power Yoga by The Firm on DVD, which I do alot. I personally don't care for any yoga made by Gaiam, it was just a little weird to me. Maybe they've come out with ones I may enjoy now... I tried one of their workouts 4 years ago and just…
  • For me exercise is important :happy: If you are having headaches so bad it interfears with your day, I'd see a Dr. As for the motivation thing... Heck yeah there are days I really just don't want to workout!!!!!!! I almost throw a fit my first 5 mins of working out :laugh: Then I think of how geat I'm going to look when I…
  • I do yoga 2-3 times a week at home. I have awful back pain between my shoulder blades, it helps alot! One neck stretch I really enjoy is sit on the floor, clasp your hands behind you bend elbows and put the back of your hand on your hip. Try to squeese your elbows together as much as you can then lean head to the side your…
  • I took this test also! I was trying to remember who on here told me about it:laugh: This really did help me out as well!
  • :flowerforyou: You may want to see a doctor. My mom was tired all the time and ended up with some health issues. Being tired was part of the symptoms with many other symptoms, I don't want to sound scary :laugh: I sometimes get alittle tired after I eat certian foods. Large amounts of carbs and sugar make me want to sit on…
  • Yeah, I agree, I just peeked at your food diary.
  • Lunch meat kills me!!! Sometimes it's just the fastest thing I can grab druing the day :tongue: I'm not a salt junkie either! I only add garlic salt to meats. Most of mine comes from lunch meats, processed foods...etc. I always get high sodium when I eat a wrap for lunch :wink: Oh and the high sodium yesterday was from…
  • I eat ALOT of protien!!!! I also workout alot also. Anyway, normally I'm set at 50% protien, 30% fat, and 20% carbs.
  • That's all I drink during the day :drinker: I do drink more on days I workout as well. I really don't count how much I drink. I just keep a glass of ice water on the kitchen counter and when I'm home I drink it almost everytime I walk by it. As for the "water not reaching the skin" thing, I don't know if I can agree with…
  • I get like this too!!!! We only have one car and if my husband changes my gym time by even 20 mins... I get CRAZY!!!!!!!!! I'm thinking it's a personality thing... I can be very obsessive!!! Yeah, you do need to rest your shoulder. You will thank yourself when you do get back to working it out. My only advice is to stay…
  • Thanks for the input everyone. I don't think the one or two cups aday will hinder me. And I don't drink any other caffeine during the day. In fact the only thing I drink is water!!! Sure I may have a very small amount of diet soda for a mixed drink a few times a week, but that's it.... other than that it's water water…
  • I've come to learn I need to change it once a week. I add a new exercise or try out new equipment. This weeks big change is to do weight lifting before cardio. Today was my first day trying it out, boy oh boy, I really couldn't feel a diff in cardio before but today I was working hard! I also cut cardio from 40 mins to 20…
  • :laugh: July24, thanks for the lesson :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My b-day is july 24, go leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:
  • OK here's another site, I'm just a short kinda answer gal though, but this site did have more info...
  • I eat a small amount of nuts during the week. I like almonds :heart: OK so here's what I do since I don't own a scale.... I buy a bag of almonds then I buy a box of "snack size" zip lock bags. Normally a serving size is one ounce. I lay out papertowels and divide the bag into 16 piles. (the bags I buy are 16 ounces/1…
  • Just looked up shirataki noodles, hummm, may have to try this out. I really don't eat alot of soy, if any :laugh: Well, not that I know of. I think I will try it out with my homemade tomato sauce :happy:
  • I'm a little ify on the dreamsfield. I count all carbs. I really don't believe in counting net carbs or whatever term it uses. I will have to try the squash though.
  • I may want to join. People tell me all the time I don't need to lose. I think because I'm only looking at a 13 pound goal :laugh: I've already kinda been in the first phase though. I gained a few pounds when I first started, now they are coming off slowly. Any support is always great. I'm really looking to gain muscle mass…