glutenliz Member


  • Without a doubt it is depression. Chewing just seems like too much work. I am just afraid that if I start eating now after 3 weeks of not eating enough, my body will hold on to those calories and blow up like a blimp!
  • My grandma is a herbalist and she sells it at her store. I had a super traumatic event and it calmed me down. I used it later for a test I was freakin about and I felt no difference. So, Im not sure but I'd lean towards what veganbaum said, it works for big events!
  • i only have 1 semester left but for now I'm in college, and 225 pounds so definitely have over 50 ponds to lose. I'd love to try and help!
  • Thanks so much joej lots of great tips. I really appreciate it! As for the lady wanting to give up bc of the plateau, dont! From my limited knowledge plateaus are very normal. I was told a while back that your body can get "used" to a certain routine. You may want to try to vary it up.
  • thanks to everyone for all the great tips! Especially about the oats, I so miss them! joej....- OP- Your daily intake is all over the place from looking at your diary. The foods are fine, but the intake isn't consistent and neither are your macros. Do you know what your TDEE (total daily energy expedenture) is in a 24 hour…
  • thanks for ur help! The hard thing for me is that I have to eat gluten free for my ataxia. So, unfortunately, all the oats I know are off limits so I eat the grits mainly just for the calories. Its a shame because I adore oatmeal and also yogurt with shredded wheat (both staples when I lost before) and I cant eat either…
  • I just made my food diary public. Im in a wheelchair so most exercise isnt an option for me but I do 10-13 minutes on the elliptical and ~20 minutes on the bike every other day. I dont know what your refering to as to how long I'm doing this... mfp- 1 week prior several months and before that 2 years. Was loosing a ton of…
  • I wish I could help, I only smoke 3 cigs a day now but am so paranoid of the weight I'll gain if I stop. I have other bad habits too so this may be a pretty minor fear for me, but it still registers as I can't seem to give it up altogether!!! I wish you the best of luck and ill be interested to hear what others say. Ok Im…