jaimeecc Member


  • I've never heard of the carpet theory, I always have my scales in the bathroom. I'm told the best time to weight is first thing in the morning, after you've been to the toilet and before you eat breakfast. My mother works in a hospital clinic for obese patients, and this is the advice they give. Also, always weigh yourself…
  • Based on your 80 calories more per hour and someone else saying it's 4 calories a minute for 15lb, I've calculated it's approximately 5.3 calories a minute to carry a 40lb toddler or weight while walking 2.0 mph. I've added this to the exercise thing under 'walking' because I did the exact same thing this afternoon with my…
  • They sound really good! I'll have to try them out...
  • Since your bubs is now over 6 weeks old (congrats, by the way!) you're allowed to start doing light exercise. Going for a half hour walk every day is a simple way to start. Wait until nap time, strap baby in the stroller, and just walk a couple blocks. Fresh air will do you both some good, just make sure bubs is wrapped up…
  • Sun Rice - Thin Rice cakes are only 23 calories a slice. i find them really good