Filling food choices?

kopmom Posts: 491 Member
I am curious what others eat when they are looking for something filling? Especially when you are coming towards the end of your calorie cap (I am trying to stay at 1,200cal per day)?


  • superwoman2011
    FIBER!!! naturally filling!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Fiber, fiber and more fiber---beans, fiber one bars.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    bump I'd like to know too!
  • jaimeecc
    jaimeecc Posts: 5 Member
    Sun Rice - Thin Rice cakes are only 23 calories a slice. i find them really good
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    Sometimes I go for Luna Bar and a big cup of water.

    Other times I just make sure I do some exercise when I get home from work. That way I give myself more wiggle room.
  • gettinghealthy777
    Popcorn! . Put 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in the pan, heat it up and then add the popcorn. it is filling and full of fiber and satisfies that crunch urge
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    protein - every time - some low fat cottage cheese, yoghurt, small portion of meat, egg, or even just the egg whites....
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Zucchini! :D I just make a stir fry of zucchini, onions, and mushrooms.
    It's a massive pan of food for less than 50 calories, I love it(: and you can add whatever seasonings you want!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Popcorn! . Put 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in the pan, heat it up and then add the popcorn. it is filling and full of fiber and satisfies that crunch urge
    Or you can put it in a paper bag in the microwave and save calories on oil ;D
    plus you don't have to wash a pan. :P
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    I like 100 calorie kettle corn. I use it in my lunch instead of chips but it is good anytime. I also satisfies any "munchy" craving because of the hand to mouth repetition (used to smoke too)
  • kluver42
    kluver42 Posts: 24
    like the others said, just find some high fiber foods! You can pretty much throw some Chia seeds into whatever your eating/drinking and that will help you stay full