

  • You are probably not sweating enough because of lack of hydration as well.....sweat is a good thing! I try to drink 24 oz of water before a long run or hard workout (not directly before but within an hour of starting) I also sip here and there during tough workouts, and then rehydrate with at least 24 oz of water after. I…
  • People often forget one of the main negatives of chewing gum - regular gum has sugar and 'sugarless' gum has aspartame. Both are bad for your teeth and both are a form of diet sabatoge. Aspartame is flat out bad for you!
  • Crimes and Misdemeanors!
  • I will definitely keep logging here and trying to keep up on facebook. This site/app has really helped me keep things in check. I am much happier with my food choices and end up timing meals and snacks in order to fuel workouts. I am officially addicted to exercise and clean eating! (Yay! :happy: ) And you ladies…
  • Nice job everyone on upping their weights!! I'm with Tracy - 10 lb weights for biceps and shoulders, 5 lbs for the front shoulder. I dont have any in-between weights right now, just 5's, 10's and 15's (my hubby uses those, I'm not there yet!!) 8 pounders are definitely needed and I'm thinking 12's as well. I remember…
  • Oh I cant wait for spring!! (said as I watch the snowflakes fall in Buffalo) I am itching to get in my garden. I think drinking a little coffee or maybe black tea before workouts may become habit, I dont want to be addicted anymore but that felt too good to pass up yesterday! nutsy33 (what are your first names by the way?)…
  • Whoops forgot the coffee part!!! I recently started cutting way down on coffee lately and decided to have a cup before my workout today. It was amazing how great I felt! Do any of you drink coffee before your workouts?
  • Welcome Melanie!
  • I cant believe it has been 28 days!! Cant wait to start again!
  • Glad you are feeling better! You certainly don't sound like you lost any conviction! Looking foward to continuing with everyone
  • Hope you are feeling better! I am doing well, just sore from yesterday's lower body workouts and not really looking forward to today's!! I know I will thank Chris when its all done but wow they are ROUGH! I have not measured myself or weighed myself since the first day of the challenge and I am excited to do just that on…
  • I decided to do the core workout first, wait a little while then do total body. Whew! I am glad I went with core first, I dont think I wouldve made it through! Looking forward to yoga today
  • I can't believe its already week 3! I am dreading the first part of next week. Lower body overload! This week will be fun, lots of cardio and core. Burning it up!!
  • Sorry to hear you are so sick. We will be here for you whenever you're ready to start again!
  • Felt very strong today during the recovery workout. I know I will be drinking some wine later tonight so I got an extra 20 mins in on the Elliptical too. :happy:
  • Good job ladies! I did the recover upper first, went to pick up my daughter from dance, then did cardio kick. I think I will up the weights for the next recover upper...when it was over i thought 'wow is that it?' :wink: getting stronger!!
  • My arms actually feel LESS sore today than they did before the workouts yesterday! I love the upper body workouts but definitely looking forward to kickboxing today. I also use a couple sets of weights...3, 5, and 10 (dont have 8s yet either!). I follow Chris's advice and start heavy then move to the lighter ones when I…
  • Upper body feeling very sore but great today! I was going to go for a run but decided to just do a little yoga as well to get ready for tomorrow. Week 1 done! Go us!
  • Good luck you can do it! I slipped a disc in my back about 8 months ago then again 2 months later because I pushed myself too hard. Ease your way in and listen to your body, you will become stronger and hopefully avoid any injuries in the future!!
  • I agree, it has become my favorite as well. I have done yoga in the past so its a little easier for me but we all have to start somewhere! Chris's version is very relaxing and it stretches EVERYTHING. Great feeling when you can get through the whole video using pranayama breathing!
  • I think the most important part of the yoga video is the stretching. As long as you stretch your muscles after using weights as much as we will be every week, it really doent matter what method you use. Enjoying it is much more important! I am so proud of us ladies! Looking forward to kickboxing tomorrow!
  • Yeah i know I should be using a HRM...I do have one but its not the greatest quality. Ill start using it though. Thanks Ladies! Keep up the good work, you are very motivating!
    in Day 2 Comment by mamakate3 February 2012
  • Yep day 3 is lower body and bonus abs. Done and done! I hate lower body!!! But it feels great to be getting better at it!
  • Coffee is definitely a big one for me. AANND my red wine. I have a glass at least a couple times a week. Oh and chocolate :wink:
  • Hey ladies, wanted to ask how you logged yesterdays workout? I have always logged Chris's cardio kick video as Kickboxing (including Turbo Jam), which says I burned 462 calories in 40 minutes...seems kind of high and the people on facebook were saying they burned closer to 300 calories.....what are your thoughts?
    in Day 2 Comment by mamakate3 February 2012
  • I just love the kickboxing!! And getting it done first thing in the morning was great. Its a nice break before lower body tomorrow...I have been doing Chris's workouts for a couple months (although this is the first time I will go through the whole challenge) using exercise tv on demand and OH MAN i am NOT looking forward…
    in Day 2 Comment by mamakate3 January 2012