5'4" 115-120 Really, I'm going till I look I want to, the weight goal is just a ballpark figure so I have something to aim toward
I'm 5'4", sometimes I wish I was shorter because even at this height I find myself in situations where I feel taller than everyone else.. Pros Imo, this height is just right, not too tall not too short I don't like standing out, so I can blend in easily :B Cons Regular length jeans are usually too long and drag on the…
x Mayo x The smell of cheese, so damn disgusting..yet, I LOVE the taste of most cheeses. Just the smell :x
Recently I got into LMFAO, so anything by them gets me going!
SW: 80.6 kg CW: 78.3 kg GW: Somewhere between 50-55 kg!
Me! I started it yesterday though, so I'm a little late( ;^_^)/
I lost about 30lbs a few years ago...I don't recall them shrinking too much. This time I hope they do, I hate have D's :|
I think my facial features are unbalanced for sure, I have small eyes and a bigger nose and lips. Despite this, I do think I'm parent's friends and my family are always telling me how I'm a pretty girl and stuff xD I also get attention from men..mostly older men but hey. It's kinda wrong but that makes me…
I bought myself a mini set of kitchen scales and weigh everything I eat unless it's prepackaged Bones! I like to see if I can see my collar bones or when I lie down I like to feel my hips/ ribs :x
a trip to Japan( This will take a LOT of saving...probably long after I've lost the weight lol) A haircut This one maybe sounds a little odd but I'd like to adopt a certain style to which I dress, etc.
The reason I don't own a scale is because I know it wouldn't be good for *me*. I was borderlining an eating disorder a few years ago and one of my bad habits was weighing myself pretty much everytime I was in or near the bathroom. My parents ended up taking the scales away. So, I feel it's best for me not to own one and…
Thank you everyone for your replies! :) I had no idea during the beginning of a diet you lose more weight! :o I'll try not to become dishearted if/ when it begins to slow^^ Also, thank you for all your positive comments. I wish you all the best luck in your journeys too! :)
I do, if it's only a little something I guestimate the calories :P The only thing I get a bit lazy recording and sometimes don't bother with is diet drinks. For example, a 2l bottle of lemonade I got contains 4cals...I don't really see the point of counting those! xD
Health food shops like Holland and Barrett, Supermarkets. I actually found a section in the 99p store selling nuts and dried fruit! :)
ABC plus^^
Ahh, Okey dokey! I outta find something healthy to snack on the fill the gap^^ Thank you!
Oh OK, thank you for your response!