

  • If your BMR ( it is what your body would consume if you would stay in your bed all day right?) is 2000 calories, so you should not eat less than 2000 calories. After a diet, even if the diet is not too hard, the body is slowing down. You cannot avoid that: basically it is your body that knows how to anticipate the calories…
  • Thank you for all your answers! It is just that i read some articles, about the human appetite régulation. I mean I feel so dependent of my diary right now, that I wonder "And if one day I cannot do it anymore, what will happen? I will be fat again?" I guess I need to take things more easy, and try to choose my quantities…
  • I had a 2 months plateau recently. Broke it by starting musculation ( I don't spend a lot of time in it but I am serious for a woman, trying to use heavy weights for exemple), and changing my elliptical bike cardio training session type to "cross training". Now when i'm doing my sport I can tell I shock my body: If I do…
  • Yes but if the person is on diet, if he has a big dinner, we can assume that he will have a little breakfast and/or lunch. So the body will use the fat during daytime. The most important is the total calories count, over a day, and some people will say, over the week. It is probably more efficient to eat more at breakfast…
  • I guess that if you are performing a lot of sport, it is normal. But a lot of sporting women do not have their period anymore, for example. Not sure if it is directly related to body fat, but women do not have the same body than men. You can check the wikipedia page about body fat
  • 14-16% body fat is unhealthy for women. Normal range is between 20 and 28%.
  • Food get stored only if you eat more that you need. If somebody eat a lot before going to bed, and nothing for breakfast, is will just be consumed in the morning. BUT of course if you want to be more efficient and motivated at you job or school, it is better to eat enough in the morning and not so useful to eat a lot…
  • Because even if i eat more sugar and salt, my calorie intake is lower. Before starting my diary I was never eating processed sugar, was cooking everything with healthy things. I mean by healthy, good quality fat like olive oil, artisan bread.... But I was eating too much. Now i sometimes go to fast food ( where I usually…
  • Usually, if you try local seasonal fruits and veggies, there are cheap, healthy, and great for the earth too.
  • For my diary i was in vacation, doing camping, that's why I have some holes. I'm usually very strict with noting everything ( my boyfriend and family make fun of me because of that). During this camping, I lost 2 pounds. Actually my plateau is : between one month and one month and a half, without loosing anything, 2 weeks…
  • You should eat at least your BMR. I do not know if you are in starvation mode, but do not kill your health just to loose more !
  • Exercice is not an obligation to loose weigth. It just makes things much more easier.
  • 3.5 lb lost in 2 weeks for the moment... But I'm loosing slower and slower, so I will probably just be at -5lb at the end of the month :)
  • If you are very hungry, it is probably because your body needs more? You can feed it ( not too much of course) more for one day.
  • You don't eat enough for your body, it is slowing down and "protect" itself from your too hard diet. Eat more and do more exercice.
  • The BMR is the minimum you need to eat every day to respect your body's needs. It is very important to respect it. It corresponds to what your body will burn if you stay in your bed all time. In real, your body will consume much more than that. For example, 3000 calories per day. If MFP recommends 1800, you need to eat at…
  • Yes, but you can still cheat with receipe :D
  • I was feeling very hungry last thursday. So the evening I went to Sonic and ordered a kid meal.... I stayed under my calories goal. On Friday everything was normal, I guess someday we need to eat more, or more unhealthy. It can be a temporary body need, nothing dangerous I think.
  • I'm in! But do we fail if we loose more?
  • You are gorgious on both photos, btw congratulations !
  • With grilled fish and little portion ( children size) of chips, why not? You can propably even add a portion of ketchup and be under the 500 cal.
  • I'm doing exactly the same things with my boyfriend. Not exactly lunch, but "dangerous" food: -pizza -cheesecake ... Now I can loose even when I am going to restaurant.
  • Amazing! I should have take some photos of me before...
  • I'm 30, a woman and my main goal to loose weigth is health. I am afraid of dying young, like my father or other people in my family. I started to loose weigth before starting MFP. Now I became more attractive, but I just don't know how to manage it.... I was not thinking of that actually. edit: and sorry, i don't have…
  • Net is 1430, under my BMR. Thanks to exercices, I usually eat 1800-1900. And if I cannot exercice, I do not respect the Net goal.
  • Thank you :)
  • Doing same thing that you, but I do not snack after dinner ( 5 meals so). I can easily feel weak since I start to reduce my calories. Even if I can eat more than 1900 cal per day!
  • Hi, I'm not vegan but I like to do severals vegan days in my week. I was wondering: what is the best natural protein vegan source? I like tofu but not too much. And some meals like bokka are full of salt... Thanks