AiJahya Member


  • I would love to have some friends! I love lifting and have done Jamie Eason's program twice. Life has gotten crazy for the last couple of months so I am just getting back to lifting.
  • Do you think it's better to use it during your workout in your water or to take caplets?? I take caplets instead of mixing powder (just to get it over with) but I'm thinking next time I'll buy a flavored powder... I'm not sure that it matters for effectiveness, but didn't know if anyone else had tried the caplets to…
  • If it were me...I'd stick with eating healthy because fruits, veggies, lean protein and complex carbs are better for us at any weight than "junk" (pizza, cookies, candy, etc). That's not to say you couldn't have SOME junk now and then, but if you eat healthy most of the time and stick with it for at least 2-4 weeks, you'll…
  • Well, this week was not so good. TOM didn't help but neither did missing all but one of my workouts. Hubby and I both came down with something and I've been having terrible dizzy spells/head swimming/vertigo, so I don't think I'm going to be able to do much until this passes! Ugh! I was starting to see a difference in how…
  • I might do Phase 2 cardio tonight. One more week before Phase 2!! I'm getting excited. Today I am super sore in my upper arms and back from doing workout 4 with heavier weights. Oof! Good work on catching up! Have you noticed a change in your measurements? Even if the scale isn't moving, there might be inches lost!
  • Workouts 3&4 are much more like what I would expect out of Jillian! Cardio still seems kind of wussy to me, though. I am thinking about subbing in running or yoga instead, because I just am not burning very many calories with the phase 1 cardio disc. Trying to stay on track through the holidays!! How is everyone else…
  • I did workout 3 last night and I am so sore this morning! Ouch. She did kick it up a notch. I hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving and is able to get their workout in!
  • Your results are awesome!! Way to go!
  • I think I'm going to go ahead and move onto workouts 3&4 because I don't feel challenged...and see how I feel! Haven't taken any measurements yet because I can't find measuring tape! But, I am down a pound. Yay.
  • Finished week 1! Aaaand...I'm not stepping on the scale until Friday. As of Monday morning, I was up 4 lbs. this week - mostly because I had two bad sodium days in a row. :( I do feel like the workouts have gotten a little easier. But, one thing I'm noticing is my HRM is telling me I'm burning less than 200 calories per…
  • I just started Body Rev this week. I tried it once before, but got halfway through and life got in the way. But, I'm back and this time I'm going to finish it! This first week is MUCH harder than I remembered it! It really kicked my butt and I am super sore!'s a good feeling. :) Hoping to lose a lb. or two by…
  • I just started on Monday! Today is my third day. It'd be nice to have a few friends doing it, too. :)
  • Wow! You're doing 30DS AND LiveFit!? You must be super busy! There's no way you won't see results! The only thing that kind of scares me is that carb-cycling part of Phase 3, which I start on Tuesday. It's not so much the eating low carb, but doing it 5 days in a row. Right now I'm struggling to get 150g of protein in…
    in Phase 3 Comment by AiJahya May 2012
  • I just finished week 1 of Phase 3... My gosh, those workouts wipe. me. out. At the end of Phase 2, I was 23.5% body fat. I'm hoping to get to 21% by the end of Phase 3, before either starting over or starting my own lifting/cardio program based on what I've learned from LiveFit. Anyone else working on Phase 3 right now?
    in Phase 3 Comment by AiJahya May 2012
  • I'm thinking I'lll do some light exercise (walking, maybe some resistance band type stuff) this week and start lifting again Saturday. I'm still feeling kinda yucky, but much, much better! I think I'll just start over at Phase 2. I don't feel like I need to start over completely, so we will see how that goes! Oh no! That…
    in Phase 2 Comment by AiJahya April 2012
  • Well...where to start! I went on vacation, and intended to pick up where I left off (Phase 2, starting week 3) when I got back. I was hoping to do some minimal resistance training while I was gone. Then I got food poisoning, became severely dehydrated, and went to the ER...where I found out that on top of everything else,…
    in Phase 2 Comment by AiJahya April 2012
  • Considering that a year ago I was carrying around almost twice that much makes me kinda sick... eww.
  • Hey guys! I'm new to the group, but not new to the program. I'm on Phase 2, and I've been looking for some people actively participating in it, too! Before starting LiveFit, I lost 30lbs. I started at about 185 (pre-MFP) and lost 15, then started with MFP and last another 15. :) I want to look toned and muscular, and not…
    in Hello Comment by AiJahya March 2012
  • I'm on Week 2 of Phase 2. My Phase 1 results were okay. I can see a difference in the amount of muscle I have, but I didn't lose very many inches and haven't really lost any weight. I'm excited to see what the rest of Phase 2 has in store. I need to work on cutting back my carbs and getting in even more protein! Most days…
    in Phase 2 Comment by AiJahya March 2012
  • Week two was kind of rough because my shoulder has been aching but I made it through. Instead of doing the legs workout, I went to yoga and did lunges and planks for an hour and a half. Next week it looks like things get changed up a little bit! I'm excited. :) No major results yet. I finally lost about a pound, but I…
  • I started on Sunday... Hoping it's still okay that I join and that today is my Day 6 (rest day). :flowerforyou: My starting weight was 157.6. I'm hoping to get down to 150, which is my goal weight. I haven't been worrying about calories as much and set my limit at 1850, which is barely below maintenance for me. I haven't…
  • I just started as well! I'm on day 6, which is technically a rest day but I might do some cardio tonight. Nutrition is something to get used to. I slipped up a little bit yesterday, but I've noticed that I have more energy throughout the day with her nutrition plan and I've started making some of her recipes. So far, it's…
  • Well, I took 3 days off last week because my muscles were starting to be sore just walking and I figured I should probably take some time off. Otherwise, I've been doing little workouts here and there and trying to walk more. :) 25/31/300
  • I got my HRM on sale from Target a few months ago for $60. It's the New Balance N4 and it works like a charm. They had a few others there, as well, but you can also get them on Amazon.
  • Running tonight, circuit training workout yesterday, Saturday we deep cleaned the house. 20/23/300
  • Been doing good this week! I took Tuesday off as a rest day. Today will be 17/20/300!
  • Friday was my night off of the week. 11/13/300 Saturday, Shed & Shred. 12/14/300 Today, some NTC (Nike Training Club) 15 minute workouts. :) 14/16/300 5% of the way there!
  • Last night I did some basic stretching for 15 minutes. Technically it was supposed to be a day off, but I wore my HRM and counted it. Tonight is Shed & Shred for 11/12/300!
  • Friday I did nothing, mainly because I was sick and running a fever. :P Saturday, I was 6/7/300 with some extra shopping and walking. I even managed to eat a 1,000 calorie dinner at PF Chang's and stay under goal. :) Sunday, 7/8/300 with Shed & Shred. I bumped it to 10lb. weights this time and managed the whole thing.…
  • I'm here! I promise! :smile: Wednesday was probably technically a day off. I worked on some yoga stretching and poses for about 20 minutes and burned 65 cals. I'm not sure if it should count or not. Thursday, I did Level 2 of Extreme Shed and Shred. Level 2 is MUCH more strength based, which is probably good for me…