

  • I am on day 9 level 1 of 30 ds. I find it challenging, but think it is working! I say do it!!
  • I am on day 9 level 1 and it still kicks my butt, lol! Kinda scared of level 2 and 3. Just wondering what sort or results you all have seen so far?
  • I just got done with my 30 day shred and a brisk walk outside through the trails in my neighbourhood! It is so much nicer to walk outside that on the treadmill.
  • Welcome to all the other memebers! Congrats to everyone on their achievements today! Keep up the good work! FYI: 30 day shred is a great quick, but challenging workout. I bought mine at Costco for about $8.00 and today was day 6. There are 3 levels and you do each one for 10 days. Just wanted to share:)
  • Morning everyone! I have already done my 30 day shred workout with my hubby and gone for a 35 minute brisk walk with him and our dog. Was afraid I wouldn't feel llike going to the gym after work today so decided to get it done before work! Have a great day!! TGIF:happy:
  • I count my carbs too. I try and eat between 30-45 carbs per meal and then have a couple of snacks with about 15 carbs, ie; a serving of fruit. I measure everything and log it before I eat it.
  • Count me in too please! Have been tracking my food and exercise for a few weeks now, but it would be more fun to be a part of a group!:)
  • Is it too late to join the group?? I just completed day 5 of level 1 so I am a few days behind everyone else.