

  • I like Ideal protein a bit better than medifast. Eating 5 medifast meals a day feels very artificial. I think Ideal's meals taste a little better. Medifast meals have strong after taste that takes time to get use to. I like ideal for me. Im allergic to alot of foods because I'm allergic to alot of trees, grasses, and…
  • I say do what's best for you. Listen to your doctor. And don't get discouraged if you fall off your diet plan or don't reach your goal. Persistance is important. Don't let "dieting" consume your life. Live life and love it while you're here no matte what weight or size you are. Remember the things that really matter in…
  • Thanks for the response. Yea I'm trying to take it one day at a time. Stress and tiredness is always a trigger for me to eat junk. Hopefully I'll be okay once school lets out and I have some down time. Or maybe I should see a therapist. :-)
  • Well when I stopped the diet during and after the holidays. I had decided to start working out and hire a personal trainer. After not exercising for like 7 months, it was extremely hard and I felt like my muscles had to "wakeup again". Also u will loose some muscle doing this diet or any diet and maybe more if you don't…
  • I like some of the walden farms products but to be honest I haven't tried many. Something about a no calorie food make me nervous. My favorite dressings are the Bacon Ranch and the Honey Mustard. The peanut butter is disgusting. And the chocolate dip is good to mix with some of the other chocolate products. I AM exercising…
  • I think people should do whatever works for them. I also think one can get in a fair amount of food at 1200 calories if you fuel yourself with lots of fresh vegetables, and lean proteins and occasionally a few servings of fruits and dairy. Fruits and vegetables will provide a enough carbs to give you energy. But in a…
  • I just restarted the program today. It's a great program but hard to stay on for a long period of time. I'm hoping to make it ot matainence this time! Good luck to you.
  • Do the intense workouts on the weekend and try 30minutes of cardio 2 or 3 times during the week. You don't have to workout everyday. 3-4 times a week is good. 2 days on the weekend and 2 days during week. The morning seems like it would be the best time for you. I know I don't like to wake up extra early to workout but…
  • A combination of both.
  • I know the more I eat the more I loss. I started out eating 1300-1400 cal to lose two pounds a week and I was only losing one pound a week. So i changed my profile and my daily caloric goal is 1900 calories and I lost 4 lbs in a week. I didn't change my exercise routine just the calorie intake. Some bodys need more…