Results with 1200 Calories



  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I'm on 1200 - I lost it before being on it (then strayed from logging, etc) and am back to take off my excess weight again - still on the 1200.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I've had success at 1200. I started around 1500 and just did what MFP set me at so i was at 1200 for awhile. For the past couple of months, though, ive been more at 1300-1400 just becausei'm trying to raise my cals as i get closer to goal. I had no problem at 1200 though, i felt fine. Good luck!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Its tempting to drop to 1200 for a quick fix and yes it has worked for me 5ft 7 was 11st currently 9.13st, I exercised and ate calories back, but I can tell you that I have been

    OBSESSIVE in calorie counting

    and guess what MY PERIODS DID STOP.

    Will you loose weight?....Maybe.... will you feel great? I didn't.

    Ultimately on this site your gonna get those in favour and those against. I tried it based on what I thought was the recommended way to do it, based on me wanting to loose 2llb a week, a quick fix. Great loss but not for me, too unsustainable. Having done my TDEE on fattofit site I am now upping my calories based a healthier more sustainable and realistic goal for me without all the obsessional calorie counting. It may be slower I haven't tried it yet, but I sure as hell don't want to be a hungry grouch any more.

    One thing I've noticed is how obsessional and judgemental of others some people can get on this site, even without the full story, so no judgement here just be careful and good luck:wink:

    Yes, I agree it's different for us all. I am not "moody, hungry, obsessively calorie counting" on 1200/daily. But I certainly believe those who say that are! And too I'm glad for all the information re: eating more, it's valuable information.
  • tlvasa
    tlvasa Posts: 60 Member
    I started MFP on Jan 2, 2013 with the 1200 calorie limit with a goal of losing 30 lbs. By the end of March, I was spot on for the average of 2 lb per week. April wasn't as pretty. I may have had a net loss of 1 lb? Although I started exercising in Jan, I started exercising MORE as the months passed. I mostly ate my earned calories but when I added in the elliptical, eating those calories along with the other earned calories might have been too much. I adjusted MFP to a 1 lb a week loss goal and it upped me to around 1300 calories. I usually eat back my calories to about 1400-1500 range.

    With that said, I am not a high impact exerciser. I got to Curves 3 times a week and work the rest boards by doing cardio (jumping jacks, jump rope, etc.) I try to do the elliptical 30 min x 4 days. I walk about 5 -7 miles a week and I ride my horse whenever I can. I don't count my ride activity unless I am trotting a lot.

    WIth just Curves and the elliptical, I am not hungry as it provides me with enough net calories to satisfy my hunger. I eat what I like, just in moderation. Love fruit! (And gave up coffee creamer).

    In hindsight, I might have done it a little differently - maybe started at 1400 calories. Until I got an exercise groove going, it was tough.

    I am 5'9" tall.
    Starting weight 185
    Current weight 157
    Goal weight 155 (but thinking about changing it to 145 - 150)
  • raegan1215
    raegan1215 Posts: 89
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.
  • corliss777
    corliss777 Posts: 12
    I think people should do whatever works for them. I also think one can get in a fair amount of food at 1200 calories if you fuel yourself with lots of fresh vegetables, and lean proteins and occasionally a few servings of fruits and dairy. Fruits and vegetables will provide a enough carbs to give you energy. But in a nutshell do what works for your body, your lifestyle, and your mind.
  • Moneyinthejar
    Moneyinthejar Posts: 11 Member
    I think it's fair to say that everyone is different, some can go on 1200 cal, lose weight, feel satisfied and never gain weight back. There are 1000's of theories out there for just that reason, everyone's body's require something different. If you feel that 1200 cals is a starting point, then by all means, go for it. You may have to tweak it, you may not. I think at the end of the day eating right, not starving yourself, exercising and burning more calories that you consume are the key ingedients. Some days all you may need is 1200 cal, the next day your body may need 1500cal, find your happy medium and go with it; experiment. Losing weight is NOT easy or we would all be skinny and healthy. The same equation does not work for everyone. I know that first hand as I have yet to find perfect formula. I've done BMI, TDEE-20%, 1200 cal, 1600 cal, eating back exercise and I think I have finally found what works for me; eat right, run lots, burn more calories than I consume, and MODERATION. It takes time and there isn't an exact formula for everyone. Keep in mind, some people lose weight fast, but MOST don't. It's a work in progress. Keep positive and work hard at it. Don't let others negative comments get you down :).
  • airpower08
    airpower08 Posts: 2
    Ive tried every diet in the book. I want to loose the excess fat i have fast so MFP has me slated at 1200 cals a day. This is not ideal for me. I do crossfit most days and run almost every day..sometimes both in the same day. At 1200 calories i felt like i was about to pass out when i would work out. You need to eat the right kinds of foods while still staying under 1800 i would say..for me at least.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I lost about 50lbs fairly quickly when I start here at 1200 calories.

    It took less time to gain back almost all of that.

    I am eating between 1900-2200 a day now and losing FAT.

    Umm it's always easier to gain than lose, that's no mystery. Great that you're losing fat but why put it in caps? Are you implying those at 1200 are not losing FAT lol

    Weight loss is both muscle and fat. Greater deficits generally lead to larger muscle loss when dieting.

    Yes I know weight loss is both. The way she wrote her post implied that those on 1200 are not losing any fat. Also, lifting while in a deficit will help retain LBM.
  • thenfacetoface
    thenfacetoface Posts: 10 Member
    Oops quoting went awry...
  • thenfacetoface
    thenfacetoface Posts: 10 Member
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....

  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    I net around 1,230, but I burn at least 500 every day working out. I have lost 16 pounds in 12 weeks, and quite honestly, I eat quite well. I make good food choices, lots of fruits, veggies, whole foods, lean protien, but binge on a sweet treat now and then. I always eat my calories back.

    I've tried every diet in the world, and this is the only thing that I've had any success with trying to lose the last 30 pounds (my highest weight was 240). When I joined MFP I said to myself "OK get ready to be hungry" but that just isn't the case. I snack, I eat dinner with my husband, I go out, I eat dessert. But I excercise every single day and lift weights 2x a week, and have ONE cookie instead of the whole box. And if one cookie has 300 calories, I choose a different cookie.

    I think 1200 is plenty (net) if you're choosing healhty food. 1,200 calories worth of chips and low-fat cookies and of course you'll be starving.

    Good luck!
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    THIS^^^ I have recently increased calories from 1250 to 1650 and as soon as I start my eight training program (NROLFW) I am going to increase further to build muscle! (YAY)

    I feel awesome, I eat back at least half of my exercise calories (so I come in around 1800 on workout days) and people keep commenting on how "fit" I look or asking me how much weight I lost! I look better, my muscles are bigger and I have a lower body fat percentage since I started eating more(went from 23.5 to 21 percent!)!

    YAY HEALTHY FOOD! Why starve and feel listless and just look skinny when you can workout, eat lots and feel as awesome as you look.

    (OH! and bonus points for my suddenly much healthier nails and hair and skin!!)
  • raegan1215
    raegan1215 Posts: 89
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....

    they are fed that to maintain their weight while completely inactive other than our therapy sessions. meaning that caloric intake is merely to sustain their vital organ functioning and the passive motion we work them through in session. my point is that those of us that are not in comas need that plus more to feed our vital organs and sustain our bodies through activities of daily living as well as any exercise we may be doing. those of us not in comas have bodies that are doing exactly what these coma patients are doing plus more so we need more fuel. eating below what my body needs just to survive is nonsensical and certainly not following any notion of health or wellness. to each their own. each of our bodies are unique as are our life experiences that we take our lessons from.
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    Hmmm 1200 not a good idea, I would suggest what I have not seen so far in reading the first few pages, TALK TO A NUTRIONIST OR YOUR DR. as your dr. knows your body best and a nutritionist can help you.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member

    ....YAY HEALTHY FOOD! Why starve and feel listless and just look skinny when you can workout, eat lots and feel as awesome as you look.

    (OH! and bonus points for my suddenly much healthier nails and hair and skin!!)

    Why assume I'm starving, listless, and look skinny? Why assume I want to workout and eat lots? I mean, surely you realize not everyone can or wants to workout hard, right?

    OH! and I'd say I have healthy skin, hair, and nails too ;) and I eat plenty of healthy food too IMO :)
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....

    Point being that if 1400 Cals is the minimum to maintain someone who is completely and utterly inactive to a level not possible while conscious (except maybe while in deep meditation) you don't think 1400 Cals is probably the minimum someone who is conscious ought to be eating? To keep the organs functioning, muscles maintained, etc? It's not as though we active people aren't subject to muscle atrophy if we don't eat enough (i.e., less than needed by a coma patient), even if we weight lift. You don't think that simply managing to be conscious requires enough extra energy to put you in a deficit and lose weight?
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....

    Point being that if 1400 Cals is the minimum to maintain someone who is completely and utterly inactive to a level not possible while conscious (except maybe while in deep meditation) you don't think 1400 Cals is probably the minimum someone who is conscious ought to be eating? To keep the organs functioning, muscles maintained, etc? It's not as though we active people aren't subject to muscle atrophy if we don't eat enough (i.e., less than needed by a coma patient), even if we weight lift. You don't think that simply managing to be conscious requires enough extra energy to put you in a deficit and lose weight?

    Just curious ~ so do they prescribe 1400 calories to ALL comatose patients, regardless of age, size?
  • raegan1215
    raegan1215 Posts: 89
    i'm doing a six month internship as a part of my masters program in occupational therapy and am working on a traumatic brain injury unit at a rehab hospital right now. my patients in coma levels I-IV get fed 1400 calories/day at a minimum. not one patient on the unit is fed less than that. i fully respect that eating 1200 calories a day has worked and is working for some of you and i fully congratulate you on your success but i know that for me, since i'm not in a coma, i need to eat more than my coma patients do in order to function and thrive.

    Yes they are fed with 14,00 and no less but that is to maintain their weight - not to loose it. Those patients no doubt need specialized nutrition to combat muscle atrophy and skin breakdown r/t immobility. We are healthy, active people, and if we are overweight, we need to eat at a deficit - not maintain - otherwise how will our body ever have the impetus to use up all the stored fat and loose some weight? Just my opinion....

    Point being that if 1400 Cals is the minimum to maintain someone who is completely and utterly inactive to a level not possible while conscious (except maybe while in deep meditation) you don't think 1400 Cals is probably the minimum someone who is conscious ought to be eating? To keep the organs functioning, muscles maintained, etc? It's not as though we active people aren't subject to muscle atrophy if we don't eat enough (i.e., less than needed by a coma patient), even if we weight lift. You don't think that simply managing to be conscious requires enough extra energy to put you in a deficit and lose weight?

    Just curious ~ so do they prescribe 1400 calories to ALL comatose patients, regardless of age, size?

    nope - that's the minimum though. it goes up from there depending on the patients age, weight and the level of coma the are currently at. (there are technically 8 levels of coma and each gets more active so more calories...)
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