My pounds lost have been off?

I'm 20 and I weigh 209ish pounds currently. I just wanted to post this here to see if it was odd or normal. And for the record, I have hypothyroidism but I've been taking medication for a couple months so my thyroid levels are most likely evening out by now (hopefully!).

At the end of each week, I calculate my total net calories and my total deficit. Sometimes I make it to the 5,000 I aim for, but barely ever. On a good week I create about a 4,000 calorie deficit; most of the time lately it's around 2500.

My problem/confusion is that I can't figure out what is making my weight loss numbers yoyo. These last two weeks my deficit has been about 2,000 cals each, but I lost about 2.5 pounds over the course of both. I would find this great (it is), but the weeks where I'm able to reach an ~actual deficit that's over a pound, the scale doesn't show it. Basically, the weeks I eat more on target towards my deficit, I lose less weight. It really bothers me because the weeks I don't work as hard I lose more weight and I really don't know why.

Is it just that maybe on certain weeks I'm retaining certain foods, or I had more of soemthing like sodium, or idk I'm retaining water? Though it still doesn't explain the weeks I lose much more than I expect. I always weigh myself the same time on Sunday mornings, after I go to the bathroom. I was just wondering and giving it a shot to ask if someone has similar experiences and has figured it out, or if someone can explain? For the record I I don't usually do badly with my calories but I'm not claiming to be the saint of eating pure and healthy food, haha.


  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    Hormones and water weight. Those are the bane of women everywhere. It will balance out.
  • It's really not an exact science. Your body will process weight loss differently than other people. If your sodium is high (shouldn't go over 2500mg, but 1500 is ideal), you will retain water. If your muscles are really sore, you're retaining water. TOM, you're likely retaining water. Basically, you just have to trust when you eat the appropriate number of calories and exercise that you're going to lose the weight.
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I have said this before a number of times, a woman's weight can and will change up to 4 lbs a day. I know that I simply can not eat anything salty for two days before a weigh in because just thinking about it and I retain water. But I am in the same boat at you with my weight. I weight 225 and have gained and lost 4 lbs in the last month. I have determined that I can loose the weight, that is not my problem...the problem I have is keeping it off. Once I learn how to do that, I will be in good shape. I don't even know if I answered your question or not. If you not losing and you think you should be, spend a week detailing each meal and see if you are eating extra calories that you arn't aware of. Once you find it, then you can do whatever works for you. Keep up the good work.
  • I'm KIND OF in the same boat. I'm 5'0" and trying to get back to my goal weight. I used to be around 100lbs, but I'm giving myself a break - now being I'm a bit older, and trying to get back to 110. I have always done well on my calories, ranging from about 1000-1200, hardly ever over a day, exercise sort of regularly, not really ever hungry because I eat healthy snacks, and I usually drink plenty of water. But I gained the weight back! Last week I was 113, now I'm 115.5! I don't understand how that is happening!!!
  • I know the more I eat the more I loss. I started out eating 1300-1400 cal to lose two pounds a week and I was only losing one pound a week. So i changed my profile and my daily caloric goal is 1900 calories and I lost 4 lbs in a week. I didn't change my exercise routine just the calorie intake. Some bodys need more calories. If you eat too little the body may go into starvation mode and hold on to the excess fat that you already have.
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh everyday and I change up to 3 pounds in the same week.. it depends mostly on what I've been eating and if I've been eating too much salt..