

  • You are not missing anything. Detoxing out bodies occurs round the clock, only people with something wrong with their systems need to "detox" and then only under supervision of a doctor. There is no scientific research that tells us that juice fasting "detox" us at all. There is however quite a lot of supplement websites…
  • "Healthy" There you go!
  • Cathleenr is correct. Fat loss happens where the body wants it to happen, not where you want it. Unfortunately all you can do is reduce overall fat, and hope that it goes sooner rather than later.
  • I hope you mean, your heart is in the center of your chest, and goes out slightly towards the left?
  • I smear peanut butter all over door-handles. Oh wait you mean the workout program? Haven't started, yet!
  • The reason I can see for the "against using it" is that it will not give you an accurate burn, since you will keep burning after your session. (Depends a little on what type of lifting sure, but in general this is the case). So maybe its a recommendation to not use it because a HRM cannot accurately predict your "real"…
  • Pro's : Can't think of any. Con's: You get more out of a normal situp than you do any machine. The "improvement" graphs they show you, are not results, it's just fancy graphs. They do not do 300% more than a normal situp. My advice? Check out Body Weight Calisthenics. It will get you in shape without having to buy bulky…
  • Diet is like 80% of weight loss, so yeah, diet has the most massive impact on your body. It is very much so worth it to change it to a healthy one. And, speaking as a guy whom thought eating healthy was supposed to be a hassle and expensive, i found out really quick that not only is it super easy to prepare, it also cost…