

  • They have around a 7% margin of error. Calibrating is more accurate (pinching skin folds and adding up the sum). But for tracking progress the hand held readers work just fine as you will see your BF go down.
    in BF% Comment by Synnoveg August 2011
  • Depends on the intensity of your swimming.
  • Training for triathlons is an easy way to burn over 1000 cal a day.
  • Alright, that is part of your problem. You need to switch up what you are doing. Your body is adapting to your workouts. You can do the bike, but switch up your intensity,do interverals, ect. Try the elliptical. Also, add in some resistance training. You need to build more muscle. Muscles are your fat burning machine, so…
  • The sauna gets rid of water weight, but as soon as you hydrate it will come right back. Just stick with your exercise and eating. Are you switching up your workouts?
  • Dont stop exercising. You have got to eat more. That will shock the body more than cutting out exercise. You also have to think about the many added benefits that exercise does to your body; not just the weight loss aspect of it. You are a healthier person for exercising everyday, so don't cut out a positive habit like…
  • If you get dizzy working out in the morning without eating, then you need to eat. Don't eat any dairy products, as a personal trainer any client that has gotten sick in the morning has eaten dairy (yougurt, milk, ect.) Try a piece of fruit or a small bar. Think if eating in the morning as a way to jump start your…
  • New shoes should take care of your shin splints. Do you have a high arch or anything? I know for me personally a shoe with alot of heel support is really important. My best luck has been with Sauconeys. They are suuuuuper comfy.
  • I have been a runner/triathlete for about 4 years now since I stopped swimming competitively. I can try and give you any advice and pointers you may want!
  • You need to eat more protein. You are eating too many carbs during the day and not enough protein. I see you are almost 20g away from your protein goal nearly everyday. Protein is going to keep you full longer as well which is another benefit of it. So try adding a little more protein in each meal as well as your snacks.…