In the AM: exercise before food/food before exercise?



  • Synnoveg
    Synnoveg Posts: 10
    If you get dizzy working out in the morning without eating, then you need to eat. Don't eat any dairy products, as a personal trainer any client that has gotten sick in the morning has eaten dairy (yougurt, milk, ect.) Try a piece of fruit or a small bar. Think if eating in the morning as a way to jump start your metabolism. Your car needs gas to run, your body needs energy to workout.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Everyone is different. You need to experiment and see what works for you. I don't like to exercise on an empty stomach, so I drink 4oz of orange juice (100%) about 15 minutes prior to exercise to restore my liver glycogen so I can focus during my workout.

    If you decide to not eat anything before exercise in the morning, and it is INTENSE exercise, I recommend eating a dinner with enough carbs to last you through your fast in the night.
  • akell26
    akell26 Posts: 12
    I usually just have a banana beforehand. I hate eating first thing in the morning but a piece of fruit is something I can manage to get down without feeling too full right away, and without eating anything at all I always end up getting dizzy 10 minutes into my jog. I eat again after, using the meal for protein and complex carbs. I'm usually a bit hungry by then but not too much, which keeps me from overeating. Plus, there's a power hour of sorts where your body uses the nutrition from the food you eat 2 hrs after a workout more efficiently. I have a friend that does the same thing but with walnuts or a spoon of peanut butter instead of fruit. I personally choose fruit just because I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) but I can see the benefit of a protein boost pre-workout. Her way works for her and mine works for me, you just need to experiment and find out what's best for you 'cause everyone's different.

    Hmm, a spoon of peanut butter first thing in the AM - I like this idea. Thanks to you and your friend for the idea!
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 445 Member
    I usually just have a banana beforehand. I hate eating first thing in the morning but a piece of fruit is something I can manage to get down without feeling too full right away, and without eating anything at all I always end up getting dizzy 10 minutes into my jog. I eat again after, using the meal for protein and complex carbs. I'm usually a bit hungry by then but not too much, which keeps me from overeating. Plus, there's a power hour of sorts where your body uses the nutrition from the food you eat 2 hrs after a workout more efficiently. I have a friend that does the same thing but with walnuts or a spoon of peanut butter instead of fruit. I personally choose fruit just because I'm hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) but I can see the benefit of a protein boost pre-workout. Her way works for her and mine works for me, you just need to experiment and find out what's best for you 'cause everyone's different.

    I agree ~ I usually eat a banana before heading out the door & when I get back, I make sure to have something protein-y, like egg, PB or a protein smoothie if I am in a hurry. Experiment & find out what works best for you.