Someone critique my diary?

I feel like I've been at this same number for two weeks or so. I would like someone to take a look at my diary and see what I could be doing better... I'm scared to eat a lot of fruit in a day because of the high sugar content, even though it's natural. What is a good carb amount to eat for 1200-1500 calories? Does anyone eat refined carbs, if its just a small portion? (Like crackers)

I've run out of food ideas as well. I'm a rather picky eater and eat the same thing a lot.


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    make your diary public and will try again. :)
  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    I feel like I've been at this same number for two weeks or so. I would like someone to take a look at my diary and see what I could be doing better... I'm scared to eat a lot of fruit in a day because of the high sugar content, even though it's natural. What is a good carb amount to eat for 1200-1500 calories? Does anyone eat refined carbs, if its just a small portion? (Like crackers)

    I've run out of food ideas as well. I'm a rather picky eater and eat the same thing a lot.
    Do you have carbs on your food diary that is what I go by...
  • if you want to have crackers, Bob Greene, the author of Your Best Life Diet, says eat only the serving size which is 5. I don't think it will bother you if you aren't consuming them by the packs.
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    My problem is when I get certain "treats" to have, I plan on eating only a few but that never happens. I don't over indulge, but I either have the serving size or a little more. This past week I've been eating vanilla wafers and light reduced fat buttery crackers everyday. Small portions, though... should I just avoid these all together???
  • I ate some crackers the other day, but I'm trying not to make a habit out of it.

    Carbs go straight to my waist, so I haven't been eating bread of any sort lately, although I love eating sandwiches. :( My carbs are pretty much stuff like whole grains, beans, and corn lately, with just a little fruit.

    Hope this helps.
  • The first thing I notice is that you eat a lot of carbs in a day. I try to limit myself to 1 serving of something, whether it be bread in a sandwich, a slice of toast, crackers, or what have you...
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    I like your diary but my constructive critique would be to reduce the sweets..
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I woudl try to eat more veggies (carrots, brocolli, etc....). Also, i would actually suggest reducing your carbs and increasing your protein. When you are trying to lose weight, you don't need to have 60% of your calories from carbs. In fact, when I first started I was 40/40/20 (carbs/proteins/fats). The additional protein will help stimulate muscle growth which will increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR); these are the amount of calories you burn if you slept for 24 hours.
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    The first thing I notice is that you eat a lot of carbs in a day. I try to limit myself to 1 serving of something, whether it be bread in a sandwich, a slice of toast, crackers, or what have you...

    How many carbs should I be eating? I try to cut down but I love them =/
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    I woudl try to eat more veggies (carrots, brocolli, etc....). Also, i would actually suggest reducing your carbs and increasing your protein. When you are trying to lose weight, you don't need to have 60% of your calories from carbs. In fact, when I first started I was 40/40/20 (carbs/proteins/fats). The additional protein will help stimulate muscle growth which will increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR); these are the amount of calories you burn if you slept for 24 hours.

    What carb ratio do you recommend for someone eating 1200-1500 calories? I feel like it's going to be hard giving up carbs! I also have just not been into vegetables lately....=(
  • Synnoveg
    Synnoveg Posts: 10
    You need to eat more protein. You are eating too many carbs during the day and not enough protein. I see you are almost 20g away from your protein goal nearly everyday. Protein is going to keep you full longer as well which is another benefit of it. So try adding a little more protein in each meal as well as your snacks. Also, how many times a week are you exercising?
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    I see so many people with their carb goal as less than 100 or more than 200. How do you know which is right for you?
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I woudl try to eat more veggies (carrots, brocolli, etc....). Also, i would actually suggest reducing your carbs and increasing your protein. When you are trying to lose weight, you don't need to have 60% of your calories from carbs. In fact, when I first started I was 40/40/20 (carbs/proteins/fats). The additional protein will help stimulate muscle growth which will increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR); these are the amount of calories you burn if you slept for 24 hours.

    THIS!!! Higher protein, lower carbs and fruits n veggies. :-)
  • therequiiem
    therequiiem Posts: 133 Member
    You need to eat more protein. You are eating too many carbs during the day and not enough protein. I see you are almost 20g away from your protein goal nearly everyday. Protein is going to keep you full longer as well which is another benefit of it. So try adding a little more protein in each meal as well as your snacks. Also, how many times a week are you exercising?

    It really depends, I try to go at least 3x/week. I don't particularly eat meat except at dinner time, so I rely on my protein from dairy and other things... which has sugar =/
  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member
    Hey girl,
    Just had a quick look at 2 days of your food diary. Your calorie count looks good and you are staying within your 'budget'. One thing that may help is if you reduce the amount of refined sugars that you are eating with your carbs, try and cut out some of the processed food and replace it with whole foods. Like replacing a snack bar with a banana. Think about eating foods that are as close to their natural form as possible with nothing added.

    Also- it might help if you try and add some more protein to your diet just to shake up your weight loss. Centre your main meal around a lean meat (chicken or fish) and lots of vegetables.

    For protein based snacks try: plain yogurt with a handful of frozen berries, cottage cheese sprinkled with sunflower seeds, a skim milk cheese stick, an apple cut in half and spread with peanut butter (no sugar added), or even have a non-fat latte.

    Good luck xx
  • rebel9
    rebel9 Posts: 16
    You are supposed to get approximately 40% of your calories from carbs.

    At 1,200-1,500 calories per day, you are looking at 480-600 calories per day from carbs. Carbs have 4 calories per gram, so that means 120-150 grams of carbs per day (120 grams*4 calories=480 calories; 150 grams*4 calories=600 calories).
  • I love carbs too, believe me! I'm a pasta and rice addict! Love bread! However, this contributes to the tire expanding around my waist and thighs. It is hard to give up carbs at first, but like I said, a serving per day, if you can not cut them out all together, should be doable. Carbs contain sugar and you eat sweets as well, sugar turns to fat. Replace some of those sweets with natural sugar like fruits.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    If you are afraid to add fruit, maybe add veggies. I think that might help. There are plenty of fresh, good quality veggies to be had this time of year. Try something new.

    How are your workouts going? Maybe increase a little bit at a time both intensity and length of time.

    Water intake isn't too bad but you could try increasing a little and see if that helps.
    Just a couple of suggestions. You can do it! Everyone gets stuck occasionally.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Your carbs are really high. I also use a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs/protein/fats. You should try to eat carbs and protein at the same level for your meals. Too many carbs and sweets will spike your blood sugar followed by a crash which will make you constantly hungry and craving more carbs. It can be quite a vicious circle.
  • The first thing that I notice is that you already have a lot of processed sugar, I would eliminate those as much as possible and replace with the fresh fruit. If you have to have sweets (and lets face it, sometimes we do) I would try to go for the 100 calorie packs, fruit or a sweet flavored yogurt. Maybe try switching up your exercise routine as well as your diet. Try to incorporate something different and fun that you normally don't eat and see if you like it better. I would try to give some more advice about some alternative food options, but I don't know in what way you are picky. Hope this helps