shanerg70 Member


  • Not doing well logging food. BUT, since I was cleared for surgery by the psych doc and things are getting rolling, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I realize that it still has to be ok'd by insurance, but that is months from now.
  • Hi there, I'm pre-sleeve as well. Just got cleared last Friday. Met with dietician and CNP yesterday. I agree w/you, as I'm kind of scared too. But at this point, I have made a decision to focus on what I need to do TODAY, each day. Things like learning to sip, not gulp drinks and steer clear of carbonated things. I have…
  • I SAID that I couldn't find where I saw that info...because I'd read so much that day. I'd confused SOMETHINGERETHER.
  • What is considered a "decen't" multivitamin?
  • My apologies for that. I of course, can't find where I found that, to go back and re-read it. I read a lot of info on other products yesterday. I know I was on the topic of soy protein.. Obviously confused something!!! D'oh! :-O
  • Back up your "garbage" opinion, and explain how/why you feel these are better than ViSalus.
  • I said every body. My body is definitely different than yours. Isofuel, which was linked by SergantSunsh, has only a half of a gram of fiber. It is only whey protein, which doesn't have the amino acids, so they've added them all in. With that in mind, that could be why soy protein isolate IS used in ViSalus' shake mix. Vi…
  • What do you mean by "sign on?" Why in particular don't you want to become a customer?
  • Whey protein isn't necessarily better. That is your opinion. Every body is different.
  • What are their reasons it is so "terrible"? Can you confirm the information or is it just opinion? I've done the research. I have friends in the medical field that have taken the info to their doctors (the ones they work for) and all have received the "thumbs up that it is good stuff. Even more, if it were crap or a scam,…
  • My trainer said carbs in the morning, protein in the evenings.
  • I am using it. I'm also trying to combine WW with it, to help guide my meals & snacks. Been on it almost 3 weeks and have lost about 5 lbs. Some people are losing lots of wt. crazy fast, though I don't know how. I HAVE inquired about it. The answer I rec'd from my distributor was to make sure I was counting my calories and…