

  • I feel ya! Please take the time for yourself and get the kids in bed earlier is my advice. I have to do my workout in the morning or it doesn't get done. I owe myself that time and your family owes you that time. Myself, I feel so much better if I exercise in the morning and I have more energy to get thru the day...that's…
  • AWESOME job on the 29 loss! You did great! Remember this -- "you bring about what you think about". So if you think negative results, you bring negative results, think positive results, you bring positive. This works in business as well as personal life. I use it everyday and live by it in my business but never even…
  • I know how you feel and I felt the same way. For me it takes baby steps, set goals and aim to reach them everyday, plan my menu the day before or days before, exceeding my exercise for the previous day if it's just by 1 minute. I'm my own boss and ultimately, I'm accountable to me. I sure don't want to disappoint myself or…
  • That's great news! Good job thanks for sharing.
  • Thanks so much for sharing this. It's funny because I was just thinking this last night when my 7 year old pushed his plate back and said he was finished with food still on it. It gives me something to look forward to.
  • I drink a BIG 16 oz of cold water and have a bite or 2...then try to imagine working it off (while it's attached to my butt!! LOL!)
  • I had a health scare as well and I totally understand. I'm a junk food and drive thru junky and it's taking me a while to train my brain. Please add me if you'd like. I'd love to cheer you on!
  • Don't you love that!!! Congrats on the loss. You will have to have your ring exciting!