JennaMarie3 Member


  • I'm just a nurse....but is there any way you could be dehydrated? Just a thought.
  • chew gum, reach for fruit instead, and if that doesn't work, brush your teeth. If NONE of that works, have a small portion of whatever you are craving, and throw the rest of it away!
  • good question! I don't know of anything else but the bodybug, but I would like to know if there is anything else *cheaper*!
  • I don't know about any tips to help you, but know that I am in the same boat as you are. I am also "restarting" today. I have lost as much as 7lbs while using MFP, and have gained and lost the same 5lbs over and over since. I am a night shift nurse that works three 12-hour shifts per week, and when I get off of work I do…
  • you can add me, too! my husband is not interested in losing any weight, so it's just me! I ALWAYS need supportive friends!!!
  • i weigh in too often. i can completely weigh myself daily, but the ups and downs of that is too much. One day I'm completely pumped, and the next i'm depressed. I'm trying to only do it once a week now. Maybe I'll split the difference from what the others have said and weigh in on wednesdays. :-)
  • hey guys, i just found this blog, so i thought i'd join in. i started a c25k program a couple of weeks ago. I just completed my week 3 day 1 workout. it's definately challenging, but i am starting S-L-O-W. I am doing it on the treadmill, and only running at a speek of 4.5mph to begin with. i know its slow, but i figure…
  • i did the week 3, day 1 c25k workout today, also. 5 minute warmup, then twice: jog 90 sec, walk 90 sec, jog 3 min, walk 3 min. then cool down. i did pretty well. like i said, i am not jogging fast at all...only 4.5mph, but i figure that once i can continuously jog for 30 minutes, which is what this is building to, then i…
  • i purchased a c25k program on my ipod, and i have just started doing it. It is very convenient, b/c once i set the music to play, it quiets the music down and beeps to let me know whether to start jogging or start walking again. I don't have to keep an eye on my time to start walking or jogging. hopefully I'll have a good…
  • so how did it go today?
  • I, too, am going to officially start my diet tomorrow (Monday), and I too would like to lose 30 pounds by August. We should keep in touch and try to motivate each other!