restarting again....

scrmom74 Posts: 22 Member
I joined mfp back in january. I think I lost 3lbs. Now 6 months later I am 15lbs more!!! I know what happened: in April I started a behind the desk job before that I was basically a stay at home mom. I leave the house at 6:30 in the morning and get home at 4pm. I am too tired to do any kind of exercise. Now I need encouragement and help on how to get my metabolism back in gear. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :sad:


  • JennaMarie3
    JennaMarie3 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't know about any tips to help you, but know that I am in the same boat as you are. I am also "restarting" today. I have lost as much as 7lbs while using MFP, and have gained and lost the same 5lbs over and over since. I am a night shift nurse that works three 12-hour shifts per week, and when I get off of work I do not feel like exercising so much. Going before work is impossible because my gym is so busy during that time. All I do is sit around and wait for a machine. I also have a 2 1/2 year old that I have to be able to take to the gym with me, and they only have daycare available monday thru friday during certain hours. I have made this work before, and I am determined to make it work again. WE can do it!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Have you ever tried the workout DVD's for days you can't make it to the gym? I used several of them and thought they were great at home tools. Take your babies for a walk maybe? Follow what the website suggestions, it's a great tool. Good luck!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    I've done the reverse. I worked in an office well over 45 hours a week and now I am a stay-at-home mom. When I was working I found that working out at lunch was the most beneficial time of day. Since I was busy working out (usually swimming or running for 30 minutes or taking a 30 minute work-out class) during lunch it prevented me from spending that hour eating out or overeating at work. Plus when I got back to work I felt very refreshed from a very quick shower just to wash the sweat off and awake from the work-out. My problem is that the more tired I am the more I eat. So I found that the extra energy kept me from the break room for the remainder of the day. If I didn't work-out during lunch I tried to work-out right after work before coming home. I tried also to work out before work if I knew that I was going to have a particularly busy week. If I succeeded in working out 5 days of the week I gave myself the weekend to play and socialize with friends and family. The lunch time work-out was difficult to make routine but I firmly believe in doing something over and over to make it a habit. Once it was a habit I felt yucky if I didn't work out during lunch. Also, watch for coworkers who unintentionally sabotage, especially those who don't believe in excercise and who are always desperately searching for an eating buddy. I would put running in my calendar and when they asked me to lunch I'd tell them that I scheduled a run during lunch and they were welcome to come with me. Of course they always turned me down. Now, any advice on how to keep stuffing everything in my mouth while at home with my toddler?
  • scrmom74
    scrmom74 Posts: 22 Member
    You name a DVD I got The firm, turbo jam, 30 day shred, denise austin, etc... I wanted to vent about the weight gain. I want to make it a daily habit to come here and post my food intake. I did it today and I have already ate 2k calories!!!

    Jeanie: I did the 12hr shifts 3 days a week L&D nurse awhile ago, now I am a school nurse and thats like night and day...not much adrenaline moving.

    I am doing summer school (school nurse) for one more week and then I plan on jumping on the bandwagon. From now til then I will journal all my food and go from.

    I want to be accountable so I am here for the long haul.

    Thanks for your motivation :wink:
  • ame337
    ame337 Posts: 27
    I have used the 30 day shred and I've seen results. that is a 20 minute video! You have to motivate yourself. You just need to do it, even if you are tired. We have to work for what we want, nothing is going to just happen without work and dedication.

    hehe there was my motivation.
  • scrmom74
    scrmom74 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks...I like that kind of motivation. If I was on the Biggest Loser show, I would need to be on Jillians team...NO Bull@$%*
  • Wants2bethin
    Hi Scr
    Im there to. I slipped and gained the weight back *sigh* Im still working on the motivation thing, Try and do the best you can. Even tell yourself you will go for 20 min brisk walk to start. Park your car further away in the parking lot... heck walk around the school parking lot befor going home. And just tell ur self you will try and walk or go to the gym ect so many times a week. Then some how you will fit it in your lifestyle. I hope some of this helps. I wont go to the gym if im dead tired ... as you do need ur sleep as well. :)
  • ame337
    ame337 Posts: 27
    lol well I don't take the excuse too tired when it's coming from people who work 9-5 jobs.

    I work in theatre so majority of the time I'll have freelance work in the morning and a show at night, it took me awhile to motivate myself but I can find just 20 minutes to work out. So gooo do it! hehe

    We all want each other to reach our goals, and if you push and do it for the day- it's over before you know it. then you feel better because you accomplished something. Make it your day to day goal.