Hi, I am new here, (2 days) and am dealing with some seious cravings for sugar, like, the processed sugar treats I feel I am addicted to...any suggestions for what to do? It's killing me!


  • JennaMarie3
    JennaMarie3 Posts: 11 Member
    chew gum, reach for fruit instead, and if that doesn't work, brush your teeth. If NONE of that works, have a small portion of whatever you are craving, and throw the rest of it away!
  • Qbanldy
    Qbanldy Posts: 18 Member
    I am the same way! I've learned if I keep my blood surgar balanced I don't really have those cravings. Fruit just makes me hungry because, although it is healthier for you and provides fiber, your body doesn't know the difference between sugar from fruit and sugar from a candy bar. I try to pick fruit with higher fiber and less sugar (apples, strawberry, rasberries etc.) I was also told to stay away from gum, even sugar free, as it increases hunger, not the other way around. Although, initially it feels satisfying. I allow myself to have a skinny cow treat EVERY evening. It's what I look forward to and is my reward for staying within my calories for the day. If you don't get off the sweets it is a never ending cycle. I'm the type of person that could care less about actual food and only see a meal as a means to get to the treat at the end lol :happy:
    So I know your pain! I've been able to get a hold of my junk food snacking but I know it's a battle I will always fight. Good luck to you sister.
  • brownm279
    brownm279 Posts: 10
    I had the same problem and saw a nutritionist, Romy Nelson, about it. She told me to have 45 grams of protein for breakfast. from the following combinations of food sources. MRM Whey protein shakes, 4 egg whites with only one full egg (you can add veggies and salsa to flavor it), true Greek yogurt (not the the Dannon or yo-play fake stuff) Okos brand (check for a larger protein count). As I moved from protein to carbs, the cravings stopped. As she explained to me the idea to balance your insulin levels to remove both cravings and mood swings. Carbs mess with your insulin, protein level it. For me this worked immediately. Note you must start the day right, so it has to be breakfast. After that Don't eliminate carbs try and keep protein at 50% of carb intake
    My goal is 100 grams of Protein a day, but I'm a +200 pound man.
  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    I have the same problem, I have a real bad sweet-tooth. I love pastries, puddings, cookies, chocolates, ice cream, etc. My husband loves fruit, so we always have plenty at home. Little by little I started eating fruit instead of the sweets. Pineapple, strawberries, melon, peaches, oranges, etc. Now I find that I don't crave the sweets like I used to. Having the fruit really works for me, but when I get a real bad craving I do allow myself one or two Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Wedges (they come in a little round tin and they are near the registers). Also, every now and then when we go out for dinner we may share a dessert, but maybe once a month or so. That way I don't feel deprived.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I cut out sugar almost completely- only have sugar in fruit, etc. and I use stevia as a sweetner. At first I thought I would die, because I was a sugar-a-holic, but once it got out of my system, I stopped craving it. In fact, once I tried to go back and eat something with sugar (cookies, cakes or pastries), I found I didn't like the overly sweet taste. Sugar is a vicious cycle for I just stay far away.
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth!! I am totally feeling your pain and although I am also fairly new to this I have done this once before in my life...about ten years ago I lost a large amount of weight through weight watchers. What I learned there was to eat what I wanted, but to be accountable for it. I love to have ice cream at night! I know I do and I don't want to deprive myself of that treat because then I will binge, so I eat very low calorie items (as much as possible) during the day so that I can have my treat. I stay within my calories and I am satisfied! I also started working out and I do not have a dessert or treat unless I have worked out that day.
    During the day I used to snack ALOT and now I do have sugar free gum on hand at all times. It helps and you get used to reaching for a piece of gum when you are wanting to snack. There are days when I chew piece after piece of gum until my jaw hurts! LOL! But because I chewed the gum, I can have my dessert or whatever at night. You have to try it out and see what works for you. Cutting all sugar out would never work for me, it does for some people of course, but I know me and I know that I don't want to do that. I want to enjoy things I always have I am just learning to do it in moderation...that's the real key!
    Good Luck and thanks for posting!!!
  • triciajackson79
    triciajackson79 Posts: 1 Member
    How long did it take for the cravings to go away? I think stevia tastes yuck! Am I using too much?