simoneq Member


  • Sorry, what is a SAHM?
  • Hi, My bloodvalues seemed like having an underactive thyroid. But it was caused by myself, by eating not enough calories (i also exercise alot). Now I am eating better and the thyroidproblems are gone without meds and I am feeling great. What I've learned is never eat less than 120% of my RMR-calories. Not even one day.…
  • My goal is 129.9 lbs and my current weight is 145.7 lbs. (I am also 5'6") I've been 164 lbs.
  • Polar. But I track calories with my mobile phone (gps) with Cardio Trainer (free)
  • Hi, What you can do is to eat your TDEE calories (i think they are 1660 for you instead of 1600) and leave your activitylevel at sedentary in myfitnesspal. Do not fill in your exercises at myfitnesspall and change your goal into 60%carbs-20%fat-20%protein if you are exercising so much cardiovasculair. Try these goals. You…
  • Your body can only process 30 grams of protein in 3 hours. So only if your meal is containing more than that, it will end up in fat. It's no use eating more proteins in a meal en it makes no difference if you have a meal at night or at day. It depends on what kind of exercise how much protein you need. I do not know that…
  • If you use a heart rate monitor? Maybe that helps not going to fast (or to slow). Good luck.
    in Jogging? Comment by simoneq August 2011