
I want to start jogging properly. I can jog on the pot for a while now, but I want to actually go outside and jog around the lake. However, when I last went outside for some real jogging I couldn't pace myself correctly and ended up going too fast and almost tripping over or else walking, not jogging. :(

The thing is, I've always been like that, even at the height of my fitness I was a printer not a jogger. I ran as fast as I could and burned out very quickly, I never could go any distance despite it being the thing I've always wanted to do. I know if I could find a jogging partner to pace myself with I'd find it easier, but on my own? I'm really struggling...

Anyone got any advice?


  • FriendsR4EverTreasures

    Try this workout and see if you can build your way up instead of trying to start so fast! It gives you day by day instruction! good luck!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    You can call it HIIT training it's very good for you and helps build endurance plus you don't have to work out as long with the same benefits. Run fast for about 30seconds to a minute, then recover with a slow jog or walk for 30 seconds to a minute. and repeat several times for about 20-25 minutes. I usually do 2 miles of this. The idea is to get your heart up and pumping hard and then bring it right back down and you do that over and over. I do it twice a week, my endurance and strength is building up quick. It can help you find your pace too. Good Luck
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    Look into form and breathing techniques, also. I'm incorporating some of the "chi running" a.k.a. "lean running" techniques into my own C25K runs, and it's helping. So is jogging to military cadences or a metronome. Proper posture and breathing make all the difference, but I don't believe that there is one "correct" way. It's whatever works for you!! Keep doing it and it'll get easier :)
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    I'm going to look up Chi Running. :)
  • simoneq
    simoneq Posts: 7 Member
    If you use a heart rate monitor? Maybe that helps not going to fast (or to slow).
    Good luck.