chitniss Member


  • Mine stop working intermittently. However, now I cant log in with my phone and on the website, I can log in but no add food
  • I'm in. Missed out on today's day, but starting tomorrow, I'm in.
  • I'm in the medical field, the light eventually went on when one of my patients saw me at a fast food joint. I had told that patient the day before to stop eating crap.
  • Canned soup, the light kind. Each serving has only 80 calories and the hot soup makes you feel full
  • Dont think it matters if you go a little over on the carbs, fats or proteins. But make sure you get a minimum calories or else you will get your body into starvation mode. The usual minimum is 1500 calories unless you are bed ridden.
  • I am 5'0 and I have a 1200 calorie budget. Usually cereal and milk in the morning dents about 300. Lunch takes away another 300-400. Dinner another 300-400. Some fruit in the middle or something like that to fill in the gaps. I usually go about 50-100 calories over almost every day, but I dont mind. My 1200 calories cut…
  • P90X is made by the makers of Beach Body, another fitness program. P90X is a Program lasting 90 days of Xtreme training. The training does not require a Gym. Most of the training is done with free weights (I used resistance bands) and other home accessories like pull up bars, push-up bars, etc. Each day of the program…
  • Gave up soda. Other than that, eat everything. Just moderation to keep things in check. So, only two slices of pizza yesterday instead of the whole, which I used to do a couple of months back.
  • There is no detox 'draining' of the lymphatic system. That does not make physiologic sense. Lymphatic fluid is all collected via lymph ducts and returned into the blood stream. It does get filtered through lymph nodes before returning to the bloodstream, but the body does that part regardless of whether you do detox or…
    in Detoxing Comment by chitniss August 2011