

  • I'm considering buying Jillian Michaels' (from Biggest Loser) DVD called 30 Day Shed or Jackie Warner's (from the show Workout) DVD... apparently with Jillians you can lose 20 pounds in 30 days? Anyone try them and like them?
  • I'm trying to get some ideas for eating the 5-6 small meals a day... i've got a list of foods but i need more ideas if you don't mind sharing. Thanks!
  • I was just wondering, how do you know how many calories are in a piece of fruit like apples and bananas, oranges etc? Also when I am keeping track of my carb intake, how much is too much in one serving of food (if that makes any sense, it's hard to word my question) and how do I know how much carbs are in fruit and veggies…
  • I have been looking at how many carbs and proteins i need and what they are and it says how much fat i need to eat but I don't know what the good fats are that i should be eating?
  • Argg how come I can't change my ticker info? I've lost 10 pounds so far and i went to change it and it still says i am at 0lbs lost?? Oh never mind it's probably according to when i started on this website... oh well!
  • Hey so I don't know a lot about this site but it looks like a lot of fun! I just had a baby 6 months ago and about a month ago I joined bootcamp and am definitely seeing results... half my baby belly is gone! I am going to be joining cardio kick-boxing too! It's definitely easier to stay on track when you are working out…