brbjmb Member


  • The DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) was shown to lower blood pressure in 2 weeks as well as a medication!! That's impressive! I wonder if it's not the sodium component of salt, but perhaps the chloride.... but this overall is a very healthy eating plan that includes nuts and sweets in moderation into your…
  • Your husband loses weight more readily because (in general) men have more muscle mass - and muscle burns calories best!! Don't forget strength training for yourself as well to build your muscles / tone your body and burn those calories!! Good luck. We are all there with you!! No perfect, but on the journey :)
  • aubreyjordan- There are so many factors to take into consideration. I am on the same med (225mg) plus Wellbuterin (100mg 2x/day). I don't necessarily think that it is holding me back. But my philosophy is that "we are making positive changes" and that is really what matters, not the number on the scale. The wt loss will…
  • The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step! You have a good plan in place. That helps to be sucessful as well as realizing your "mistakes", beleiving that you can be sucessful - your are able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin again. Good luck with your journey!
    in motivation Comment by brbjmb August 2011