
I have lost my weight but during that period I was not consistent with walking or weight training. I miss the routine and I am having a terrible time motivating myself to get started. A year ago I use to walk daily and weight train and I changed my body alot with a good routine. Lately I am not motivated or feel energized to do anything but I know to feel better and tone and for my overall health I need to get started on a routine so I am hoping tomorrow will be the day I start. First thing in the mornig I will don my running shoes and jogging suit and head out the door. I know I will feel better once I start. Thanks for listening!


  • brbjmb
    brbjmb Posts: 4 Member
    The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step!
    You have a good plan in place. That helps to be sucessful as well as realizing your "mistakes", beleiving that you can be sucessful - your are able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin again.
    Good luck with your journey!
  • mampm1
    mampm1 Posts: 88
    You're welcome! Grab the ipod, find some music that will inspire/motivate you and you'll be done before you know it!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    There really isn't anything people can do or say to motivate you yourself. Yes, motivation comes from all areas, but it really is just people bringing out your self-motivation to do things. I had everyone supporting me and trying to motivate me. I did weight training, walking, etc, on and off but couldn't stay motivated. I finally just had to stop and take the opportunity to talk with myself, give myself space and privacy, and really learn more about myself to know my motivation. That is when I truly started to stick with a plan. that took me 4 years to find my motivation again and I'm happy to say I've stuck with it. What I can tell you is to remain patience, optimistic, never give up but don't force yourself into a fallacy of motivation either. Just being able to realize you aren't fully motivated is the first step. It's always a mental game as well as a physical game.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    :bigsmile: you can do it!!!

    have all your workout gear ready to put on and make sure you eat a little something about 15-30 minutes before you protein after to help heal muscles...I agree a journey starts with a single step...good for you for having a plan, now carry that plan out!
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    I know what you mean- it's hard to get started/back on track. I really have to FORCE myself to run/go to the gym, but once I do I feel so much better and that's what keeps me going the next day. Keep it up, and stay positive!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It really is a case of "just do it". I tend to think that if you sit and wait to be motivated you'll never move anywehre (or maybe that's just me!).
    Don't wait til tomorrow, I bet there'ssomething positive you can do right now - is it still light outside? go for a walk.
    If it's dark do a few situps, or get your exercise gear all ready and waiting so in the morning you don't have to run around and look for you socks or something - I find that these small things distract me and I'm more likely to exercise if everything is ready and I can just go.