

  • Thanks so much y'all!!!! That was very helpful. I need to decide to be committed and PLAN!!!!! I can do this. :D
    in Help! Comment by annegirl July 2010
  • Well, have you been losing weight? Cause if you are then you probably don't have too much to worry about. I read another post somewhere on MFP and the people from that post were pretty sure that the calories burned is accurate. And you don't have to eat back all your exercise calories, as long as you eat back about half of…
  • I've lost the weight of my skin. This is awesome to know.
  • My dad always thinks of it as losing a 16oz steak, or a pound of butter. It's really gross to think about carrying that around on my body. It makes me want to lose the weight even more.
  • There is natural sugar in milk. It's called lactose and I don't know how much sugar that would account for in milk but I do know that at least part of it is natural and good for you.
    in sugar Comment by annegirl April 2010
  • Since I started MFP I have been drinking 8-12 cups of water a day. I've found that the easiest way to do this it to get a quart jar, fill it with ice water, stick a straw in it and carry it around with me at home. That way I know that I'm getting it all in. At first I had to use the bath room all the time, but now I don't…
  • I'm about to turn to 20 also and I haven't noticed any changes like that. Right now I working on changing my body shape, but that's just because I'm overweight and need to lose a bunch of weight. Did your body change much when you went through puberty? I have a friend who grew about an inch when she was 20 because her body…
  • GOOD LUCK!!! I hope that you cross that finish line strong. I have a a couple friends running that too. If you happen to see them say hey. lol. but seriously, good luck.
  • Thanks guys! That was very helpful.
  • Even if I'm drinking 8-12 cups of water a day? Could I still be losing just water weight? and I've been walking at least 4 miles a day,so I don't think I'm losing muscle. I definitely do not want to do that.