

  • Can I also mention, my boyfriend almost never works out, and he can breeze through any Level (1, 2 or 3) whenever he gets the "bug" to work out, every few weeks or so, with 20 lb weights and hardly breaking a sweat. And if he feels he's getting a little pudge and wants to lose 10 or 15 lbs, all he has to do is not eat for…
  • If you can't do the push-ups, just try to hold a plank. If you can't do the jumping, just try to alternate legs briskly (think "skipping rope" instead of plyometric jumping"). If your arms hurt with weights, don't use them! Modify, modify, modify -- there's no shame (even tho Jillian would have you believe there is)! It's…
  • I've been stuck on Level 1 for about a year. For a long time, I would start it and would ache so much the next 2 days I couldn't barely walk, much less exercise. I think I got up to doing it about 6 days in a row one time, and that's about it. The last few times I've started it again, I've learned to take it REALLY easy…
  • I too was told I was Vitamin D deficient after having bloodwork done - like, 100% deficient, actually. My doc prescribed me an 8 week super-dose of D to bring my levels to normal, and recommended a daily supplement on top of and beyond that. As a daily supplement, my nutritionist recommended Vitamin D Synergy by Designs…
    in Vitamin D Comment by saralye August 2011
  • This is so hard! I ALWAYS lose weight when my bf is out of town (as he is right now). He eats out like EVERY night. This used to bother me a lot, since it means that either I have to eat I either have to get take-out too, or quarter recipes which is hard if not impossible at times. I also used to get my feelings hurt, that…
  • Re: Vegan Cereal: Make your own! Make up a big batch of muesli to enjoy with soy yogurt on warm, sunny days, and use the left over wheat germ (or rolled oats) to make stove-top hot cereal on cold, cloudy or rainy autumn mornings. Sweeten with Stevia or Xylitol for a yummy sugar alternative. Top with dried a drizzle of…
  • I started this "vegan for a week" challenge on Saturday, and I've never felt better! The worst part about it, really, was the cost of the initlal shopping trip. Now that I have all my pantry staples, I'm finding I usually have everything needed for most recipes I find online already. :) Also, since most wet vegan food…
  • The other night, I bought a piece of chocolate cake at the store. After a few delicious bites, I started panicking, thinking "what am I going to do with all this cake?!!" I put the cake (in box) on the countertop and went to bed, determined to deal with the problem in the morning. The next day I found the empty box on the…
  • If you want cheap clothes, that are not second-hand for the interim, try shopping at New York & Company. Sign up for their e-mailing list and they will send you awesome deals almost every day like $20 off a $45 purchase, or $60 off a $120 purchase. What's more, all their coupons can be combined together so you can…
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