

  • The original question/post did not ask about scientific studies: Maybe where you are from you do not have excellent groups such as Choice, here in Australia.
  • Unlike some I have found with chocolate, I cannot have 'some'. One small piece per day quickly grows to 2, which becomes a small bar, which becomes a bag of M&M's which becomes half a kilo in next to no time. 25 years has taught me that like some alcoholics who cannot have one drink, I cannot have 'just a small piece' of…
  • your stats: age. height. starting weight and current weight. goal weight. how long you've been on your diet. rating of self-esteem: on a scale of one to ten, where was your self-esteem before you started your journey? on that same scale, where are you now or has it not changed? AGE: 45yo female HEIGHT: 174cm STARTING…
  • Who funded the study also plays a role in how much I accept the hype. For instance if a company that makes x funds a study into the benefits of x and finds they are all negative, then the study will never see the light of day. However on the other hand the slightest positive benefit will be over hyped by their PR machine.…
  • Joining this site is a major step in the right direction. At the end of the day we can only gain weight if eating more calories than we use. Having said that hypothyroidism slows the metabolism and hence burn less...... But be honest with yourself in counting your calories and what you eat. Find vegetables that are less…
  • Thyroid issues can make you really ill, so don't ignore them. Having said that a lot of gp's are not that well informed about instances of what to do when standard labs OK, but patient still has lots of weird symptoms. Generally they tell you it is not your thyroid.... Google Stop the Thyroid Madness, or other thyroid…
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