Dr. Oz is a joke.



  • darleyschroeder
    Yeah, I got to agree with you here. He promotes a lot of crap and get thin quick schemes a lot. It is really disappointing. It's obvious that he is a business man trying to make a dime, I bet he doesn't believe half the stuff he "sells".
    Some of the things he talks about are legit, but the others...yikes.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lucky me; I don't watch T.V. so Dr. Oz isn't even on my radar. (but I have heard of him)
  • StarNoble
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. I stopped watching along time ago because of it.. :laugh:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    He's been a total sellout for at least a year. Can't even watch anymore since it's such bad advice!!!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Yeah, I got to agree with you here. He promotes a lot of crap and get thin quick schemes a lot. It is really disappointing. It's obvious that he is a business man trying to make a dime, I bet he doesn't believe half the stuff he "sells".
    Some of the things he talks about are legit, but the others...yikes.

    it's amazing what some people will do for fame. by all accounts, until Oprah plucked him from obscurity, he was a very well regarded heart surgeon. he surely doesn't need the money from TV to live well (although syndicated TV money does put you in a completely different tax bracket), so it must be all about the fame. i've never in my life wanted to be famous. i don't get why some people want it so desperately.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I just find it annoying how all of these ladies from the audience drool over him...really???
  • mecaseyrn
    mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
    He is funded by all those sponser's to promote what is hot at the current moment.
    I am sure he does not believe in any of that ****. He is a cardiothoracic surgeon, his goal isn't to make people healthy but to keep himself making money. Oprah made a monster.
  • ahenington
    ahenington Posts: 4 Member
    total joke, which makes the actually useful medical information seem silly !
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Have you looked at his audience? Obviously the snake oil he promotes doesn't do much for weight loss!
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    I :heart: Dr. Oz!!! Don`t hate don`t hate :cry:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Lucky me; I don't watch T.V. so Dr. Oz isn't even on my radar. (but I have heard of him)

    I'm right there with you. Gave up TV about a year ago cuz it is just full of garbage like this quack.
  • Shaolin_Papa
    i concur :laugh:
  • wanda9501
    wanda9501 Posts: 114
    but dr oz says.....

    LOL...I walk around the house saying this to my husband, because he swears by Dr. Oz.
  • tyraskanks_
    I was seriously just having this conversation with my boyfriend yesterday.
  • queenstl
    queenstl Posts: 64 Member
    I stopped watching these types of shows because each one says something different. There is no one cure for anything for everyone. Everyone is different and what may work for one, may not work for another. Some of the things said on these shows is good advice and give you questions to ask your doctor if you run into those types of problems, but you still have to be careful and be mindful.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I've never really watched Dr. Oz because I've gotten bored with talk shows and such. Besides, I have my own weight-loss plan:

    1. Watch what I eat.
    2. Watch how much I eat.
    3. Drink plenty of water.
    4. Exercise more.

    As you can see, I've got NO diet drugs, diet plans, or diet shakes anywhere in my plan. I've lost 43 pounds since being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in January. However, like queenstl said, it all depends on each individual. And I'm definitely NOT looking for a quick-scheme plan. I'd trust that as much as touching a power line without knowing whether it was live!
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    He use to be sensible, but now I think he is a quack
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I don't watch his TV show. I watched a bunch of his old videos/interviews when I was taking my health class, where he was actually talking about the heart and things he knows about, and he was really informative.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I don't live in the US so I've never seen his show, but I do know that he advised homeopathic remedies as a viable cure for a headache and thus would never, ever take anything he says seriously. You'd get more success from a course of leeches.
  • HellyMelly
    I've never really watched Dr. Oz because I've gotten bored with talk shows and such. Besides, I have my own weight-loss plan:

    1. Watch what I eat.
    2. Watch how much I eat.
    3. Drink plenty of water.
    4. Exercise more.

    As you can see, I've got NO diet drugs, diet plans, or diet shakes anywhere in my plan. I've lost 43 pounds since being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in January. However, like queenstl said, it all depends on each individual. And I'm definitely NOT looking for a quick-scheme plan. I'd trust that as much as touching a power line without knowing whether it was live!