jak12345 Member


  • My knees aren't the best so I've shied away from running or other high impact workouts and gone with biking. In winter I ride the bikes at the Y -- recumbent bikes are relatively comfortable and I think have strengthened my joints and helped me manage my weight.
  • Try pesto sauce and fresh mini-bell peppers, sliced onions/ tomatoes/mushrooms and little fresh mozzarella to hold it all together ...mmmm
  • I would NOT buy TG new, but I bought one used for $75 and thought it was well worth the money. Other similar brands are far less expensive new as well. This type of machine allows for a variety of exercises to get full body workout. That said, you might outgrow it as your fitness level increases. Some models allow you to…
  • I do this on the George Foreman grill ... yummy!
  • I was kind of meat and potatoes guy myself, but genetics and poor eating habits caught up with me and I'm a diabetic now too. It has been difficult, but I've started to do more of the cooking and meal planning. I've gradually started to wean myself off from some of the less healthier food. I would encourage you to slowly…
  • Sweet! Biking is a great activity -- easy on the joints, burns lots of calories, and you can exercise with others -- can't wait for the snow to go and get the bike out.
  • I'm also having this experience -- 4 weeks of 1 hr a day of intense cardio followed by 15 - 30 mins of weightlifting and a reduced calorie diet -- gained 2 lbs! However, there has been a noticeable positive change in body -- didn't measure, but I'm going to start. I suspect the gain is largely due to water so I'm not too…
  • Hi Lauren, I would say 1600 is probably a good starting point. Most of the numbers we throw around so easily only provide a reference point and are not totally accurate. It is often hard to measure the calories in dish with multiple ingredients. The number of calories burned in a day or a particular activity can vary…
  • I have over time developed into an emotional eater, especially when I'm upset. Regular exercise has really helped me cope with stress, but I can't always do it, so I've tried to change my response to stress. I try to focus on upbeat things -- good music, good news and others success. I try to stay away from the negative…
  • Even with exercise, weight loss is not a given. It sounds like in the short-term your body has adjusted to fewer calories, or as someone else indicated you could be retaining some fluid as your body is adjusting. Be patient, but if you find you're not getting the results you want in a week or two -- mix it up a little,…
  • I didn't read the study, but did find the posts interesting. Just as no one medication works for everyone, no one diet will likely work for everyone either, or even over a long period of time. I would suspect a huge variable is how individuals digest food, as well as the type of food(and as someone pointed out, how that…
  • For strength training I would also recommend a Total Gym (like Chuck Norris advertises) or similar type apparatus. I found it very easy on the joints, easy to use and it provides a wide variety of exercises and a good full-body workout. They fold up and can be found "used" at very reasonable prices. It can also be used for…