

  • Got on the scale today and lost 1.9 lbs this week!!! Not to shabby!!! Thank you!!!
  • Thanks guys!! I feel the need to elaborate on a couple things.....I used to cut maybe 10 years ago, and began packing on lbs then (well more that I did have, Ive always been overweight). I have been in counseling and for the most part have gotten the depression and anxiety under control, except for the eating part. I did a…
  • I dont know what pills. They just admitted they were on pills after a long debate and me being frustrated about not losing. I tried phentermine when i was younger, and did pretty good with it, but once off of them all the weight came back and I got frustrated and gave up!! Thanks for the insight guys! It really helps.
  • Thanks guys!!! Its just frustrating when someone looses SOOOOO fast and I struggle! Guess I'll keep it up. Been trying for years with cheats....this time its me vs food only....and so far....Im in the lead!
  • I already drank it lol. I was sick last night (possible food poisoning) and when I woke up today all I wanted was OJ!! I drank a bottle of it and I want more. Im gonna drink some vitamin water to see if that helps any. And yes....it IS delicious!
  • I am looking to lose Ideally 125 lbs. Gonna be a journey. I lost 80+ lbs a year and a half ago.....so I know its possible. Just need to keep it off this time. gonna be hard but at least we have each other!
  • Thanks guys! It feels better to be drinking water and not pop....and tastes good since its flavored.
  • I LOVE this!! I ate so well today I AM having ice cream!!! I didnt get overweight by NOT eating.....so if I ate all good foods and veggies in a day Im rewarding myself with Ice cream if I have the calories left over.
  • Just searched and LifeWater by Sobe doesn't have Aspartame SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yea I am quitting pop....and struggling. So I have 2 cups of coffee in the am to not get caffeine withdrawal and it tastes good lol. Rest of the time its flavored water. Guess its better than pop! I will have to look at the ingredients and check and see what sweeteners are in it......but I think any way you look at it, It…
  • Don't croutons add a ton of calories? Or is there a good kind to get? I love the crunch of them but not enough to cut out other things!!!!
  • I also would like to know about the packaged meat. I get the kroger generic meat (one sandwich to package) and its LOADED with sodium, but only 86 cents a bag. So Im interested in that. Also, my bread is Aunt Millie's - Healthy Goodness Light Whole Grain Bread, 2 slices. 2 slices are only 70 cal, instead of 1 slice being…
  • Yeah that was a mis type sorry........I meant since it only registers "time" on here for calories and not distance my "time" is so much higher since im slow and I wish I could register the distance.....does that make sense?