Water Vs. Flavored Water

Whats your take on Water Vs. Flavored water? I have a VERY hard time drinking plain water. No taste and I dont like it! I have been drinking Sobe Life Water, Wal-Marts Sparkling water, ect. Also I put Crystal Light in plain water.

Do you find it all works out the same if its flavored or not? They are all from 0-10 calories, so I think its the same but I'm not sure......HELP!!!!!!!


  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    As long as the flavoring doesn't have sucralose, sugar, or aspartame in it, I go for it. It's one of the few ways I have to make sure I drink enough water during the day.

    I have the following flavors pineapple, cherry limeade (though this one has a bit of guarana and caffine in it, so I only use this on 1 or 2x a day, tops), and raspberry lemonade.

    I also add lemon juice:-) Many times, I'll save the orange peels from my oranges and ut them in a glass of water (or tea!) to add a bit of zest.
  • jme6976
    jme6976 Posts: 49 Member
    I think they could be helpful as a transitional tool. If you aren't used to water but you want to drink more start there. They are a better substitute than pop for sure but they still have aspartame or other artificial sweeteners which can do damage to our bodies. Eventually you may want to just have water. I used them some when I quit soda but now a month later I just want plain water. Nothing tastes better when you are exercising for sure!
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    Really, it depends on who you ask. Many people say that as long as you get so many oz. of water (which they include milk, coffee, and other liquids in that count along with water from veggies and fruits) then you are good. Others will tell you that you should have that much in just water.

    I don't personally believe it's bad to use Crystal light or other things in water, but you do have to think of how much aspartame and other sugar free sweeteners are being used. Some people will say that these sweeteners can cause negative effects.

    I won't give up my diet dr. pepper. I know it's probably not that great for me, but I like it. If you won't drink water unless something is in it, then it's better than not drinking the water at all.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your body doesn't care if you drink purified spring water, lap it from a puddle, add tea, coffee, flavourings, drink juice, milk, eat fruit or have soup. It's fluid. Your body needs fluids to operate. If your urine is pale yellow you have enough. End of story.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I like Dasani drops in the coconut pineapple flavor, I don't use a lot, just a little squeeze in a huge glass of water.
  • Really, it depends on who you ask. Many people say that as long as you get so many oz. of water (which they include milk, coffee, and other liquids in that count along with water from veggies and fruits) then you are good. Others will tell you that you should have that much in just water.

    I don't personally believe it's bad to use Crystal light or other things in water, but you do have to think of how much aspartame and other sugar free sweeteners are being used. Some people will say that these sweeteners can cause negative effects.

    I won't give up my diet dr. pepper. I know it's probably not that great for me, but I like it. If you won't drink water unless something is in it, then it's better than not drinking the water at all.

    Yea I am quitting pop....and struggling. So I have 2 cups of coffee in the am to not get caffeine withdrawal and it tastes good lol. Rest of the time its flavored water. Guess its better than pop!
    I will have to look at the ingredients and check and see what sweeteners are in it......but I think any way you look at it, It is better than Coke and Mnt. Dew!!!!!!!!
  • Just searched and LifeWater by Sobe doesn't have Aspartame SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Really, it depends on who you ask. Many people say that as long as you get so many oz. of water (which they include milk, coffee, and other liquids in that count along with water from veggies and fruits) then you are good. Others will tell you that you should have that much in just water.

    I don't personally believe it's bad to use Crystal light or other things in water, but you do have to think of how much aspartame and other sugar free sweeteners are being used. Some people will say that these sweeteners can cause negative effects.

    I won't give up my diet dr. pepper. I know it's probably not that great for me, but I like it. If you won't drink water unless something is in it, then it's better than not drinking the water at all.

    Yea I am quitting pop....and struggling. So I have 2 cups of coffee in the am to not get caffeine withdrawal and it tastes good lol. Rest of the time its flavored water. Guess its better than pop!
    I will have to look at the ingredients and check and see what sweeteners are in it......but I think any way you look at it, It is better than Coke and Mnt. Dew!!!!!!!!

    It's a hotly debated topic but don't worry about the diet drinks unless you have a particular sensitivity. There's a ton of people that get all bent out of shape over sucralose and aspartame but the truth is that there's no good scientific evidence against them. Look at is this way... Sure, nobody can say absolutely for sure that aspartame or any other artificial sweetener (or any other chemical, natural or man made for that matter), is totally safe. However, all the research done (and there's been a lot), shows that it's safe. Yet we DO KNOW that sugar is very bad and causes all kind of problems.
  • Thanks guys! It feels better to be drinking water and not pop....and tastes good since its flavored.
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I have found the best way to overcome soda cravings is to drink fizzy flavored water. I'm now addicted to Crystal Geyser's sparkling mineral water (it's available in lemon, lime, orange, and very berry). The sweetened flavor waters, to me, are too cloyingly sweet whether sweetened with aspartame, sucralose, or stevia. I tend to only be able to tolerate about 8 oz at a time. My go-to is still plain water. It took me a long time to get past my soda addiction (I used to drink 4-6 cans of regular Coke a day!) but now I have found that I feel horrible if I don't get in enough water.