rachelleog Member


  • Today is my first prenatal doctor appointment and I also get to have an ultrasound. Can't wait to hear that little heartbeat! Please send positive energy and prayers that everything will be fine. I have my list of questions all ready. :)
  • Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was fantastic! I was able to visit with a lot of friends and catch up on sleep. But, last night was the end of that. Of course I had a horrbile night of sleep & had to be at the office at 7am this morning. I got up and felt horrible, but worked through it. I…
  • Hi All! Thanks so much to MidniteDayDream for letting me know about this group. :) Currently I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant, so I'm not using this so much as a weight loss tool at the time, but more to keep track of my eating habits and food intake during this pregnancy. I'm currently about 80lbs overweight and don't want to…
  • Wow! Thanks for all of the responses & support! This is really incredible! I have my first prenatal appointment on Monday so I'll be able to get some guidance from the doctor. It's been over 4 years since I was pregnant the first time, it's like starting all over again and learing from scratch. I have my a list already…