Overweight, over 40 & PREGNANT!

Hello all! I'm new to MFP and so happy to be here. Currently I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant, so I'm not using this so much as a weight loss tool at the time, but more to keep track of my eating habits and food intake during this pregnancy. I'm currently about 80lbs overweight and don't want to put excess weight on now. So, I'm logging in all of my food and working on getting out and at least walking 30 minutes a few times a week. I'm almost 44 years old, married & mother of 1 daughter (almost 5 years old). This wasn't a planned pregnancy, but it's is a blessing. I am hoping to get support, advice and encouragement here during the pregnancy and look forward to using the tools on MFP to lose the excess weight that I'm currently carrying and anything that I may gain due to the baby. Thanks for reading! Good luck to all in your journey here. :)


  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
    Congrats! You're in the right place for your goals. Welcome!
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    Awesome on the pregnancy! Good Luck w/recording your daily food intake/exercising. This site is awesome!!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    welcome! sending you an add congrats on the baby, i myself have never been preggo but am happy to support anyone in need of friends
  • 1st off, congrats! baby's are such blessings! This is a great way to keep track of your daily intake, even though I made a new profile, I used the site before & succeeded w my goals.. but I gained the weight back, so I'm back! This is a great community to join :happy:
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I had my last child 3 months after I turned 40. He is now 14 years old, I am 54, young at heart and in great shape. You will be fine. :-)
  • Congratulations!!!

    I was overweight with all three of my pregnancies. (granted I was much younger then!)
    With the first one, I walked a lot and was able to only gain 16 pounds during the entire pregnancy (never lost one pound during any of the weigh-ins... but more often than not, my weight stayed the same until the last two months). After I lost all the pregnancy weight, I weighed less than when I got pregnant.

    So remember, eat right, drink plenty of water, and exercise... if you have an exercise program, do that in moderation or whatever your doctor suggest. If you don't, walking is excellent for you and the baby!!

    I look forward to following your progress!!
  • teacherjill69
    teacherjill69 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations! I had my son last year at 41... I took care of myself during the pregnancy (eating right and exercise). Because I took care of myself I was able to shed the weight I gained with my son... now is a different story of course... since I had him, I have eaten everything in sight! I think MFP will help me and I know it will help you. Congratulations and enjoy your pregnancy.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
  • Congratulations on the pregnancy, how exciting. I am sure you will be able to control your weight gain and also bring a healthy beautiful baby into the world. :) SO EXCITING!!!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Congrats on your pregnancy! I just had my first baby last November at the age of 40 and I was overweight and not in shape at all. Now I'm trying to lose the weight and get fit for her. Also, I'm hoping to become pregnant again and losing weight and being in shape will only help that. Good luck!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    first off..way to go..i could never have one over the age of 40..of course, i just turned 30, so im 10 years away, and i might change my mint, but i doubt i could..great for you :happy: 2nd we are happy to have you here, and kudos for trying to eat well..its tough during pregnancy..i wanted to eat everything in sight, so that plus baby weight is the reason i am here..i started out too long after wards but i started..please feel free to add me as a friend and congrats on the baby AND healthy ( or at least acknowledged ) eating:drinker:

    ***sorry if i babbled..i am trying to multi-task******
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    God bless you--or I guess He already has! I was not planned either and it continues to be a big family joke--and I am over 40 myself now!

    But please take your health seriously--do whatever (in a healthy way) it takes to not gain weight and to stay active and keep that blood pressure normal. Many more heavy women are pregnant these days and we are seeing how dangerous it can be, and I think doctors are hesitant to mention weight to women. It is very hard in today's society to not just eat mindlessly, but you can do it and a precious new baby is your wonderful reward!
  • rachelleog
    rachelleog Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all of the responses & support! This is really incredible! I have my first prenatal appointment on Monday so I'll be able to get some guidance from the doctor. It's been over 4 years since I was pregnant the first time, it's like starting all over again and learing from scratch. I have my a list already started to discuss different things, including exercise, eating, etc... I think that MFP is a good place to start. It's so much better than the pregnancy apps that I've downloaded on my iPhone. :) Thanks again and I'll keep you updated.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    congratulations! i'm 43 and hoping to have another baby soon! i have a 13 yr son and remarried 2 years ago. my husband has raised my son with me the last 7 years and it's been wonderful! it's our time to have a baby together. this will be his 1st, my 2nd and i can't wait! my dr has been very supportive of me getting pregnant at this age and it's just a matter of it happening. my son has had my husband in is life for 7 years and "mom" time is getting less and less since he is getting older and is all "man". we do a lot as a family but the little moments i miss of him being a little love bug, i miss my little boy! he is all man now and even works construction with my husband. they are such a team and i am blessed. as a mom, i am soooo ready to do this again. i pray God blesses us with a healthy baby and i will do my best on my end to make it happen. if you feel great and have tons of love to give, it doesn't matter the age you are of becoming a parent again. good luck on baby #2! i'm so happy for you!
  • misslauren88
    misslauren88 Posts: 34 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy, babies are so much fun! I can't wait to hear about your progress both during and after.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Congratulations!! I'm pregnant myself and overweight. There's a wonderful board on here where a lot of pregnant moms talk about pretty much everything. Food, Fitness, Baby and anything in between. You should check it out!

  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Congratulations! I was 41 when I had my last baby. He'll be 9 this December. Unfortunately for him, his sister and brother are adults, so it's like he's an only child. At least your little one will have a sibling closer in age to have around! Enjoy the wonders of pregnancy...I sure miss those days!
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Congrats on the little blessing! I just delivered my 2nd (also a surprise) 6 weeks ago. I was about 70 pounds overweight when I started too. I managed to gain 25 pounds by doing the same thing ... making wise food choices and lots of walking. I also through some Zumb in there every now and then. I was back to pre-pregnancy weight just a couple weeks after he was born (it helped that he was 9 1/2 pounds at birth). Now 6 weeks later I'm 7 pounds under pre-pregnancy weight. You can totally do it.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome to MFP and congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Your story is similar to mine. I have two children... and I had both over the age of 40. With my son, I started out at 225lbs and gained 30lbs during pregnancy. I had just turned 40 when he was born. With my daughter, I was a little bit lighter because I had been trying to lose weight, and I started out at 195lbs. I gained 35lbs with my daughter. She was born 2 days before I turned 44!!!

    Because I was already trying to lose weight when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, it was easier for me to keep on the track of eating healthy and exercising. I just tried to eat more chicken, fish and lean meats... more fruits and veggies.... and tried to stay away from a lot of fast food and processed food (lunch meats, etc.). I didn't watch my calories at all. Again... just tried to watch the type of food that went into my mouth. I also walked 5 days a week. I walked with a few friends M-F, and we walked about 1-3 miles. I walked up until 1 month before I had my daughter. So... although I still gained 35lbs with her, I was much more healthy, and I felt much better during that pregnancy (less aches/pains, etc.)

    Definitely don't try to lose weight while pregnant, but... you are doing the right thing by tracking what you eat, and keeping your choices healthy. Also, it's safe to exercise... even if you only get out and walk daily. You will feel much better too.

    Good luck with your pregnancy, and your journey here on MFP.
  • When i Found out i was Pregnant we got a puppy! We were going to get a dog anyway & he kept me active & walking 2hours a day uphill through my pregnancy i had legs of steel! haha, Walking is fab when your pregnant To keep in shape Xx