Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I made the smoked gouda mac & cheese last night....YUM!!! I used Ancient Harvest quinoa elbow noodles since that's what I already had and it was so good!! Oh and I used Ezekiel bread for the crumbles on top.

    I woke up so tired this morning. My little Yorkie was running around on the bed trying to wake me up because he needed to go outside. He was walking up and down my back hoping to wake me. haha!! I had a cup of decaf hazelnut coffee and imagined it was caffeinated. :)

    Heather, I had a lot more protein and less carbs for my breakfast this morning and I haven't gotten hungry yet so that's good. :) I don't like to buy instant oatmeal packets so I suppose I can add some protein powder to the oats that I buy in bulk. I don't like the texture it gives it though when I cook the protein powder in it. It always makes little rubbery pieces that cook weird. Maybe if I just stir it in afterwards it will be better. Or maybe I'm not doing something right. lol

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day! So happy tomorrow is Friday!! :)
  • rachelleog
    rachelleog Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All! Thanks so much to MidniteDayDream for letting me know about this group. :) Currently I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant, so I'm not using this so much as a weight loss tool at the time, but more to keep track of my eating habits and food intake during this pregnancy. I'm currently about 80lbs overweight and don't want to put excess weight on now. So, I'm logging in all of my food and working on getting out and at least walking 30 minutes a few times a week. I'm almost 44 years old, married & mother of 1 daughter (almost 5 years old). This wasn't a planned pregnancy, but it's is a blessing. We have our first prenatal appointment on Monday. I'm excited, but also scared. I just hope and pray that everything is good. I've been feeling really good, most of the time. Just a few episodes of afternoon/evening sickness and of course being tired. My first pregnancy was wonderful, with no complications, even though I'm considered high risk. Praying for a healthy, happy pregnancy, birth and new baby.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Holly: Did someone say smokey mac & cheese recipe with smoked cheddar and fire roasted tomatoes? Recipe please!!

    Heather: Holly and I live pretty close considering in I'm in Canada and she's in the US. Come this way and you could meet us both (and be a little cooler, too). Haha! Gotta say though, the heat is picking up this week. I too love the sun and heat, but my ankles have loved the cooler temps. No complaining here though. Bring on the sun!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    AHA! I found you guys. Can't get rid of me yet, I still have quite a ways to go!!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Doc called and told me I have a kidney & UTI, blah! But we're on meds and drinking lots of water. Sleeping tons, back to heavy snacking....still no solid meals, but thats okay. As long as I'm snacking I'm good on energy!

    Doc perscribed some nausea meds & some light sleeping meds for me since we're getting ready to travel.

    Looking forward to getting away before the baby gets here!!

    Mom & sister surprised me with a purchase of a crib. I cried like a baby!! Emotions are all over the place, but thats okay because for the 1st time in my life I feel like I'm at the right place at the right time (just don't tell my hubby that!)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I was on the elliptical at the gym yesterday and Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" came on my iPod and I got all emotional. Seriously?!?! LOL
  • b4bena
    b4bena Posts: 23
    Ok, so not to brag or anything, I'm 9 weeks along and my morning sickness is already completely gone. Thank g-d!!!!! My food aversions are starting to lessen as well, but I still can't even look at a chocolate vitatop! So strange for me because usually I'm a chocoholic. lol. To be honest, everything sweet seems gross to me still. And I'm having issues with vegetables too. I usually love to eat tons of vegetables, but right now they seem gross. The only vegetables I can eat are lettuces. Oh, and I'm craving ceasar salad. I even went out yesterday to buy whole wheat croutons and light ceasar dressing so I can make ceasar salads myself, lol.

    I have same issue I am just 5.5 weeks and I cant stand anything sweet. even Fruits and cereal bars (which are very hand on the go break fast :( ). I am fine with Veggies. and I want sleep all the time too tired...I think thats Iron deficiency ?
    I have Doc's appointment coming Monday...I will ask if I can change/add supplements.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    11 weeks today! :happy: :bigsmile: so excited!! Almost at the 3 month mark and into the 2nd trimester!
    Woke up this morning at 4:00 to pee and couldn't get back to sleep! SOOO tired today...beyond tired.

    Hoping to get a work in tonight but I might fall asleep as soon as I get home!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lucky me, I have not been sick at all and I have made it through Tri 1. There were a couple times I got so worn down I felt nauseous, but sleep always made it go away.

    Just got back from my dr. apt and everything was fine! Heart rate was around 158 which she said was good. She actually said there is really nothing conclusive that says it should be a certain rate at a certain time; the important thing is that it is there. Also, I found out I can go to the chiropractor, get a spray tan and fly until 36 weeks. I got my ultrasounds scheduled for September 2! Yay!
  • Hello everyone!!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats to all of you!! I'm 32 and I have four children 14-5 years old & I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. I look foward to everyones exercise and food tips as well as following everyones pregnancies :smile:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! The board is getting popular...and I love it! Hope you all jump right in and let us all know your fav workouts, healthy foods you LOVE, and ways you are keeping super healthy for you and baby!

    Took hubby to the airport today. He probably won't be getting back until the 25th (the day before our 3d/4d ultrasound). I can't complain though cause my neighbor's husband has been in Afghanistan since she was 6wks pregnant and he may not make it home before the baby is born...So NO complaints coming from me about 3 measly weeks away from each other. I would have liked to go with him to NC (to do some Zumba with you Nichole! lol)....but with our german shepherd (getting someone to watch a big dog is not very easy) as well as getting things ready for the nursery and our baby shower/party coming up the beginning of September. I got Charlee's chandelier and her curtains today! The painters are coming tomorrow to paint the nursery and our furniture should be in within the next month. Things are coming together and it is so exciting!

    Hope you all had a great day. I started my day off with some I'm back on the wagon tomorrow! lol!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    I also highly recommend not wandering into Victoria's Secret just for "fun" was slightly depressing. lol
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I had Ihop today today too. Been craving the crispy potatoes for a while now and Hubby caved and took me after he had his PT test (which he passed with a 90.6). He also took me to Target so I could get a new pair of "comfy pants" since my jeans are starting to not feel so comfy (even though I haven't gained any weight yet. Lost 2 lbs in fact).
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I had my first appointment, and U/S today. I cried so hard when I heard that heartbeat. I was a little worried, ok a LOT, when all she could find at first was a yolk sack. Looks I'm measuring at about 3 days behind my EDD, but they are going to keep it at where it was.

    I'm still worried because we have a little bit to go before we're out of the first trimester. All the problems we've had getting pregnant are always in the back of my mind. Today took a huge weight off though. Not only did I get see the little one, I got to hear a wonderfully nice and strong heartbeat.

    Wow Congrats, I completely understand. Too funny we have similarities in our pregnancies, I am already a sweet freak and now I can see I crave more sweets. I am also experiencing acne in my arms :sad: .

    I think I might be around 9-10 weeks, your picture looks just like mine, but my dr couldn't measure it was too small, anyways next Dr's appt is on 8-13-11. EDD is between 2/28-3/6/11, so he'll confirm next appt.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I also highly recommend not wandering into Victoria's Secret just for "fun" was slightly depressing. lol

    Lol I already find the thought depressing but I guess I better sex things up while I can. I gave a urine sample to the hospital and for some reason I'm nervous about the result. I don't see how the home test could be wrong, especially with my symptoms.

    My diet sucks, I am either hungry or nauseated, and the latter is only relieved by my gluten free crackers or cookies! That does not help my calorie counts Turbo fire was my only salvation today and I had to take a nap before I could pull it off. I have also noticed a lot of muscle soreness today, more than my strength workout normally induces. Going to sleep now, nauseated. I hope I don't have to vomit in the middle of the night :frown:

    Any tips for controlling the appetite and/or the nausea?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Midnitedaydream lucky girl. When I liven in Anchorage they JUST got their first Walmart! lol! I know that city grows on a daily basis. I love me some Target! I also went to Target yesterday....and spent WAY too much. Guess my nesting is REALLY kicking in! :)

    cutmd Yes definitely sex it up is hard for me to feel any sort of sexy now, even though my hubby tells me on a daily basis how beautiful and sexy I am (bless him!). And I'm sure your test will tell you exactly what you already know. As far as the nausea and the hunger...most of the time people (especially those that workout I've noticed) get nauseous cause they don't have food in their belly. In the first trimester I had to make sure to eat before and after working out especially. You probably already know this, but make sure to eat every 2-3 hours. That has helped a lot of my friends as well as me in the beginning. Eat something like almonds, a banana (or other fruit), your gluten free crackers. In the first trimester especially, I'd always make sure to eat something literally right before bed (I would eat a bowl of cereal as I laid IN bed. lol). I know that helps a lot of women out as well. Also, I was going to give Turbo Fire a whirl after the baby was born. I've done TKB plenty and have heard good things about Turbo Fire. Would you recommend it?

    The weather has cooled a bit (high of 90*F instead of 110)...and it is a nice reprieve. If the painters weren't coming this morning to paint the nursery, I'd be outside hiking right now! Hopefully tomorrow I can get outside for a nice long hike before I have to get ready for my birthing class. Kinda sucks having my husband missing out on these is just as much for him as it is for me. At least he is very involved and has read up on lots of books and knows more than the average guy. I can already tell he is going to be awesome support in labor and delivery!

    I hope you ladies have a fabulous day staying fabulous and fit! :)

    Hope you are doing okay Lexi. Just thinking about ya girl!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    I also highly recommend not wandering into Victoria's Secret just for "fun" was slightly depressing. lol

    Lol I already find the thought depressing but I guess I better sex things up while I can. I gave a urine sample to the hospital and for some reason I'm nervous about the result. I don't see how the home test could be wrong, especially with my symptoms.

    My diet sucks, I am either hungry or nauseated, and the latter is only relieved by my gluten free crackers or cookies! That does not help my calorie counts Turbo fire was my only salvation today and I had to take a nap before I could pull it off. I have also noticed a lot of muscle soreness today, more than my strength workout normally induces. Going to sleep now, nauseated. I hope I don't have to vomit in the middle of the night :frown:

    Any tips for controlling the appetite and/or the nausea?

    I think everyones appetite at the moment is off and with good reason :wink: so you might need to consider coming off your gluten free (if you can) and trying different types of snacks. For me, fresh pears work great and triscuits! I make sure I don't over do it, but it's enough to keep me satisfied and curbs teh nausea. Also you might want to double check with your doctor on the work out. My doc completely pulled the plug on my weights/circuti training?? Believe it or not, it's allowed me to sleep much more than I wanted but it also makes me feel better 90% of the time!!

    Good luck!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Also you might want to double check with your doctor on the work out. My doc completely pulled the plug on my weights/circuti training?? Believe it or not, it's allowed me to sleep much more than I wanted but it also makes me feel better 90% of the time!!

    Just curious why your doc told you that you couldn't do weights/circuit training anymore unless you were lifting heavy, and even then most docs would just tell you to use lighter weights? Just wondering.
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone, can I join? I found out a little over a week ago I am expecting baby #2 on 4/8/12 (Easter! And the day before my 27th birthday!) We are thrilled since we have been TTC since DS was born! Our son is 14 months old, so we are going to have 2 under 2!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    59 degrees and a little marine mist in the air makes for perfect running weather! I know those of us in the Pacific Northwest are a little weird with weather, but that cooler air makes it so much easier....took 1.5 minutes off my run from last week - crazy at this stage of the game! (sorry to all my mama friends having to deal with the super hot temperatures)

    Wish I had more advice for the nausea, but I was one of the lucky ones who hasn't had to deal with it at all.

    Love me some Target too! Actually have to make a trip there today or tomorrow as I've gotten lots of duplicate gifts for the bambino. It's amazing how many people are excited to give you gifts - it's kind of embarrassing!

    Off for my 36 week appointment :-)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Also you might want to double check with your doctor on the work out. My doc completely pulled the plug on my weights/circuti training?? Believe it or not, it's allowed me to sleep much more than I wanted but it also makes me feel better 90% of the time!!

    Just curious why your doc told you that you couldn't do weights/circuit training anymore unless you were lifting heavy, and even then most docs would just tell you to use lighter weights? Just wondering.

    Heathercris1, yes I was lifting heavy & heavy cardio....but I think he pulled the plug because I am in the higher risk % stage due to my age and he just wanted to play it safe. He did tell me as time passes and the exams continue to come back positive that I would be able to go back to the gym. Nothing over 10 lbs.

    But since I was just diagnosed with a Kidney infection I think he really wants my body to focus on healing before I put it through any other strain.

    But to be completely honest, I'm so sleepy lately I'm not sure I could continue with my circuit! :laugh: