Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just curious-
    Do you guys eat feta while pregnant? My doctor didn't mention cheeses this time. I know I can't eat danish blue cheese, brie, camembert, and I think goat cheese was also on that list, right?

    I have always heard that you shouldn't eat soft cheeses, including feta. However, this is not true! You can eat any cheese that is pasteurized. In other words, no raw cheeses. Just read the ingredients and if the cheese is made with pasteurized milk, then it's fine. I have to say, almost all cheeses are made with pasteurized milk and are therefore safe to eat. I even eat brie and goat cheese.

    Here is an article for you: "Is it safe to eat soft cheese during pregnancy?"
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy August everyone! I am going to be 11 weeks on Thursday! Getting so close to the 3 month mark! YAY

    I got my Element Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga video & my copy of The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy today in the mail :o) So excited to try the video tonight and start reading the book! Totally made my day!

    I think my food aversions are finally starting to subside :o) I had 2 salads this weekend and I put spinach in my smoothie this morning (only a half a cup) with all my fruit and calcium magnesium citrate, Greens + Energy and V8 fusion strawberry banana with frozen blueberries & strawberries as well as a little psyllium fibre :o) and I didn't hate it! So yummy!

    I really need to clean up my eating, I've been feeling so sick lately - not nauseous, just super bloated and having stomach's because I have food allergies to gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs and pineapple and I've been eating carbs and dairy like it's going out of style because I couldn't stand the sight of veggies for so long! But enough is enough, I have to cut those things out and just find good substitutes like rice, almond milk, etc etc.
    Going to go grocery shopping tonight and try to get a really good start on the week!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday! :flowerforyou:
  • b4bena
    b4bena Posts: 23
    Hi All,
    We just found out last week a positive HPT. Me and my Husband are so excited. This is our first time lots of questions and concerns. So far I am only 5.3 weeks. My first appointment is next Monday. any advice for newbie?
    feel free to add me
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi, I just found out this am. I have been trying to cut my calories more and more because I was frightened by the weight gain and fighting my appetite over the last few weeks. I know most of it is water weight but how do I quell it? I don't wanna stop fitting in my clothes the first trimester! Are you girls counting? I don't really want to but I certainly don't want to gain more than the recommended pounds, seeing the scale go up is already freaking me out.

    On a positive note, this is our first time and I just stopped my BC 2 months ago. And here I thought we'd have problems TTC :smile:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    A great article "BabyFit's Guide to Strength Training", if anyone interested in reading:
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Exercised for the first time in a week today (have been on vacation and gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks!!!) and it felt so good! We have our one and only ultrasound today- so excited! Will be 21 weeks tomorrow. Have a great day, ladies!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey new peeps and congrats to you all!

    I have been stupid busy at work and trying to take Friday off so have not had time to eat as well as I want so far. Yesterday my "afternoon snack" was some almonds on my way out of the office to a night meeting. Today all I had time for was a mini granola bar for breakfast and some dried fruit (I keep it in my car) on my way from my 2nd morning meeting. I finally got to sit down and eat my baked potato with black bean soup, cheddar and sour cream. I have had a thing for baked potatoes. No nausea at all for me and I am in 2nd tri now so think I escaped it (YES.....) but have had a hankering for Mexican (mostly tortilla chips early) and potatoes throughout pregnancy. Not that I crave them, but if I see them on a menu, I want them. I also can't seem to get sick of Qdoba but typically my ideal meal would include a really good piece of rare ahi tuna or a good homemade pasta. I love food.

    Cutmd, congrats! I was surprised to see you on this thread. :smile: I have been tracking my calories since I found out I was prego, but am a little more lax about it now. I skip entire meals and parts of some days. I find many days I am trying to get enough calories which is different since i was eating 1200 before and trying to save room for booze. :drinker: I was a little freaked out to gain at first but have decided it is most definitely worth it. The first week I upped my cals I gained a pound and I felt very bloated about the first month or so. Over the next 3 weeks I stabilzed, then gained a couple weeks and have been back and forth with the same coupld pounds the last month but have ultimately gained around 3 pounds so far. I quit tracking online b/c it felt strange to be congratulated on weeks I did lose. I instead track on paper the old school way. At first I felt like my clothes were fitting differently though. I think anytime we change something up (for me added calories, less alcohol, larger breakfasts) our bodies will ultimately adjust. So good luck!

    Heather, that chicken sounds awesome. I am always trying to think of things to do with chicken and especially for leftovers I can bring to work with me. I may give it a whirl.

    Very exciting about all the nurseries. Can't wait to see them. We are months from beginning our nursery. Currenlty it is filled with boxes of photos and art we have yet to hang in our "new" (4 months) house and other random crap. The basement should be done in a couple weeks which is holding us from our final move in and organization. I reckon we'll get on the nursery in early fall.

    My workouts will be suffering this week. I doubt I will make it to the gym at all between work and company. Oh well....there's always next week.

    Hope you're all having a good week!

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    A great article "BabyFit's Guide to Strength Training", if anyone interested in reading:

    Good article! Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    cutmd I feel your pain. You just have to realize that this is not about gaining "fat"...this is about gaining weight for you and your baby. You should focus more on the quality of food you are eating as opposed to the amount. All of us have set our calories to maintenance in the first trimester and then added 200-300 calories with the 2nd and 3rd trimester. You seem to be a very fit and active if you continue to stay active throughout your pregnancy and not sit around and eat junk, you will be just fine! Watching the scale go up is the last thing we want....but we are in a place where it is absolutely necessary. I am 30 and this is my first baby so I know it is hard, especially when you've worked so hard to have the scale read a certain number! Please do not skip meals and starve yourself. Listen to your body. If you are! I would focus on trying to get at least 100g of protein a day to help fill you up as well as coupling protein with your carbs (apple & cheese, yogurt & strawberries, slice of turkey & banana). The first trimester it is VERY normal to gain several pounds only to lose or maintain it throughout the trimester due to bloating/water weight. There isn't anything you can do about that because it is the hormones. Make sure to continue to drink lots of water and stay away from caffeine (which makes it worse). And most importantly of all....congratulations on your little miracle you are creating as we speak! :) Welcome to the board! If you have anymore questions or concerns please feel free to come here. What kind of workouts are you currently doing now?

    Ashley I LOVE baked potatoes and chips and salsa too! lol! I think it is that carbs are a lot easier for us to digest... But I know that potatoes have lots of essential vitamins and minerals that are great for us and growing babies. And the chicken I made is awesome. Typically I don't like the taste of reheated chicken and it seems so dry, but with making it in the crockpot and using the cooking wine and italian dressing and then storing it in the juice in the is really moist and tender when you reheat it!

    Rayna your smoothie sounds good. My aversion to veggies is all but gone now and has been for a while. During the first trimester though...forget about it! I couldn't look at veggies! Let me know how you like the yoga video. It was the best that I found. I still enjoy doing yoga in a group exercise setting so I'm starting to go every Wednesday at the community center instead of doing the dvd at home. Going shopping and getting lots of healthy, clean food is the best way to make sure you set yourself up for success!

    khrys let us know how your ultrasound goes! Good job on working out! I love a good workout after having been off for a while.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I ate a good breakfast this morning (oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, walnuts, and almond milk) and 2 hours later I'm hungry again. Sheesh!
    I'm feeling pretty bloated and have gained a couple pounds since putting my calories to maintenance. Hopefully just some water. :-/ My boobs already feel a little bigger and have been sore from the beginning. I have implants so I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

    The hub and I are going to Bimmerfest in Aberdeen, MD on Saturday. He's such a car nerd. lol Hopefully it doesn't rain and it's not too awful hot.

    Heather, I'll call Tricare and check with them. My friend just had a baby 2 weeks ago and she said she checked with them, but I'll see if I can find out anything different.

    Hey chica! You might just be going through a growth spurt (well the baby) which makes me hungrier for a couple days. You also might try eating a little more protein with your breakfast. I get the Weight Control oatmeal with added protein and also eat yogurt along with it. I add 1/2oz of almonds as well (with cinnamon). Your breakfast is really carb heavy...which isn't bad but tends to leave us hungry sooner than if we make sure to eat some good protein with it! And glad you are calling Tricare. Sometimes we hear things through the grapevine that end up not being the case. I hope this happens with you! :)
  • cwagy
    cwagy Posts: 7 Member
    Well, I'm down almost two pounds in two days, so I guess I was just eating way too many calories. I JUST starting tracking them again since before I found out I was prego. I'm 32 weeks today and have put on 33 lbs. Eeek. I don't look that much heavier. I definitely don't fit in my size 4's any more, but I'm still in the same clothes I bought back when I was 14 weeks. Anyway, I'm going to stick to eating 1,700-2,000 calories with a minimum 40 min workout and hope that I only gain .5 lbs per week for the next 8 weeks.

    khrys1: I went on two cruises between my 14th and 20th weeks and boy did I gain weight. All-you-can-eat is not good when prego. I never did drop that weight. Anyway, good luck with your ultrasound today! Are you going to find out the sex?
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    And Holly I forgot to mention how great you look and how jealous I am that it is cool enough to wear jeans! lol! Not that I have a single pair of jeans that fit me right now. I guess it is a blessing I'm pregnant during the summer and it is so hot cause I get away with wearing very loose fitting dresses, skirts, and shorts. I live in my Nike workout shorts. Most of the maternity clothes I was handed down or bought I've yet to wear. You look how I do now...and you are almost done! :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi, I just found out this am. I have been trying to cut my calories more and more because I was frightened by the weight gain and fighting my appetite over the last few weeks. I know most of it is water weight but how do I quell it? I don't wanna stop fitting in my clothes the first trimester! Are you girls counting? I don't really want to but I certainly don't want to gain more than the recommended pounds, seeing the scale go up is already freaking me out.

    On a positive note, this is our first time and I just stopped my BC 2 months ago. And here I thought we'd have problems TTC :smile:

    Congratulations! So happy for you! Amazing how fast it can happen! Especially when you think that it will be difficult! (I was in the exact same boat and first try BAM! Pregnant!)
    I read that you should up your cals about 200-300 and just continue to eat healthy, everyone's different and in the first trimester you might find that it's just so incredibly hard to keep food down or you may have very specific food aversions or cravings - I just tried my best to listen to my body and made sure to take a prenatal multivitamin :flowerforyou:

    Wishing you a very happy healthy pregnancy!! :happy:
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi all! Our 21 week ultrasound went very well- the baby was moving around the entire time (getting in a good workout to keep up with mama! ;o) and had hiccups half the time. They said everything is looking healthy! And, had only gained 6 pounds this month according to their scale (rather than the 12 my home scale said after my cruise!) Am glad to hear the good news and to get back to my regular exercise and eating schedule. So excited to hear about all of your accomplishments! Have a great day!

    Oh, we decided NOT to find out the sex of the baby, which surprised even me, because usually I'm an extreme planner....
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ashley, thanks, I was actually wondering where you'd been - didn't realize you went to preggo land! Good to see you, I hope you can teach me your tricks. 3lbs is awesome.

    Thanks Heather, I usually do strength training 3 times a week and HIIT and or moderate intensity cardio. I'm wondering how soon I really have to give up HIIT. The 150 heart rate thing is looking ridiculous right now but of course I don't want to give my kid cerebral palsy from oxygen deprivation. I'm going to scroll back in the thread and play catchup with you ladies

    The funny thing is I didn't expect to be uncomfortable this early on. I already have big sore boobs and pregnancy acne. And my tummy is so bloated, it was always flat :sad:
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member

    With my first child, I conceived within a month of getting off birth control pills. I actually think that sometimes the hormone change helps give you a little fertility boost.

    Also, I'm tracking my calories. I'm also in my first trimester. My bmi before pregnancy was 28.3, which is considered overweight, even though I'm a size 8/10. My Doctor recommended that I eat 1500 calories a day and only gain 15 lbs the entire pregnancy because with my first child I gained 75 lb and I still haven't gotten it all off yet.

    Discuss your dietary concerns with your doctor. Don't limit yourself or eat for two until you find out more from your OB.

    BTW, I already knew I was pregnant a week after conceiving and told my husband (without a hpt) because my breasts went from a C-cup to a D in a week and I was falling asleep fully dressed at 9pm. The last time I felt so tired and so busty was when I was pregnant with my son, lol. Seriously, I'm 2 months pregnant and I'm now a DD cup size!!!! Isn't that crazy??????
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I had my first appointment, and U/S today. I cried so hard when I heard that heartbeat. I was a little worried, ok a LOT, when all she could find at first was a yolk sack. Looks I'm measuring at about 3 days behind my EDD, but they are going to keep it at where it was.

    I'm still worried because we have a little bit to go before we're out of the first trimester. All the problems we've had getting pregnant are always in the back of my mind. Today took a huge weight off though. Not only did I get see the little one, I got to hear a wonderfully nice and strong heartbeat.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I had my first appointment, and U/S today. I cried so hard when I heard that heartbeat. I was a little worried, ok a LOT, when all she could find at first was a yolk sack. Looks I'm measuring at about 3 days behind my EDD, but they are going to keep it at where it was.

    I'm still worried because we have a little bit to go before we're out of the first trimester. All the problems we've had getting pregnant are always in the back of my mind. Today took a huge weight off though. Not only did I get see the little one, I got to hear a wonderfully nice and strong heartbeat.

    yay, after a healthy heartbeat the chance of miscarriage lowers dramatically!

    With my first child, I conceived within a month of getting off birth control pills. I actually think that sometimes the hormone change helps give you a little fertility boost.

    Also, I'm tracking my calories. I'm also in my first trimester. My bmi before pregnancy was 28.3, which is considered overweight, even though I'm a size 8/10. My Doctor recommended that I eat 1500 calories a day and only gain 15 lbs the entire pregnancy because with my first child I gained 75 lb and I still haven't gotten it all off yet.

    Discuss your dietary concerns with your doctor. Don't limit yourself or eat for two until you find out more from your OB.

    BTW, I already knew I was pregnant a week after conceiving and told my husband (without a hpt) because my breasts went from a C-cup to a D in a week and I was falling asleep fully dressed at 9pm. The last time I felt so tired and so busty was when I was pregnant with my son, lol. Seriously, I'm 2 months pregnant and I'm now a DD cup size!!!! Isn't that crazy??????

    Funny how that happens. I'm 33 so I needed it to be quick I guess, lol. I had gotten down to a bmi of 21 so I wish pissed when the scale suddenly started rebounding. About 2 weeks ago I started to suspect I was pregnant (to the point I started thinking I was crazy) but decided to wait until after the 1st to see if my period would come late or something. The day before I tested I bought prenatal vitamins cause I just knew. 'm really hoping to get a permanent booby boost, during my weight loss journey I went from a small D to a small B :ohwell:

    Is anyone else getting acne? I'm a mess! The gluten-free bakery I just discovered is not helping my sweet cravings. I set my calories to maintenance and am really going to crack down tomorrow - no more visits to that bakery! If I could do no sugar, dairy, and of course no gluten this whole pregnancy I'd be awesome.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Is anyone else getting acne? I'm a mess! The gluten-free bakery I just discovered is not helping my sweet cravings. I set my calories to maintenance and am really going to crack down tomorrow - no more visits to that bakery! If I could do no sugar, dairy, and of course no gluten this whole pregnancy I'd be awesome.

    I'm breaking out in the weirdest places now. Places I've never had acne before. Like my neck, tops of my boobs, and arms. It's crazy. I've been craving sweets bad too. Of course my hubby keeps offering me food cause he wants "the baby to be fed too. Baby wants baby back ribs." At least my doc is completely happy with what I'm doing so far (as far as my walks and calorie count goes). She's saying about a 25lb gain for me should be my goal.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just lurking :)