Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hi girls... i'm not 100% sure if i'm pregnant or not, but have a feeling i might be... i won't know for another week or so, but my questions to all of you is can i still do exercise DVDs for the 1st trimester? and/or ab workouts?
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I haven't been doing dvds because my doctor doesn't want my heart rate over 140-150 bpm and while doing dvds my hr goes up to 180 bpm (i like to push myself hard), but i am thinking of getting into some pregnancy dvds soon!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    hi girls... i'm not 100% sure if i'm pregnant or not, but have a feeling i might be... i won't know for another week or so, but my questions to all of you is can i still do exercise DVDs for the 1st trimester? and/or ab workouts?

    I believe typically you can continue to do anything you're already comfortably doing. Rule of thumb is if you can carry on a conversation you are ok. I didn't find out I was pregnant til 7 weeks and had been boxing prior. I continued going to my boxing fitness class (no contact) for a few more weeks and really wish I could have continuted throughout my pregnancy. My doctor only restricted me from exercising because I was high risk for having an incompetent cervix.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    oh, I was also doing Jillian Michaels dvd's before my doctor cut me off. I did find that the dvd's were getting harder for me to do already.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hi girls... i'm not 100% sure if i'm pregnant or not, but have a feeling i might be... i won't know for another week or so, but my questions to all of you is can i still do exercise DVDs for the 1st trimester? and/or ab workouts?

    I believe typically you can continue to do anything you're already comfortably doing. Rule of thumb is if you can carry on a conversation you are ok. I didn't find out I was pregnant til 7 weeks and had been boxing prior. I continued going to my boxing fitness class (no contact) for a few more weeks and really wish I could have continuted throughout my pregnancy. My doctor only restricted me from exercising because I was high risk for having an incompetent cervix.

    ok... makes lots of sense... i'm afraid that if i completely stop with them, i will lose all my muscle that i just worked so hard to get and turn it all into fat. lol.. i just lost 31 lbs and not looking forward to putting it all back. when i was pregnant with my daughter i reached a HW of 193, i'm hoping this time around i don't go past 170. i'm currently 135, so i think it's pretty realistic :))
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Stopping in to catch up on the posts - hope to join you ladies in the next few months!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    That goal is definitely realistic and healthy considering that you are probably in a healthy bmi already. I'm walking about 2-4 miles a day and chasing my extremely active 2 year old around the playground. I actually burn more doing all that than i did doing jillian michael's dvds. lol
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I haven't been doing dvds because my doctor doesn't want my heart rate over 140-150 bpm and while doing dvds my hr goes up to 180 bpm (i like to push myself hard), but i am thinking of getting into some pregnancy dvds soon!

    i have a couple of pregnancy workout DVDs i'm planning on using my 2nd and 3rd Trimester if indeed i turnout to be pregnant, but i think for now, i will continue with some low-intensity cardio and modified versions of the actual workout routines :))
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    That goal is definitely realistic and healthy considering that you are probably in a healthy bmi already. I'm walking about 2-4 miles a day and chasing my extremely active 2 year old around the playground. I actually burn more doing all that than i did doing jillian michael's dvds. lol

    lol i can agree with the chasing around a toddler part :)) it's a handful :)) congrats on your new-to-be bundle of joy.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hi ladies! Glad to see so much chatter on the board today!

    Amy I want to go where you are! We have had anything but a cool summer! This has been the hottest summer on record for decades! Yay for going on maternity leave! And your vacay sounds most awesome! You are so close now!

    Jalara so glad you popped in! :)

    Sabrina the gouda recipe sounds delish!

    Nichole I've had acne my entire life...well since I was a preteen. It is so wonderful for the first time in my life to not have to worry about dumb pimples! And I love the way I feel strong and fit even when I'm pregnant in a room full of nonpreggos! :)

    We've had this debate recently and 6oz of canned/packaged tuna per week is okay per the recommendations. 12oz of low mercury seafood per week is okay after that. Also, no judgment here....just concern....if you are eating less than 1000 calories that is starvation mode for someone who is NOT pregnant. So either you are underestimating what you are eating or you are starving yourself AND your baby! Unless you weigh 70 or 80lbs and are very short I'd say your maintenance calories can't be below 1400 calories. I am just concerned for you and your health as well as the health of the baby by eating such an extremely low amount of calories.

    Of course you can continue to do whatever workouts you have been doing prior to pregnancy and ab workouts are fine throughout your pregnancy as well. They just recommend that you don't lay flat on your back after 16ish weeks. I do my abs standing or on a stability ball which is great. Doing ab workouts feels a little strange now...but it won't hurt anything! And I recently posted an article on rate of perceived exertion while working out. This is the standard now as opposed to the outdated "keep hr under 140bpm" thinking. During my first trimester I continued to do kickboxing, spinning, hiking, biking, etc...just like I had been doing prior to. Your body will tell you if you are overdoing it, so just listen to your body!

    As for continuing to log all of your food....I stopped at 12 weeks from logging. I tend to eat the same things every single week (plus or minus a meal out here and there). The week before last I logged in all of my food for a week because we were going over nutrition in my Bradley Method class and the instructor asked me to log my food. She said I ate better than anyone she has ever seen. So I think as long as you are continuing to eat healthy, nutritious meals and staying active I think you will be fine. I plan on getting serious about losing the baby weight come January and will be logging again then of course. But until then...I'm taking a break. But everyone chooses what is best for them. So if you think you won't go wild and gain a bunch of weight...I say go for it! :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    cutmd in the beginning you don't need to add any calories so maintenance plus maybe a little extra when you workout will probably do great for you. As far as 150 bpm with your heartrate...was just wondering if your doc had told you that? The latest (and by latest I mean the past decade) findings have shown that the old school thinking of not raising your heart rate over 140 doesn't apply. As long as you aren't out of breath then your baby is getting the oxygen they need. When I hike I get my heart rate into the 160s, but as long as I can carry on a conversation it is okay. Here is an awesome article that outlines the guidelines:

    Also, the breaking out is the increase in hormones. It doesn't have anything to do with the sugar you are eating. :) I broke out the first couple weeks I was pregnant, but my skin has been clearer than it ever has been in my entire life now! It is awesome!

    Nah,I don't have an appointment till the end of the month. I think exercise is fine, even if I pant a little. Yesterday I went on a nearly vertical hike with friends, none of us could speak more than a few words. Also did the elliptical and averaged in the 160s with a 170 sprint. Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen that maternal hemoglobin so if anything I would think the baby would starve the mom of oxygen during exercise, not the other way around. I'm gonna escalate my strength training probably as things move along but for now will only cut out my beloved HIIT

    Sugar makes my skin less beautiful, but since I can't seem to avoid it I'll just blame hormones, too

    The weirdest thing happened last night. I work in an ER and had a patient who stopped birth control around the time I did and found out she was pregnant yesterday, she had the same symptoms I had. I want to order stuff on myself to figure out how far along I am like imdid for her but not ready to tell work until the first trimester is over of course.

    Who all did you ladies tell right away?. Hubby is already getting excited and I want to tell my mom but she's been so desperate for me to have kids I wonder if it would be better to wait until it's totally confirmed. I missed my period once a while back and she told everyone and started making plans for her new grand baby :laugh:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    cutmd I totally agree with ya! It amazes me the fear people have associated with exercise and working out is going to make them lose their baby which on the contrary! Working out is immensely beneficial to not only the health of the baby...but the ease/health of pregnancy and the labor! So many pros...I can't understand the negative or feared stigma associated with it! Sounds like you know your stuff...I figured with the "md" in your screen name you might know a thing or 2 about all this ;) That is sweet your hubby is getting excited. I told a few of my closest friends and my husband of course, but until I saw the heartbeat on u/s I didn't tell anyone else. Once we saw that I told my family and after 12 weeks I told everyone else. We had 2 prior miscarriages so we were just being extra cautious.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I told my parents right away because they are discreet and I work with them, so I think they need to know why I can't lift heavy boxes and why I'm so exhausted and nauseated. I've told one other friend and hinted to a few people, but didn't say it outright. I'm waiting till I'm 12 weeks along before telling everyone, so 3 weeks more to go!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    We tried not to tell anyone, but around the 6 week mark too many of our friends had figured it out. We figured someone would let it slip so we just went ahead and told everyone. Most already knew about the 2 miscarriages and infertility and were really OK with our wishes to keep it under wraps until the first ultrasound. Now everyone that we know is celebrating and the news is filtering out to friends of family and all that.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I think I'm gonna tell my mom tonight. Part of me wants to test myself again even though the results were plain as day. We are so close so I tell her everything but I think if the baby didn't make it she'd be more devastated than I would. Trying not to get attached to the idea. This feels so much like severe PMS I keep expecting to find blood when I go to the bathroom

    I don't know if it's psychological, but I started getting heartburn and nausea yesterday and almost vomited during my No More Trouble Zones workout just now. I feel like I'm just being a pansy, like "oh I'm pregnant, I shouldn't push myself, I should use a lighter weight, I'm tired". I know those are typical pregnancy symptoms, but leave it to my lazy body to take advantage of it.

    Decided to change my pic back so I could appreciate my abs while I have them. Hubby had to leave town for a few days, he had a little turbulence and was thinking he was going to die after he found out he was having a baby. He's too cute!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    My goodness! I can hardly keep up with all the chatter! Hope everyone is doing well - especially with your fitness and nutrition goals.

    MidniteDayDream, I am so happy you got to hear the heartbeat! Keeping you in my prayers for a healthy little one. Anchorage is such a beautiful city- my parents lived up there for about six years and I spent five summers working in Southeast Alaska in the early -mid 90's.

    Nichole, I totally get the big/small bump thing. I was definitely that way for a good majority of my pregnancy. Now I just seem to be growing by the hour! It's amazing how hard some things are putting on my running shoes, it's hard to bend over anymore with this basketball of a bambino ;-)

    Cutmd, we were so excited when we got our positive home test as we'd been ttc for three years. It was over the holidays and my parents were staying with us - we couldn't contain our excitement and told them immediately. Also called my husband's parents and told our siblings. We then told my best girlfriend and my husband's best friend after my 12 week screening - my doctor said with a healthy heartbeat at 12 weeks we had a very minor chance of miscarriage at that point. Everyone else we waited for until after my final screening tests came back so it was somewhere around 17 weeks. I didn't tell work until 26 weeks.

    Danielle, good to see you again! I have been using the Gabriella (think that's the spelling) band since about 26 weeks. I definitely feel the support for my runs.

    Amy, hey girl! Great to see you and happy to hear all is well :-) About two and a half weeks left for me before maternity leave. Whoo hoo. I have to say I am a complete sun and heat girl so I've been sad with the cooler weather, but it sure has been beautiful the past few days and looks like it will stick around for a while. Yeah! This afternoon it was about 75 when I went for my run and I was thinking how I was very happy it wasn't any hotter as I don't think I'd be able to handle anymore heat. Hope the appointment for the VBAC goes well. My sister was able to have a successful one, but her two were about three years apart. I'll be thinking positive for you.

    I also have a great smokey mac & cheese recipe with smoked cheddar and fire roasted tomatoes if anyone is interested. My sweet tooth has actually been tamed by not normal for me! According to my doctor and research seafood can have great health benefits during pregnancy, just have to be careful about contaminants such as mercury and PCB's. I've eaten tons of seafood - keep thinking about all those healthy omega 3's for bambino's brain. There are many seafood options that are safe to eat 2-3 times per week. Others that are only recommended once a week - tuna(canned white albacore) falls in the once a week category. Of course my absolute favorite - ahi tuna is not allowed and I don't think it's safe for breastfeeding either. Darn!

    Wishing all the mamas and babies a happy Thursday tomorrow.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    MidniteDayDream, I am so happy you got to hear the heartbeat! Keeping you in my prayers for a healthy little one. Anchorage is such a beautiful city- my parents lived up there for about six years and I spent five summers working in Southeast Alaska in the early -mid 90's.

    TY! It does take such a load off my shoulders because I know the chances of miscarriage go down once you hear the heartbeat. But with everything we've been through in the past 5 years, I'm still holding my breath. I'll really and truly relax when I hear the heartbeat again at my 12 wk appointment.

    I LOVE Alaska!! We've only been up here about a year and a half, but I can safely say I fell in love the first week I was here. Even though it was winter. My family keeps refusing to believe that Anchorage is as big as it is. For some reason they think I live out in the boonies. When I called my family to tell them about the baby, my grandmother kept saying how I was never going to be able to find anything for the baby, "because it's Alaska, there's nothing up there. That's why it's so expensive." I told her we had all the same stores and that Anchorage was a rather large city and that there would be no problem finding stuff. I don't think she believed me. LOL
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    When I called my family to tell them about the baby, my grandmother kept saying how I was never going to be able to find anything for the baby, "because it's Alaska, there's nothing up there. That's why it's so expensive." I told her we had all the same stores and that Anchorage was a rather large city and that there would be no problem finding stuff. I don't think she believed me. LOL

    LOL! :laugh:, this literally made me laugh out loud!

    I told my parents, they are very happy. I am nauseated. Emailed my doc to beg for some zofran in case it gets worse (I guess I could prescribe it for myself but it would be awkward). Goodnight!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    The day we found out is the day that 5 of our closest friends found out too. We had a wedding reception and we are (for me was...) drinkers. I tried to pretend drink but got busted immediately and my friend called me on it. Ideally we wanted to wait a bit, but it didn't work out that way. Since half of our friends knew, we told our parents and my sister (my husband has 9 brothers and sisters so we waited a bit for them). Once we heard the heartbeat we started telling a few more poeple and then a couple weeks ago (I'm almost 15 weeks) we had our Facebook press release which basically means everyone we know now knows.

    I've got a dr. apt today at 1. I get to hear the heartbeat again!

    Tomorrow I am off work so looking forward to a long weekend with my sister and her family who are staying with us. Better get some work done so I can get out of here on time! If I don't keep up this weekend, hope you all have great ones!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Ok, so not to brag or anything, I'm 9 weeks along and my morning sickness is already completely gone. Thank g-d!!!!! My food aversions are starting to lessen as well, but I still can't even look at a chocolate vitatop! So strange for me because usually I'm a chocoholic. lol. To be honest, everything sweet seems gross to me still. And I'm having issues with vegetables too. I usually love to eat tons of vegetables, but right now they seem gross. The only vegetables I can eat are lettuces. Oh, and I'm craving ceasar salad. I even went out yesterday to buy whole wheat croutons and light ceasar dressing so I can make ceasar salads myself, lol.