Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    I also highly recommend not wandering into Victoria's Secret just for "fun" was slightly depressing. lol

    Lol I already find the thought depressing but I guess I better sex things up while I can. I gave a urine sample to the hospital and for some reason I'm nervous about the result. I don't see how the home test could be wrong, especially with my symptoms.

    My diet sucks, I am either hungry or nauseated, and the latter is only relieved by my gluten free crackers or cookies! That does not help my calorie counts Turbo fire was my only salvation today and I had to take a nap before I could pull it off. I have also noticed a lot of muscle soreness today, more than my strength workout normally induces. Going to sleep now, nauseated. I hope I don't have to vomit in the middle of the night :frown:

    Any tips for controlling the appetite and/or the nausea?

    Definitely hard to feel sexy now! A few weeks ago my mom kept the kids overnight for us to have some alone time. At bedtime I put on one of my old big girl nighties (from before I lost weight) and I tried to position myself in bed all sexy, but when my hubby walked in the room all we could do was laugh. Definitely can't wait to get back to kinky date nights :blushing:
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    I was on the elliptical at the gym yesterday and Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" came on my iPod and I got all emotional. Seriously?!?! LOL

    I used to sing that song to my son during diaper changes when he was a lot smaller. Makes me emotional, too!! Haha!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Had the best breakfast this morning and wanted to share!
    Vanilla Rice Crispies in Vanilla Coconut milk with cut up banana! :bigsmile:

    It was ridiculously tasty!

    Also, I am LOVING that nectarines are out in full force in the super markets right now, I can't get enough of them! YUM
    What's your fav summer fruit?

    I also bought turkey pepperoni yesterday to keep at work for snacks and to make sure I am getting more protein in - finally found a protein I can stomach! YAY
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Rayna - Love the profile picture! Breakfast sounds GOOD! Mmm, desserty, too! Have to agree. Can't eat enough nectarines this time of year. Yum!

    I'm feeling someone deflated. Spoke to the OB at Women's Hospital yesterday regarding my odds for a successful VBAC. Although it's ultimately my decision to try, the risks for a ruptured uterus are about 1 in 200 (which could lead to hysterectomy, multiple blood transfustion and death - baby and/or mom). Those odds are based on 18 months between babies. I'm 16.5 months between babies so the odds increase slightly. I'm torn. OB suggested that if trying to VBAC is important to me it might be worthwhile to book an Elective Repeat C-Section anywhere from week 39 - 41 but try to get myself into labour (with the help of Doc's cervical sweep) by week 38. The hope being a smaller baby will be an easier delivery, decreasing my chances of a ruptured uterus. Because I didn't have my past c-section due to cord around neck, breech baby or another one-time occurence, but probably because an 8 pound 1 ounce baby (like Colby was 10 days overdue) can't pass through my pelvis, chances are if this is a big baby, having another c-section is probable. Maybe I should just book an elective c-section (better than ending up with an emergency c-section after attempting VBAC), know my date, plan childcare for my toddler and help for the 6 weeks recovery and be done with it. Maybe I'm just not meant to have a natural childbirth.

    Thanks for reading. I feel better for just having got that all out.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hola ladies :)

    So today was interesting. I was at the gym lifting weights early this morning and this lady randomly comes up and asks me to be in a "fit and pregnant" photoshoot. It is a 2 page spread in a military magazine featuring exercises safe for pregnancy. No biggie, it was pretty fun though and my quads are dying... I worked out lower body this morning and when they were taking the pictures, the lunge and "hold the pose" killed it... like I said it was pretty interesting though :) The lady said she will send me my pics so I will put them up when I get them :)

    I feel so huge! officially 21 lbs up at almost 35 weeks but Its in my tummy so the stretchmarks are showing up :( Is there any hope that those marks will go away? What products have any of you used that worked? I did the lotion thing every day but I guess it didn't work :(
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Oh Amy, I feel for you! Big decisions to make. I wish my sister wasn't on vacation (she's gone the next two weeks) as an RN and someone who's been through it she probably would have some good research for you to check out. I know you have some tough choices ahead and lots of risks to look at. Good luck with the decision making, I'll be thinking of you.

    Lexi, I don't think there is any true cure to stretch marks. Unfortunately, some of us are just meant to stretch more than others. I would think your physical strength and age are two things you have going for you so hopefully the stretch marks will fade nicely. Can't wait to see the photo shoot pictures!

    All went well at my 36 week appointment - bambino is growing as they should and heartbeat sounds great and strong. Up 27 pounds - I've been stuck here a while now. My doctor is unconcerned so I am too! Will have the results of the group b strep culture next week.

    Happy Friday to everyone!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Rayna - I am loving peaches, cherries, and mangos, very yum. I feel you on the protein, I find that one tough. What brand of turkey pepperoni did you get?

    911girl, you know they are finding babies that go to 40 weeks do better? It's up to you, but it seems trying to force the baby out early and risking oxygen deprivation while stuck in the pelvis is pretty risky. But I'm an ER doc so I'm trained to think the worst! Good luck with your decision

    Lexi, congrats on the photoshoot. What a great role model!

    Smilegirl I'm so envious of your tiny weight gain! I feel like with my appetite they will have to roll me through the L&D doors! I got my blood test today, I am about 5-6 weeks and will get an ultrasound Monday!!! Is it crazy I'm thinking since we don't need to gain first trimester that I should diet until I'm 12 weeks to try and get off the 5 lbs I gained? I know some is water weight but still! As it is I'm 10lbs from goal weight cause I was wrestling with the final 5 when I got preggers :grumble:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    cutmd I personally wouldn't recommend dieting now...think about it this way, that 5lbs you've "gained" is either hormonal water weight or you've consumed an extra 17,500 calories above your maintenance and exercise calories you've burned in the past 2-3wks since getting pregnant. And by the sound of your workouts and the snacks you say you eat....that is probably highly unlikely. You don't need to gain weight in the first trimester (most gain between 3-5lbs though) but dieting is never advised during should know that ;) You are so healthy and active that once that baby comes you will set goals for yourself and achieve them! Don't get caught up in the weight gain right got a long ways to go! lol! Just do your best to eat healthy and stay active. That's the best way for a healthy you and a healthy baby! I seriously struggled with this as well. I was 6-8lbs away from my goal weight when we started doing infertility treatment. I managed to not gain weight taking Clomid and having 2 miscarriages...then my doc prescribed me Prometrium (progesterone) to take after ovulation in conjunction with the Clomid (I have PCOS and have been ttc for over 7 years btw). Within the first 10wks of being pregnant my weight ballooned despite my continued healthy eating and working out per my usual 2 hours, 6 days per week. I kept beating my head up against the wall trying to figure it all out and why it was happening. Never occurred to me that the very drugs that helped get me pregnant/keep me pregnant were the very ones to give me a nice little layer of body fat over top of my nicely defined muscles! lol! But I've come to terms with it...if that is what it took to keep my baby alive then I will just deal with it after she comes.

    Weight gain is really hard during pregnancy for us women that work so hard to stay fit and healthy....but all you can do is eat nutritious healthy foods and stay active, sometimes your body has a mind of its own. I also know of women who eat bags of chips and pints of ice cream and gain 25lbs during their pregnancy...and I also know women who workout religiously and eat amazingly healthy and have gained 60....Typically the women who continue to workout and eat well lose the weight almost immediately following the baby's arrival.

    Holly I'm so glad your appointment went well! Only 25 days until the baby is due!!! That is so close! I'm super duper excited for you (if you can't tell)! lol!

    Lexi how awesome! You go girl! What a compliment for people to look at you and see a beautiful, fit and healthy mama to be! As for the stretch marks...unfortunately it is genetics and no amount of creams, oils, or potions can alter genetics. I agree with the previous comment that your age and your health should work for you and help them fade well. I hope everything else is going okay. When will you be heading back to Texas?

    Amy I'm so sorry you have to make such a tough decision...I'm sure you will make what is best for you and the baby and you will come out of it all with a beautiful and healthy little one! :)

    Rayna...I tried the coconut milk but I couldn't get past the fact that it tasted like a watered down pina colada to me! lol! I love my almond milk though. But I am pro coconut anything! I think it is an amazing, nutritious thing! I love cooking in unrefined organic coconut oil. And there is coconut flour and sugar as well!

    I'm going to get in an hour workout this morning and then head off to my birthing class. Kinda stinks not going with Al. We always have the greatest time on the weekends together. We usually go for lunch after the class and talk all things baby. Oh well...he will be home before I know it and then my 3d ultrasound! YAY! I can't wait to see her face! She hid it the last u/s so we didn't get a good profile picture.

    Hope you all have a healthy and productive Saturday!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi all! It's nice to see so many posts on here!

    MidniteDayDream- congrats on the ultrasound going well! I just had my 21 week u/s (the only one I'll have, unless there are issues), and it was so amazing to see that little being!

    OTM- yes, you should feel free to eat a variety of foods that you're wanting. I had so many "cravings" before I was pregnant though, that I've decided to keep logging, just to keep myself on track and to be able to look back and see if it was my overindulgence or baby growing that caused weight gain at certain times during the pregnancy!

    cutmd- I told my hubby, of course, but other than that, only told 2 friends who don't really know my other family/friends, so there wouldn't be a chance of the news leaking out. My doctor said at 33, I'm a little on the "old" side, and should definitely wait until the 12 week mark to tell anybody else. Now at 21 weeks, everybody knows!

    Heather- yeah, Victoria Secret was pretty depressing in general, especially before I lost all my weight and they have nothing bigger than a large! Finally fit into some mediums, then got pregnant, so will definitely be taking your advice to avoid going in there the next 4 months!!! ;o)

    Somebody commented about baby's heartbeat- when I had my u/s the tech said our baby was at 149, and anything between 120-160 in second trimester is considered ok....

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week! I still really haven't had many symptoms (am SO thankful), and just last week my pants started getting a little tight around my lower belly- thankfully, I saved all my "fat" clothes as I was losing weight, so am pulling them out again to hold off on the maternity pants for a bit longer.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Rayna, if I had to limit my summer fruit to one choice it would be raspberries. I can seriously eat an entire flat all by myself! unfortunately our weather has all the fruit coming late this year....I am thinking the raspberries should be ready about now. I love fruit in general though and have had lots of nectarines, watermelon and cherries lately.

    Cutmd, yes!! I think you are crazy to think of dieting at this stage. First trimester sucks with the fatigue, bloating, and sore, gigantically growing breasts! You sound mentally very similar to many of us on this board - we are a motivated, healthy and fit group of women who are very conscious about keeping our bodies in good shape. That makes the weight gain of pregnancy so very hard to get your mind around. I know for myself, I am the heaviest I have ever been right now. Mentally, that was really difficult when I hit that number on the scale (which I can't remember if that happened end of first or early second trimester). Like Heather, I had a tough journey to get pregnant (although not nearly as long as her!) it was three years for us. So, I am absolutely thrilled to be getting this experience and have realized that gaining the weight is a necessity and something I am perfectly okay with so that I can bring a healthy bambino into this crazy world!! I've had funny weight surges along the way, can't quite remember but think I gained somewhere like 6-7 pounds first trimester, then gained more earlier second trimester and then started to level out. I tend to eat clean with tons of fruits and vegetables, lots of seafood and lean protein and whole grains. Don't get me wrong, I have my cream and cookies (doesn't help that I love to bake) and I certainly fall of the clean wagon from time to time. Keep up with your healthy workouts and nutrition and I bet you'll find that you eventually start to even out with the weight gain as well. Your body is just going crazy with hormones right now. I agree with Heather too - staying active and eating well during pregnancy will make it so much easier to lose whatever amount of weight you end up gaining. Good luck to you and let us know when you need support!

    Heather, yes time is really flying now! I see that "only 25 days to go" and think wholly cow I can't believe it's that close!! I am very excited, but starting to get a little anxious about the delivery process. I know that is normal and do feel very prepared, I think it's just the nervousness of never doing this before. Lucky for me, my husband has L&D experience so that eases my mind and I know I'll have an awesome coach and supporter. Isn't it funny, I have no personal experience with this but my husband does?! I'm not planning to have anyone but my husband with me, but also have my sister (with personal and L&D experience) if I feel like I need additional support. Hope you have a great Bradley class today.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    khrys1, I think it's funny that your doctor considers you old at 33! I'm pretty sure it's age 35 when you are considered AMA (advanced maternal age). Anyway, I am 38 and not once through my pregnancy has anyone in my doctor's office used my age as a detriment to pregnancy. I know we had a difficult time ttc, but my doctor never truly thought that age was the total contributing problem (I have PCOS too). Anyway, just gave me a little giggle this morning! I think you are a sprite, young thing ;-) Glad to hear that all is progressing well with you.
  • caroline150
    caroline150 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Ladies! i just recently found out that I'm pregnant (almost 6 weeks) and due in April. Hoping this thread can give me some good advice. The day I found out I quit logging my food. My appetite has been out of control the last week and my energy meter is at an all time low.

    When I get back from my walk I'll start catching up on the previous posts...quick question how many calories do I need to consume during the first trimester? I know it will be hard to meet a goal with cravings, appetite increase, and sickness but I'm just looking for a ball park number. Thanks in advance.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Hi Ladies! i just recently found out that I'm pregnant (almost 6 weeks) and due in April. Hoping this thread can give me some good advice. The day I found out I quit logging my food. My appetite has been out of control the last week and my energy meter is at an all time low.

    When I get back from my walk I'll start catching up on the previous posts...quick question how many calories do I need to consume during the first trimester? I know it will be hard to meet a goal with cravings, appetite increase, and sickness but I'm just looking for a ball park number. Thanks in advance.

    First, Congrats!!!! And Welcome!

    Second, most of us here are eating at Maintenance calories, and still logging everything we eat. Just because you're pregnant, doesn't mean you actually need to eat for two. You won't need to start eating extra calories until the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Even then it's only an extra 300-600. Just keep eating healthy, have small meals and snack plenty. And don't forget your prenatal vitamins and water!
  • caroline150
    caroline150 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you for the tip!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Saturday all.

    Today is my last day in my 20's tomorrow I turn 30. It's very weird to me, but having the baby come helps make it a new chapter in my life rather than just feeling old, haha. For my birthday I asked my hubby to buy me a treadmill. I think I'm going to get the Livestrong LS10.0T. I'm really excited about it. I'm going to use it while I watch all my guilty pleasure TV. It will be much better than just sitting there haha.

    Well I hope you all are having a great weekend. I will try to catch up more later.

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Nichole sounds like a GREAT bday gift and Happy early Birthday!!! 30 is wayyyy better than 29 anyways ;) And just this morning I watch Jersey Shore as I walked furiously on my treadmill! lol!

    I'd have to disagree about the amount of calories needed during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. You actually only need 200-300 extra calories added to your maintenance calories. Just enough for a nightly scoop or 2 of ice cream. :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Definitely hard to feel sexy now! A few weeks ago my mom kept the kids overnight for us to have some alone time. At bedtime I put on one of my old big girl nighties (from before I lost weight) and I tried to position myself in bed all sexy, but when my hubby walked in the room all we could do was laugh. Definitely can't wait to get back to kinky date nights :blushing:

    LMAO! The other day I was saying to my hubby: "how could you even look at me, I'm losing my waistline, and not sexy at all". Some how I think man find our changing body sexy. :-)
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    cant believe im here, ive 'searched' pregnancy in the forums for a few weeks and can happily say i can now officially join!! YAYYY
    Only found out yesterday that i am 5 and half weeks pregnant.
    Ive been overweight most my life but in the last few years ive managed to stay at a decebt weight (about 20 pounds overweight as opposed to the previous 56 pounds overweight) so am worried about the gain. Going to really try focus on healthy eating for the sake of the baby, dont want it to get any of the bad habits i had

    Well its a busy forum and ive read quite a few posts so im hoping i can get your friendship and the way i am 36, first baby and am from UK....feel free to add.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome MCC75!

    Hubby has been spoiling me this last week! He bought me two new pairs of comfy pants, since I can't stand any pressure on my stomach lately and I can feel my jeans getting tighter at the waist (a pair of yoga pants and pair of sweats, Time bandit ones my fav boat off of deadliest catch!). He also took me out to see planet of the apes tonight because I was bored. And he's been cuddling and petting me in the mornings, even when I feel like complete and utter crap from a night of very little sleep.

    I just had to gush because I can't believe how sweet he's being and I've been so cranky and miserable these last few days. But it's 1:30 am and I'm gonna try and hopefully get a few hours of sleep before waking up again. Damn this pregnancy induced insomnia. Tired as all hell, but just can't sleep. :(
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Wow I am so behind in the posts, I won't even attempt to respond to everyone lol... I am almost at 28 weeks now, feeling great, finally looking pregnant. I just have to say how much the maternity clothing selection SUCKS! I went shopping yesterday at this destination maternity place (its a combo of motherhood, pea in a pod and other clothes), and although they did have some nice items, the prices were just awful. I am planning on getting by these last 2 months with leggings and long tops, so I can just buy the long tops from any store, but needed the leggings with the belly space. $40 for leggings lol... That wasn't even the bad part. I thought I'd get one pair of skinny jeans and this store they cost no less than $185 bucks! For jeans! Same as my other jeans only with an elastic waist ! Anyway I bought 1 pair of leggings to hold me over in case it gets cold. My hubby and I are going to NY beginning of aug so I'm hoping they will have a bit more of selection. I'm due Nov 2nd and it tends to be quite warm here until mid october so may not even use the jeans. Too bad there is not a better selection of maternity clothes that don't make you look like your wearing "mom clothes" lol....
    Also I have to find a nice dress for a wedding in Sept, any suggestions? I will probably just buy a dress in a size up instead of maternity since I can still fit in all my dresses right now.